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Worst movies ever made.



  • Shaun of the Dead is a romantic comedy?
  • It's a Rom-Zom-Com.

  • The first Dungeons and Dragons movie.

    What's sad is I always explain my disdain for that movie, but every once in a while, I watch it again....I'm sick, there's something wrong with me.
  • Worst movie ever:Man on Fire

    Runners up:
    Queen of the Damned
    Mystic River
    Dancer in the Dark
    Battlefield Earth
    Déjà Vu
    Million Dollar Baby
    I think your just saying most of those to be controversial. How are Mystic River & Million Dollar Baby the "worst movies ever", regardless of your personal opinion? They're both extremely well-made in a technical sense at the very least and both have coherent, cohesive plots and characters.

    Oh, and I like Dancer In The Dark but I love Bjork's music and Lars Von Trier and how much you'll enjoy the film largely depends on those factors.
  • I have to agree with Manos, the Hands of Fate. That movie is just...bizzare in its awfulness.
    [ranting about The Dark Is Rising]
    It's sad that that movie sucks as much as it apparently does, since the book series was pretty good young adult stuff.  I really loved those books growing up.
  • Cold Creek Manor was painfully stupid.
    The Wickerman (that is, the remake) was so bad it's a comedy.
    Napoleon Dynamite was so pointless and dull, I can't understand why it was so popular.
  • edited November 2007
    I might have to go with a more recent movie -The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising.
    I agree, this movie was complete ass. It came across as trying to ride the coattails of Harry Potter's success. Coming out of the theater, I walked back to my car behind two young boys (around 10 years old) who were lamenting how it didn't do justice to the books at all. Even the movie's target audience saw it for the trash it was. Though, I do admit I laughed out loud when the main character started blowing up cars and screaming in his frustration. Oh gods, the teen angst!

    In the same vein of movie, I would like to nominate Eragon as one of the worst movies ever made.
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
  • Napoleon Dynamitewas so pointless and dull, I can't understand why it was so popular.YES! I can't agree with you more.  That was such a god-awful movie.
    Epic Movie blew pretty bad.  The funniest bits of the movie are all in the trailer.

    I hated The Number 23.  The ending just topped off the pile of shit that was the rest of the movie.
    That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I know there's more.
  • I think your just saying most of those to be controversial. How areMystic River & Million Dollar Babythe "worst movies ever", regardless of your personal opinion? They're both extremely well-made in a technical sense at the very least and both have coherent, cohesive plots and characters.I'm not saying they didn't have high production value. I thought that the plots of both of those movies seemed incredibly patched together to get to a very specific end, and both of them felt very manipulating for their own reasons. I'd rather see a movie with lower production value but with a better developed plot. As for the "controversy," I do admit to being more vocal about my dislike of these movies because so many people (friends, critics, etc.) liked them when I found so much fault with them.

    Oh, and I likeDancer In The Darkbut I love Bjork's music and Lars Von Trier and how much you'll enjoy the film largely depends on those factors.A lot of my friends liked this movie as well, but the plot required too much suspension of disbelief from me (regarding the main character's actions). I like Bjork's music well enough, but I am unfamiliar with Lars von Trier's movies, save this one.
  • Napoleon Dynamitewas so pointless and dull, I can't understand why it was so popular.
    YES! I can't agree with you more. That was such a god-awful movie.You guys just suck.
  • Napoleon Dynamitewas so pointless and dull, I can't understand why it was so popular.
    YES! I can't agree with you more. That was such a god-awful movie.
    You guys just suck.
    Yeah, gosh! Idiots!! Your just jealous of someone sitting online chatting with babes all day.

    Where do you live? I'm going to bring my bo staff and secret ninja skills learned from the government...
  • While certainly not the worst movie ever, I must say that the biggest let down in movie history for me was Star Wars: Episode One. The way I felt in the theatre at the end of that movie will stay with me forever. I was like "OMG, I think I hated that, but it was Star Wars how the hell can I hate it...there's something wrong with me".
  • Chicken Little, even the previews looked painful.
  • It's not released yet, but I predict that this movie will blow. Hard.


    Goddamn you Hollywood, I want my childhood back. Intact.
  • It's not released yet, but I predict that this movie will blow. Hard.


    Goddamn you Hollywood, I want my childhood back. Intact.
    WHAT IS IT WITH THAT FONT!? Has Hollywood run out of fonts to choose from? From now on any movie I see which has words in that red font on the poster/box gets a whole point less once I graded it on a scale of one to ten.
  • You guys just suck.
    Yeah, gosh! Idiots!! Your just jealous of someone sitting online chatting with babes all day.

    Where do you live? I'm going to bring my bo staff and secret ninja skills learned from the government...
    I'm sorry, but I really did not see the point of the movie. I didn't find any part of it funny, and there was barely a plot. I suppose if I had to shadow an unpopular dorky high school kid for a few days, it might be something like that... but I'm sure the unpopular dorky high school kid would have something about him that would be somewhat interesting. I learned nothing from Napoleon Dynamite, I was not entertained, and I walked away wishing that I had not wasted my money.

    Oh, I just thought of another movie that was terrible. Or rather, a series of movies. The Land Before Time. Or at least, every movie after the first one. Just... whose idea was it to make the movies all bright and sunshiny and full of musical numbers?
  • The first The Land Before Time is one of my fondest childhood memories.

    The rest can die in a fire mass extinction event.
  • Any Disney sequel that wasn't released in theaters or wasn't an Aladdin sequel.
  • edited November 2007
    The firstThe Land Before Timeis one of my fondest childhood memories.
    They made more than ten sequels, you know. And they're still making more. So, somebody must be buying them.

    But yeah, I loved those movies as a kid. I stopped watching them after number five, though.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Any Disney sequel that wasn't released in theaters or wasn't an Aladdin sequel.
    Aladdin 3 was alright, but 2 bored me to death.
  • Any Disney sequel that wasn't released in theaters or wasn't an Aladdin sequel.
    Aladdin 3 was alright, but 2 bored me to death.
    I think I'm the only person who likes Aladdin 2.
  • I think I'm the only person who likes Aladdin 2.
    My friend likes Aladdin 2. But I just can't understand why.
  • I thought it was Abys Mal.
  • Aladdin 3 was alright, but 2 bored me to death.
    There's and Aladin 3!?!? O.O I know about Aladin 2, never seen it though.
  • I loved Aladdin 2! I had no idea that people hated it!
  • edited December 2007
    Any Disney sequel that wasn't released in theaters or wasn't an Aladdin sequel.
    Aladdin 3 was alright, but 2 bored me to death.
    I think I'm the only person who likes Aladdin 2.
    I also liked it. I think it was because it was Jafar's last hurrah. He's an awesome Disney villain, and he was even more ruthless here than in the first movie.

    Personally, I didn't like Aladdin 3. Robin Williams' return was its only redeeming factor. Everything else just felt bland to me.
    The firstThe Land Before Timeis one of my fondest childhood memories.
    They made more than ten sequels, you know. And they're still making more.
    The Land Before Time movies cancelled.
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • I saw Casshern on DVD in an HMV and was so close to buying it. Rym's tears came to memory and I passed.
  • I actually have two worst movies. The first one is that Britney Spears movie; I think it was called Cross Rodes. The second one was Glitter which had Maria Carry in it.
  • edited December 2007
    The funny thing is there is another movie called Crossroads which is about a kid playing the blues. Here's the IMDB entry, which is why I'm editing this
    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
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