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Things of your day



  • A Gentelman's Duel
    That was absolutely hilarious, I hope that they do more stuff like that.
    I also like it. Especially the fish attack. Make sure to watch it in high quality though, lots of detail.
  • Utena opening parodies. :3

    Vocaloid Version (Rin x Len):

    Hetalia Version (Lithuania x Poland):

    FF7: Crisis Core Version (Zack x Aerith):

    Not sure what this is, but the name of the video is Momoiro Kakumei Hatachi, and it's the best of the bunch (Girl Who Looks Like the Woman From Ebichu x Adorable Abomination With Sharp Pointy Teeth):
  • Adorable Abomination With Sharp Pointy Teeth
    Looks like a horseshoe crab to me. They've looked like that for 300 million years!
  • edited January 2009
    Ah, so it does. I'd forgotten about those guys. :o

    I still claim my designation as a cuter name, though. ;)
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • Man tries to catch a falling tree! Can he do it?!
  • Ah, so it does. I'd forgotten about those guys. :o
    They're one of the best freaking creatures in the world. They have a body-covering hard shell, a freaking rapier (hence the (CUTEST) Dutch designation Degenkrab, meaning roughly swordcrab), and has blue blood. At least, when it gets into contact with oxygen. Imagine the tan version of those creatures. Not to mention, it's family of the creatures where we got our spines from.
  • Just got in the mail:
    -Dick Tracy
    -Mike Tyson's Punch Out
    -Blaster Master
    -Legend of Zelda (both this one and Link are to replace the ones that got stolen a few years back)
    -Adventures of Link
    -Metroid (never played this one before on the NES)
    -8 Eyes
    -Super Dodgeball

    Also 2 Nintendo Max controllers (those were intended to replace 1 of my original NES controllers that has problems with the A button, and so I can play World Cup with 3 more friends) but just realized they kinda SUCK ASS.

    Confirmed on the way (Crystalis, Batman, Megaman III)

    All bought quite for the cheap (only exception is Punch Out, that one cost $12) a friend picked them up over there, so no $1 cart $30 Shipping, packed them in 2 boxes and sent them my way (2 boxes because he found a working atari 2600 with all the cables, 2 working joysticks and 6 games for $20, that is kinda expensive.. but oh well)
  • Oh internets, how horrible can you be. A source of practically endless information.

    Here, have a GIF image.
  • edited January 2009
    So Rym, I hear you have a bike.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • So Rym, I hear you have abike.
  • So Rym, I hear you have abike.
    Jesus H. Christ! Put an NSFW tag on that stuff before you throw it up there.
  • So Rym, I hear you have abike.
    Woah!It's actually relatively tame, but I still don't want the first thing I see when I wake up to be testicles tangled up in bike spokes.....
  • My girlfriend told me about this clip about a year ago, but we always forgot to look it up. I just watched it for the first time and it was funnier than I ever imagined (quite old though). Sing it now: "Ken Leeeeeeeeee!"
  • So Rym, I hear you have a bike.
    Woah! It's actually relatively tame, but I still don't want the first thing I see when I wake up to be testicles tangled up in bike spokes.....
    We had -18C degrees last night and this site got me thinking about whether you'd get stuck the same way as with your tongue on cold metal. Now that'd be a manly dare.
  • So Rym, I hear you have abike.
    Woah! It's actually relatively tame, but I still don't want the first thing I see when I wake up to be testicles tangled up in bike spokes.....
    We had -18C degrees last night and this site got me thinking about whether you'd get stuck the same way as with your tongue on cold metal. Now that'd be a manly dare.
    There is no saliva on your balls (at least, normally ;-p).
  • So Rym, I hear you have abike.
    Woah! It's actually relatively tame, but I still don't want the first thing I see when I wake up to be testicles tangled up in bike spokes.....
    We had -18C degrees last night and this site got me thinking about whether you'd get stuck the same way as with your tongue on cold metal. Now that'd be a manly dare.
    There is no saliva on your balls (at least, normally ;-p).
    Really sweaty balls?
  • edited January 2009
    "Gyakuten Meets Orchestra" (Torrent link).

    "Gyakuten Meets Soul Jazz"

    CADENZA (Not sure what kind of music, sorta metally and electronic)
    Post edited by Omnutia on

  • Hitler Trick Bike!
  • The frick. Something really wonked happened to my TotD post, reposting:

    So, apparently OpenBSD makes a new song for every release. They are fun.
  • This the trailer of win, of a thousand wins.
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2009
    My second thing of the day is this thing.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • This gif.

  • edited January 2009
    I just finished watching Steel Angel Kurumi (the whole series, but not Steel Angel Kurumi 2, as I'm not really interested in it), and I liked it. The show gets serious towards the end and isn't completely rampant with fan-service/ecchi and all that, as you would expect. I haven't seen all of a lot of anime. To be honest, I really like anime a lot, but I still haven't seen a bunch yet. I'm working on that.

    Go ahead, flame about how much it is a bad show, but I liked it personally.

    I feel like I had imagined Scrym or any anime geek felt after they had marathoned their first anime in whole. Such a good feeling. ^_^
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • My girlfriend was this week's featured artist in Die Welt. Here is the online version, I haven't seen the print version yet as we're not in Germany at the moment. I even get a mention, and they almost got the spelling of my name right.
  • edited January 2009
    You could definitely do worse than Steel Angel Kurumi in terms of maid/fanservice shows. The humour in that show is incredibly cute, the 1920s-ish setting and omnyou elements are at least semi-original when it comes to these sorts of shows, and I quite liked most of the characters. The end wasn't too bad either. And it actually has one of my all-time favourite cute-style anime theme songs. :)

    It seems that nothing else Kurumi-related was ever even near decent the way the first season was, though. The second season, the OVA and the original manga are all complete trash. ><
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • edited January 2009
    Yeah, the second season isn't so great. The opener for the first series was really cute though. ^_^

    The OVA "Encore" I didn't think was too bad; it was more like they just added a couple of shows that would otherwise be fillers in the middle of the series to the end, for people who couldn't get enough. I really enjoyed it as a whole though. I would probably buy it if I could find it really cheap. My parents know that I like anime and support it and respect it as well, but I'm not sure how fond they would be of buying a show like that... ^_~
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • Yeah, the second season isn't so great. The opener for the first series was really cute though. ^_^

    The OVA "Encore" I didn't think was too bad; it was more like they just added a couple of shows that would otherwise be fillers in the middle of the series to the end, for people who couldn't get enough. I really enjoyed it as a whole though. I would probably buy it if I could find it really cheap. My parents know that I like anime and support it and respect it as well, but I'm not sure how fond they would be of buying a show like that... ^_~
    Oh sorry, I wasn't talking about Encore when I mentioned the OVA (I consider Encore part of the first season). The OVA is called Steel Angel Kurumi Zero, and it was never released in North America to my knowledge. It's basically just one episode and so incredibly bland that it's unbelievable.
  • edited January 2009
    Well this was unexpected.

    So they do exist.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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