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Art Attack (Concept Sketch Dump)



  • edited November 2009
    I was planning to procrastinate just a little with Illustrator before going on to read about 100 pages for a test. But I kinda lost track of time.
    And yeah I forgot the "w".
    Post edited by Jain7th on
  • image

    Yeah, that is Obama as a socialist Muslim extremist. My first in a series for my Intermediate Drawing class dealing with the idiotic beliefs of the Teabaggers and the kind of stuff spread by Fox News. This is my first time using markers, so if anyone has any tips about how to get rid of the streakiness it would be greatly appreciated. Also, I need some ideas about what to write at the bottom. I'm leaning towards "evil," any ideas?
  • edited December 2009
    Alcohol pens would be one way to get rid of streakyness but they cost a fair bit.
    I think you could stand to simplify the badge a bit. Maybe have something the size of American flag pin thing with just the red and yellow on it, or just the red.

    Hmm.. let's see what I've drawn recently.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Yeah, that is Obama as a socialist Muslim extremist. My first in a series for my Intermediate Drawing class dealing with the idiotic beliefs of the Teabaggers and the kind of stuff spread by Fox News. This is my first time using markers, so if anyone has any tips about how to get rid of the streakiness it would be greatly appreciated. Also, I need some ideas about what to write at the bottom. I'm leaning towards "evil," any ideas?
    First of all, it might be better to think of the streakiness as a feature, not a bug.

    Secondly, just write Hope, just like the original image.
  • Nice picture!
    First of all, it might be better to think of the streakiness as a feature, not a bug.
    That's true -- which means that you may want to change how you use them. Use long, flowing strokes that "wrap" over the surface of the form, in the manner of old-fashioned pen & ink illustrations. For some reason, I can't find any suitable ones online right now, but you know what I'm talking about, right?

    If you want to get rid of the streakiness completely, I think you'll need to upgrade to expensive markers like Copics.
  • edited December 2009
    I think the streakyness really looks good for the beard. You could exploit that for a cool texturing effect. I know a guy who does a lot of stuff with markers and highlighters who does that, I can post some of his stuff later as an example if you need it.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Bit of concept art for a comic. Not really anything special, but I so rarely actually design something ahead of time (which is a really bad habit that I need to fix).
  • That is a man who cares about the safety of his knees.
  • That is a man who cares about the safety of his knees.
    Don't you? Trust me, you'll miss them when they're gone.
  • That is a man who cares about the safety of his knees.
    Don't you? Trust me, you'll miss them when they're gone.
    Or when you get hit so hard that your kneecaps end up a foot higher than they're supposed to be. Friends don't let friends leave their knees unprotected.
  • Couldn't sleep, so the obvious thing to do is draw a badass sci-fi lady.
  • I really need to work on my inking and photoshopping skills.
  • Posting here because it's somewhat appropriate...a great friend of mine is $5 dollar sketch sale and I thought I would give her art a shoutout cause she could use the money.

  • edited January 2010
    I always feel kind of bad taking these guys down.

    Edit: Added some more detail.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited February 2010
    I might go back to pencil and paper for a while. Digital is going to take some time to get my head around.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • You are definitely getting better. I'm glad you draw faces now, and those eyes look decent.
  • I might go back to pencil and paper for a while. Digital is going to take some time to get my head around.
    I've heard a lot of people say that you should avoid digital art until you've got your drawing fundamentals down. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but there's certainly something to be said for not adding additional layers of complexity on top of the stuff you're learning.

    Do you do any construction or underdrawing? (I don't see any in your drawings on this page, but maybe it's on a hidden layer.)
  • This technically isn't a concept sketch, it's my first Illustration project. It's just not finished yet, as I still have to do some ink washes on it. The assignment was to choose a word off of a list my teacher gave us, I chose "creativity," and draw something that embodies that word. Can I get some critiques please?
    Note: The weird discolouration of the paper is due to the camera and the light source in the room.
  • In the process of just inking around. I totally messed up a part or two. I think I can fix it in Photoshop through.
  • That witch is so cute. You've really developed your own style. I like how the noses look (the little triangles). I still draw noses like that sometimes.
  • Yeah, good stuff, Viga. You've gotten a lot better. You better post it when it's done. :)
  • edited February 2010
    This is a quick sketch which I decided to scan and ink in photoshop, only I have not inked it yet, laziness abounds.

