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Regional differences



  • Resurrected!
    The the storage compartment in the back of a car is called the trunk, not the 'boot.'
  • It's boot. Sorry, but you are wrong.
  • edited November 2007
    Yes, it's 'boot'. Also 'glove box' is the equivalent of 'glove compartment'.
    Post edited by Paulathon on
  • edited September 2011
    So people in the south are still obsessed with the civil war and still use the terms Yankee and Carpetbagger. Also, apparently the Mason-Dixon line does not determine where the North and South are divided, it's a cultural thing.

    I really just hate it when my friend calls me a Yankee because 1. he's using the term wrong and 2. I'm not a Yankee, I'm an Orioles fan.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • So people ig'nant dicks in the south are still obsessed with the civil war and still use the terms Yankee and Carpetbagger.
    There are plenty of cool rednecks out there. The only stereotypes I've found to hold true all the time are disagreeable (but not insane) political stances and mild homophobia. Even those are blown way out of proportion, really. You just have to make sure not to get too many drunk ones in the same place.
  • The major thing I do not understand is alot rednecks are against Universal Health Care. Heck, it would benefit the majority of these people. Why are the so stupid?
  • The major thing I do not understand is alot rednecks are against Universal Health Care. Heck, it would benefit the majority of these people. Why are the so stupid?
    The fact is it would benefit the WRONG people. They look at it in those terms. The wrong people in this case being blacks, latinos and other undesirables to them.
  • The major thing I do not understand is alot rednecks are against Universal Health Care. Heck, it would benefit the majority of these people. Why are the so stupid?
    The fact is it would benefit the WRONG people. They look at it in those terms. The wrong people in this case being blacks, latinos and other undesirables to them.
    God I fucking hate them....

    Rednecks, not the people you listed.
  • Rednecks, not the people you listed.
    Not all rednecks are inherently bad. There are a lot of intelligent rednecks out there.
  • Rednecks, not the people you listed.
    Not all rednecks are inherently bad. There are a lot of intelligent rednecks out there.
    But they still are most likely against Health Care.
  • Rednecks, not the people you listed.
    Not all rednecks are inherently bad. There are a lot of intelligent rednecks out there.
    But they still are most likely against Health Care.
    And/or very red state.
  • edited September 2011
    Rednecks, not the people you listed.
    Not all rednecks are inherently bad. There are a lot of intelligent rednecks out there.
    But they still are most likely against Health Care.
    My impression is that they just don't think about their politics that hard. They have values and ideas that they were raised with, and that's what they stick to. It makes for damn friendly, very moral people with somewhat skewed ethics. Great friends, bad voters.

    To restate my point, as a progressively-minded tolerant atheistic science geek living in the rural south, my experiences with self-declared rednecks have been largely positive. Most people who hate southerners haven't made the time to get to know them and learn about the way they think.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • To restate my point, as a progressively-minded tolerant atheistic science geek living in the rural south, my experiences with self-declared rednecks have been largely positive. Most people who hate southerners haven't made the time to get to know them and learn about the way they think.
    I wish *I* worked on a goat farm sometimes...
  • Rednecks, not the people you listed.
    Not all rednecks are inherently bad. There are a lot of intelligent rednecks out there.
    But they still are most likely against Health Care.
    My impression is that they just don't think about their politics that hard. They have values and ideas that they were raised with, and that's what they stick to. It makes for damn friendly, very moral people with somewhat skewed ethics. Great friends, bad voters.

    To restate my point, as a progressively-minded tolerant atheistic science geek living in the rural south, my experiences with self-declared rednecks have been largely positive. Most people who hate southerners haven't made the time to get to know them and learn about the way they think.
    They may be good people, sure. But if they are against something so obviously good, then I loose respect for them.
  • To restate my point, as a progressively-minded tolerant atheistic science geek living in the rural south, my experiences with self-declared rednecks have been largely positive. Most people who hate southerners haven't made the time to get to know them and learn about the way they think.
    I wish *I* worked on a goat farm sometimes...
    Goats are scary.... Scary.
  • I don't know if this has been mentioned, but has anyone outside of New England ever had that awesome concoction known as Coffee Milk? You make it with Coffee Syrup and Milk.
  • I don't know if this has been mentioned, but has anyone outside of New England ever had that awesome concoction known as Coffee Milk? You make it with Coffee Syrup and Milk.
    Can you substitute instant coffee crystals and sugar for coffee syrup?

