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Regional differences



  • I'm a Soda-pop kinda guy myself...but I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority on that one.
    And Pizza is Deep Dish only. There is no other kind...
    (Thank God I've not lost my Chicagoan sensibilities for Minnesotan one's.)
  • In South Boston, they call it tonic. I guess it's not a statewide phenomenon.
    I will admit to not going to Southie that much. So that's entirely possible.
  • I was told that here in Nova Scotia we are the only ones that use the term "Donair" instead of "Gyro".
    That's pronounced "year-ro."
  • jccjcc
    edited October 2007
    What's mumbo sauce taste like???
    Post edited by jcc on
  • What's mumbo sauce taste like???
  • I guess North Carolina is hybrid. Everything you guys argue over we do interchangeably.
  • What's mumbo sauce taste like???


    Strangely enough, Rym is correct on this LOL. I personally hate mumbo sauce. I know it consists of ketchup, hot sauce and water I think. Plus some ingredient I can't put my finger on when I taste it.

    If you ever travel to Washington D.C., go to a Chinese carry out. Get the wings and ask for mumbo sauce. It's something you have to taste for yourself.
  • And there's a "u" in colour!
    300 million Americans. 60 million Brits. Guess who gets to cut vowels now, bitch :D
    Buts it's called the English Language for a reason.

    Its interesting reading through this and seeing all the regional differences. Some of which just seem silly :)

  • Where I live (Atlanta):
    Soda is called Coke no matter what kind you actually want.
    Nothing irks me more than asking a waiter for a Coke and getting a Pepsi. If you do not serve Coke please say so! Most of the time I just order root beer or iced tea, those two are hard to fuck up.
  • Am I the only one here that drinks Coke and Pepsi interchangeably? They taste slightly different, but I don't prefer one over the other.
  • Am I the only one here that drinks Coke and Pepsi interchangeably? They taste slightly different, but I don't prefer one over the other.
    I find Coke has a bigger initial carbonation bite while Pepsi is sweeter and flatter.
  • edited October 2007
    300 million Americans. 60 million Brits. Guess who gets to cut vowels now, bitch :D
    Go Here take the one off the top and add the rest together. You are way out numbered. Though I was expecting America to have a higher population.
    I eat fries with my burgers, not chips.
    There is a reason they are called fries; Originally fries didn't have any potato in them so they couldn't call them selves chips.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • 300 million Americans. 60 million Brits. Guess who gets to cut vowels now, bitch :D
    GoHeretake the one off the top and add the rest together. You are way out numbered. Though I was expecting America to have a higher population.I eat fries with my burgers, not chips.
    There is a reason they are called fries; Originally fries didn't have any potato in them so they couldn't call them selves chips.We've got the nukes.
  • There is a reason they are called fries; Originally fries didn't have any potato in them so they couldn't call them selves chips.
  • edited October 2007
    300 million Americans. 60 million Brits. Guess who gets to cut vowels now, bitch :D
    GoHeretake the one off the top and add the rest together. You are way out numbered. Though I was expecting America to have a higher population.I eat fries with my burgers, not chips.
    There is a reason they are called fries; Originally fries didn't have any potato in them so they couldn't call them selves chips.
    We've got the nukes.Nukes are, all things considered, pretty ineffective weapons as you can't use them without being blown to pieces yourself. Plus the rest of the world has massive economical leverage over the US.

    Can someone please tell me what Bargle is?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • 300 million Americans. 60 million Brits. Guess who gets to cut vowels now, bitch :D
    GoHeretake the one off the top and add the rest together. You are way out numbered. Though I was expecting America to have a higher population.I eat fries with my burgers, not chips.
    There is a reason they are called fries; Originally fries didn't have any potato in them so they couldn't call them selves chips.
    We've got the nukes.
    Nukes are, all things considered, pretty ineffective weapons as you can't use them without being blown to pieces yourself. Plus the rest of the world has massive economical leverage over the US.

