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Regional differences



  • Don't worry, the inside would be nice and raw. It's basically the ultimate Pittsburgh Blue.
  • I really don't see why people hate on 'y'all'. It's a very useful collective pronoun.
  • I really don't see why people hate on 'y'all'. It's a very useful collective pronoun.
    It is infinitely inferior to "youse."
  • I really don't see why people hate on 'y'all'. It's a very useful collective pronoun.
    It is infinitely inferior to "youse."
  • I don't notice a lot while I'm at uni, but when I go home, I really enjoy the Southern accents. They're just so homey. And weird as it sounds, I'm really considering going to places with analogous accents when I go abroad.
  • It is infinitely inferior to "youse."
    Six months ago, I would have said "People actually talk like that? Good lord." but this Italian guy in his 40s-50s who'd just moved here from Brooklyn (and had lived his whole life there) transferred into my class and revealed quite a few truths that I thought were only sitcom stereotypes.

    There was a certain language barrier, if only because everything he said was ludicrously entertaining and I'd get distracted. Which, now that I think about it, why don't Rym and Scott have accents?
  • They are not from NY, they are only in NY now. And not everyone in NY talks like that. It is like how some people from the south sound like the are having sex with a goat while they are talking and other people just talk like gentlemen.
  • Could you provide an example of what this "goat loving" Southerner sounds like?
  • Could you provide an example of what this "goat loving" Southerner sounds like?
    As uncouth as his wording is, I'd assume wherever Applejack derives her awkward twang from. "Y'all" when referring to the singular? Strange indeed.
  • edited September 2011
    Could you provide an example of what this "goat loving" Southerner sounds like?
    ^Especially at 3:10
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • And your problem with these people is their accent? I can't help but feel you're missing the big picture.
  • Cold is from -10 and colder.
    Snow means summer is almost over.
    Video games cost $100.
    We like our government.
  • edited September 2011
    We like our government.
    Oh, and their police don't carry guns or batons or other weapons.
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
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