    If so, yes.
  • I don't know if this has been mentioned, but has anyone outside of New England ever had that awesome concoction known as Coffee Milk? You make it with Coffee Syrup and Milk.
    Can you substitute instant coffee crystals and sugar for coffee syrup?

    If so, yes.
    I've not had that. But to count it has to barely taste like coffee and be super sweet, like chocolate milk level sweet.
  • edited September 2011
    Then yes.

    Question: Have any of you had a proper hot dog?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Here in Northern Michigan its really a lot like the south. Theres a lot of "Herp de derp, fags and ayrabs. Obama is a Muslim terrorist who wants to take out guns." Its not so bad here in Marquette but back home I know so many bigoted rednecks. I remember one kid I went to school with said something like "we should just hang all the gay people or put them all on an island or something." Plus there are just a ton of religious nuts, but luckily not too many evangelical ones.
  • They may be good people, sure. But if they are against something so obviously good, then I loose respect for them.
    I'm sorry that your respect relies entirely on a person's social awareness without consideration to the content of their character.
    To restate my point, as a progressively-minded tolerant atheistic science geek living in the rural south, my experiences with self-declared rednecks have been largely positive. Most people who hate southerners haven't made the time to get to know them and learn about the way they think.
    I wish *I* worked on a goat farm sometimes...
    Goats are scary.... Scary.
    Goats are kind of like rednecks; awesome, stubborn, and friendly, with a few huge assholes that tend to grab your attention over the others. You just have to know how to handle the dicks, make sure you keep a collar on 'em, and make sure to get/raise ones that are disbudded. The analogy breaks down.
  • You just have to know how to handle the dicks, make sure you keep a collar on 'em, and make sure to get/raise ones that are disbudded. The analogy breaks down.
    And you have to kills the males because they smell like piss and just try to fight all the others and fuck the females?
  • They may be good people, sure. But if they are against something so obviously good, then I loose respect for them.
    I'm sorry that your respect relies entirely on a person's social awareness without consideration to the content of their character.
    To restate my point, as a progressively-minded tolerant atheistic science geek living in the rural south, my experiences with self-declared rednecks have been largely positive. Most people who hate southerners haven't made the time to get to know them and learn about the way they think.
    I wish *I* worked on a goat farm sometimes...
    Goats are scary.... Scary.
    Goats are kind of like rednecks; awesome, stubborn, and friendly, with a few huge assholes that tend to grab your attention over the others. You just have to know how to handle the dicks, make sure you keep a collar on 'em, and make sure to get/raise ones that are disbudded. The analogy breaks down.
    Just remeber to keep them pointed away from your face. When they go off it could get sticky.
  • Just remeber to keep them pointed away from your face. When they go off it could get sticky.
    Boy, if you manage to point a goat dick at your face, you've got bigger problems.
  • disbudded
    Christ, I just looked that up. I do not envy anyone that task.
  • disbudded
    Christ, I just looked that up. I do not envy anyone that task.
    Thankfully I've avoided doing it myself. The stink tends to hang around, though.
  • disbudded
    Christ, I just looked that up. I do not envy anyone that task.
    Thankfully I've avoided doing it myself. The stink tends to hang around, though.
    I've played with medical-grade cauterizers using pork as a basis. Though they're not entirely the same (these are guns that use argon plasma to cauterize in a fraction of a second), I can imagine pretty well what that's like.
  • disbudded
    Christ, I just looked that up. I do not envy anyone that task.
    Thankfully I've avoided doing it myself. The stink tends to hang around, though.
    I've played with medical-grade cauterizers using pork as a basis. Though they're not entirely the same (these are guns that use argon plasma to cauterize in a fraction of a second), I can imagine pretty well what that's like.
    I bet you can cook a steakum with that thing in 10 seconds flat!
  • disbudded
    Christ, I just looked that up. I do not envy anyone that task.
    Thankfully I've avoided doing it myself. The stink tends to hang around, though.
    I've played with medical-grade cauterizers using pork as a basis. Though they're not entirely the same (these are guns that use argon plasma to cauterize in a fraction of a second), I can imagine pretty well what that's like.
    I bet you can cook a steakum with that thing in 10 seconds flat!
    Yes and no. You'd cook it, but the plasma ray is like the surface of the sun. It stops bleeding by reducing tissue to charcoal.
  • This makes me sad panda.
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