    Can someone please tell me what Bargle is?
    Puke. Throw up. Regurgitation. Stomach snot.
  • Am I the only one here that drinks Coke and Pepsi interchangeably? They taste slightly different, but I don't prefer one over the other.
    I DO! I used to hate them both, preferring root beer, orange pop, cream soda, etc. Now, I'll drink everything, including Coke and Pepsi. They do taste a little different, and both have different effects on me if I drink too much (Coke - it starts tasting bland, makes me feel sick and tired, Pepsi - makes my stomach roll), but they're the same in my book. It takes a bit for me to figure out the difference.

    Can someone please tell me what Bargle is?
    I believe bargle is just a random word that generally means confusion.. As if their brain shut down. At least, that's what I use it for.
  • edited October 2007
    Bargle means vomit. See the GeekNights episode entitled "Bargle Bargle!" for more explicit details.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited October 2007
    Bargle means vomit. See the GeekNights episode entitled "Bargle Bargle!" for more explicit details.
    Is that the episode with the shower chicken? I might've dreamed this episode but I have the faint memory of chicken coming out of one of their noses in the shower.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Nukes are, all things considered, pretty ineffective weapons as you can't use them without being blown to pieces yourself.
  • Nukes are, all things considered, pretty ineffective weapons as you can't use them without being blown to pieces yourself.
    We're pretty damn good at Tic-Tac-Toe and Global Thermonuclear War.
  • edited October 2007
    I'm out here in Columbus, Ohio. A.K.A. where soda = pop.  I say soda whenever I can, but there's only so many times that you can hear 'pop' before you start saying it yourself....god I hate the word pop!
    Also my grandpa says 'push' with an accentuated 'u' so it comes out like 'poush'. (Also really annoying)
    I met a guy from Indiana that says your 'weak' instead of funny.  That was just kind of weird.
    Post edited by Usagimaru on
  • 1. It is soda

    2. They are (shopping) carts, although people around here have taken a liking to calling them buggies.

    3. Those long sandwiches? Subs.
  • I forgot about a very influential type of music in the DC area. Go go music. I absolutely hate it so much. It's hard to explain but it's basically congo, drums, and base mixed. A lot of it are covers of popular hip hop. Personally I can't stand it. They have a lot of go go clubs too but they're usually bad news.
  • Now that I think of it, I have never heard either soda or pop being used. In Sydney we mainly say Soft Drink, and shopping carts = trolleys.
  • Now that I think of it, I have never heard either soda or pop being used. In Sydney we mainly say Soft Drink, and shopping carts = trolleys.
    I'm from Western Australia and we mainly call it 'cool drink'. I've never heard soda or pop either except on TV. The wikipedia article on this topic is surprisingly comprehensive.
  • edited October 2007
    And it's sandwitch.  Not samitch, sammitch or samwitch.  Even Brak says sandwitch.

    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • It's Canadien you bloody anglaphons, and the third season of the year is Autumn, not fall; all the leaves don't fall of of the trees depending where you live, if I go outside right now, yes some leaves are falling off the tree, however leaves of trees such as a pine will remain there less the tree dies.

    Also since when does population mean shit when it comes to determining what the dominant language is (or variation of such) as by that reasoning Chinese is the current international language, though I don't remember much of a drive to learn it in high school. Also what the hell does having Nukes/ICBMs have to do with language at all? Aren't they rather ineffective as a large number of countries either have their own nukes, or more likely that the pure political fallout from using a nuke would kill any government that used them. But that said, I'm sure all those people would simply love a nice little nuclear winter.
  • Are you going to make us put tongue-in-cheek tags on posts?
  • 1. SOFT DRINK, you freaks
    2. Shopping trolley, trolley, or sometimes (but not often) a shopping cart
    3. Long sandwiches are subs, I guess. I think there's a few other acceptable names around though, including "sandwich". "Sandwich" is mostly reserved for sliced bread.
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