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Things of your day



  • Hmmm... more dancing skills.
  • If you read VG cats, then you probably already saw this

    Mekuri Master
  • edited November 2008
    Apparently, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds released a new album earlier this year, and I totally missed it. Therefore, my thing of the day is Nick Cave. If you don't know about him, the Bad Seeds, or Grinderman, educate yourself.

    Also, for your listening and viewing pleasure, one of my favorite songs. Ever.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Apparently, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds released a new album earlier this year, and I totally missed it.
    Oh wow, really? S'good album.
  • edited November 2008
    This is rock and roll.

    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited November 2008
    This is rock and roll.
    Look out Dave Weckl...

    ...Funny Asian Drum Machine Guy is is coming for you!
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Rym and Scott'sdream job.
    This has reinvigorated my need to buy a missile silo.
  • edited November 2008
    My thing of the day is a comment by a friend of mine:

    "Yay! I worked out what Web2.0 is!

    The first internet revolution was when hoi polloi were allowed on the internet (think BLINK tags, personal home pages, hamster dance). Really this was the birth of the web, or the death of it, if you were an academic institution. At that time, it was still possible to find facts on the internet.

    Next was when commerce got excited about it (amazon, e-(fill-in-name).com etc.) more hoi polloi got on board as the internet became interesting to people who didn’t find computers inherently interesting. It became much harder to find boring “facts” as they were drowned in corporate “messages”.

    Web2.0 is the commercial interests taking our stuff off us. Rather than personal home pages, email and servers running from geeks’ basements, we have facebook, google docs etc. It’s about millions of people gladly turning over their personal material to massive global corporations on the vague assumption that there’s some kind of ethical boundary that nobody would dare cross. It is “the internet” saying “don’t worry about your stuff. we’ll look after it for you. In fact it’s our stuff now but you can still play with it”. Facts and messages are swamped by comments on ratings of reviews of comments on products that help you rate comments."
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • Youtube can do widescreen videos now. However how does one make them wide screen?

  • My thing of the day came early in the morning. After working out for one month straight so far, I can see results on my tummy! Yay. I'm so happy.
  • Sound is NSFW
  • That game is infuriating.
  • 4 meters. I give up.
  • 11.1 Meters, they guy should have been screaming in pain from the way he was running though.
  • edited November 2008
    First try - -1.4 Metres. Wait, what?

    Edit - I managed to make it all the way, but it was shameful, I hopped/crawled on one knee.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2008
    30.7 meters, though I wasn't so much "running" as "inching along on my knee"


    I probably could have beat the game given a huge amount of patience and a quick break for carpal tunnel therapy.

    EDIT: Churba seems to have beat me to it.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I actually made it to the end, too. I hopped on one knee the whole way, though.
  • edited November 2008
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • Natural Selection: Source Video Preview
    The best bit was how you thought that would actually be funny. Flashblock kinda ruined the effect.
  • edited November 2008
    The best bit was how you thought I would actually care. ^_~
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • edited November 2008

    Despite popular opinion, I really enjoy some of these videos.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Mahna Mahna + juggling = win?
  • My QWOP best:

    At 50m there is a hurdle!
  • edited November 2008

    A chicken is really good at keeping its head still.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • Free steam games, AWW YEAH!


    Don't actually try this!
  • Free steam games, AWW YEAH!
    Yeah, free Steam games for the maker of this video.
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