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Things of your day



  • More take-down-notice love. I appreciate the effort though!
  • edited March 2013
    He wasn't in the wrong pit box, he's just very polite. He saw some old friends, and decided to pop round for a quick hello.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • And now, an adventure in mispronunciation in the Octagon.

  • Anybody still playing Bombermine?

    Frickin ace of a game, if they can sort out the networking issues.
  • edited March 2013
    Enabling SPDY and HTTP Pipelining in Chrome under chrome://flags makes Google sites load in 1/3 the time.

    chrome://net-internals/#spdy to look at what's getting sent via it.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I see you Scott, 0:59.

  • Scott served admirably.
  • Meatspace is the proper term, very yes.

  • This is freaking me out.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2013
    Raina Telgemeier's (author of the graphic novels Smile and Drama) newest book has just been announced!! YAY!!!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I bought a new car, 2013 Honda Civic LX.
  • I bought a new car, 2013 Honda Civic LX.
    Nice! :D

  • I... I think the XKCD comic is changing... very slowly. When I loaded it just now it was different from how it was before...

    Am I... am I going crazy?
  • I... I think the XKCD comic is changing... very slowly. When I loaded it just now it was different from how it was before...

    Am I... am I going crazy?
    It definitely is. That's the joke. That's why it's called "Time". That's why the alt text is "Wait for it."
  • I... I think the XKCD comic is changing... very slowly. When I loaded it just now it was different from how it was before...

    Am I... am I going crazy?
    It definitely is. That's the joke. That's why it's called "Time". That's why the alt text is "Wait for it."
    When I loaded it up this morning, it was two people sitting in a field, staring into space.

    I thought it was an artistic expression, basically saying "Time is a-wasting". It actually made me sit still and think about it for a couple of minutes. It feels weird having read that much into it, and it now turning out to be something completely different.
  • I... I think the XKCD comic is changing... very slowly. When I loaded it just now it was different from how it was before...

    Am I... am I going crazy?
    It definitely is. That's the joke. That's why it's called "Time". That's why the alt text is "Wait for it."
    When I loaded it up this morning, it was two people sitting in a field, staring into space.

    I thought it was an artistic expression, basically saying "Time is a-wasting". It actually made me sit still and think about it for a couple of minutes. It feels weird having read that much into it, and it now turning out to be something completely different.

  • I... I think the XKCD comic is changing... very slowly. When I loaded it just now it was different from how it was before...

    Am I... am I going crazy?
  • One criticism of the comic is that the water level doesn't rise or fall.
  • Supreme Court On Gay Marriage: 'Sure, Who Cares'
    Bog Damn it.

    I hate it when an onion article illustrate more awesome world than the one we have. What sort of horrifying reality do we live in when the ridiculous satire is actually better than real life?

  • Grass. Green-ness. Sides. Others. You get the picture.
  • Grass. Green-ness. Sides. Others. You get the picture.
    Are you implying that from the perspective of the world where gay people can marry because there's no reason to ban it, THIS world is preferable?

    In short: Gun manufacturers are trying to fulfill an emotional need rather than provide useful tools, we can't predict who will be the next serial killer, suicides count for 2/3 of the gun deaths, we kinda have a collective obsession with guns, and gun crime is declining.
  • Extended Remix
  • Grass. Green-ness. Sides. Others. You get the picture.
    Are you implying that from the perspective of the world where gay people can marry because there's no reason to ban it, THIS world is preferable?
    No, I'm saying that satire will always be what looks better. It made sense in my head.

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