    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Body part head! (Or so I call it.) I can imagine it constantly moving around in a creepy way.
  • That's pretty gross, dude. :) I'm looking forward to seeing it inked. Although I'd actually strongly recommend against inking in Photoshop -- Photoshop is great for a lot of things, but just about every other commercial graphics app is better for inking. Photoshop just doesn't handle the tablet input well, and it's difficult to get smooth, flowing lines that taper like real brush or nib-pen strokes do. Manga Studio is my #1 recommendation (and if you care about actually buying it, the "debut" version is pretty cheap), but Painter or Alias Sketchbook Pro are also really good.
  • edited February 2010
    It took three looks at this thread for me to realise that it's supposed to be shaped like a head, not a seashell. Pretty neat, though. :P
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited February 2010
    That's pretty gross, dude. :) I'm looking forward to seeing it inked. Although I'd actually strongly recommend against inking in Photoshop -- Photoshop is great for a lot of things, but just about every other commercial graphics app is better for inking. Photoshop just doesn't handle the tablet input well, and it's difficult to get smooth, flowing lines that taper like real brush or nib-pen strokes do. Manga Studio is my #1 recommendation (and if you care about actually buying it, the "debut" version is pretty cheap), but Painter or Alias Sketchbook Pro are also really good.
    Well, I would make it into a painting if it wasn't for the fact that I'm not well practiced in realistic painting.

    Actually, I have also been looking for an alternative to Photoshop as of late, but have not looked into it much, how is manga studio overall?

    EdIt: I pretty much want to be able to draw straight into the computer from my tablet, which I know Photoshop is not the best at. But it's the only thing I have now.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • edited February 2010
    how is manga studio overall?
    Transcendent, if you're looking to draw comics, or "ink" in a comic style; that is, straight black and white linework, as well as screentones. It's actually probably the best pure drawing app there is -- there are lots of great tools to help with perspective and the like, and I think it has the most responsive, natural-feeeling brushes out there. It's absolute garbage if you want to color, though. Save that for Photoshop.

    EDIT: Here's the demo version, try it out for yourself.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • edited February 2010
    Hmm, the debut version is not that expensive, I shall get it now and try it out. Thanks.

    EDIT: Demo version, even better.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Hmm, the debut version is not that expensive, I shall get it now and try it out. Thanks.
    Just a note on the debut version -- it has the great inking tools, but it doesn't have a lot of the more advanced tools that reall sold me on Manga Studio. The rulers in particular (missing in Debut) are amazing -- I probably would've bought Manga Studio EX if it was just a $300 ruler plugin for Photoshop. They changed my life.
  • edited February 2010
    Although I'd actually strongly recommend against inking in Photoshop -- Photoshop is great for a lot of things, but just about every other commercial graphics app is better for inking. Photoshop just doesn't handle the tablet input well, and it's difficult to get smooth, flowing lines that taper like real brush or nib-pen strokes do. Manga Studio is my #1 recommendation (and if you care about actually buying it, the "debut" version is pretty cheap), but Painter or Alias Sketchbook Pro are also really good.
    Sooo true about Photoshop line quality! Why is it so bad? And what a co-incidence, I was just looking at Manga Studio Pro today. I might buy it for myself if I animate 10 more scenes.

    BTW, talking about cool art programs, have you tried Art Rage? It's pretty cool for concept painting. It's got a very "real media" feel.

    Edit: Also, Painter AND Alias Sketchbook Pro come with new Intuos tablets. Pretty nifty, huh?
    Post edited by gomidog on
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