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Drugs...well, tacos.



  • In my house, tacos are a mood-altering experience. And I think I'm addicted, because I can't go a week without eating one.
  • Here's a newsflash. Digesting/inhaling chemicals (be it food, plants, or some other compound) alters your brain chemistry!

  • Egads, Andrew! Way to spoil the surprise!
  • edited August 2008
    alters your brain chemistry!
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Goddamn youngin'.

  • On drugs: The closest I've got is a friend who wrote a song about knocking himself out with NyQuil on Christmas because he doesn't "want your goddamn Christmas cheer".

    On tacos: I could eat them all day if the ramifications weren't so... Drastic.
  • jccjcc
    edited August 2008
    I am a bear. Please do not feed me.
    Goddamn youngin'.
    Best version.
    Post edited by jcc on
  • edited August 2008
    alters your brain chemistry!
    *youtube vid*
    Heroin != weed.
    Also, most of you here seem pretty gung ho against drugs, but not so much against alcohol. Protip: This man is correct:
    Alcohol is a drug. You're interested in drugs.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Hello...My name is Ratchet.....And I am addicted to Chipolata and Rolling Rock....They both kick ass, and I can't help it okay!!!! lol
  • Rolling Rock? Eww. Drink a real beer.
  • edited August 2008
    I have two drug stories, neither of which involve me.

    The first is from one of my friends who went to study abroad in Germany. Apparently shrooms are legal there, so one of her study-abroad mates went and bought a box of them at a store. Upon returning to his dorm room, Mr. Shrooms decided that instead of enjoying a reasonable amount, he would like to eat the entire box. Needless to say, the poor boy hallicinated crazily for the entire night. Melting walls, raining fire and rampaging demons outside, the whole deal. He was scared absolutely shitless and likely decided never to touch shrooms again.

    The second story I heard from one of my internet friends. One of his high school companions wanted to try ecstasy. So one night, my friend took a pill out of the medicine cabinet, telling the interested boy that he had indeed obtained some ecstasy. He gulped it down, but then promptly proceeded to freak the snap out, worried about the effects and the ramifications of what he'd done. All his assembled friends rofl'ed in laughter, finally revealing that he'd only been given allergy medicine.
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
  • Rolling Rock? Eww. Drink a real beer.
    Dude Rolling Rock kicks ass first off. But I would have to say that I would find myself drinking a Newcastle before Rolling Rock if given a choice. And it is sacrilege to the gods of beer if you say that one sucks!!!!!!!!
  • Dude Rolling Rock is ass...
    Fixed that for ya.
  • Beer shits teh bed compared to wine, even the best beer is not as good as an average bottle of wine.
  • Beer shits teh bed compared to wine, even the best beer is not as good as an average bottle of wine.
    Wino. :P
  • Beer shits teh bed compared to wine, even the best beer is not as good as an average bottle of wine.
    Wino. :P
    If you consider consuming about 2 or 3 bottles of wine in a 6 month period as being a wino, then I guess you are correct. ^_^ Also, I do like some beers, but I prefer wines by far.
  • I agree with Mrs. MacRoss. Wine > Beer, in moderation.

    Also, I really need to find a good mexican restaurant. I haven't had a burrito in over a week!
  • I agree with Mrs. MacRoss. Wine > Beer, in moderation.

    Also, I really need to find a good mexican restaurant. I haven't had a burrito in over a week!
    * > beer
  • jccjcc
    edited September 2008
    * > beer
    Starmen are greater than beer. :) But only because they make the music speed up and cause you to rapidly shift in and out of phase. The whole everything-you-touch-dies thing does keep it from being an especially good party drug, though. :/
    Post edited by jcc on
  • basically, two of my oldest and best friends just basically ditched me cause I smoke weed. Like, they've been disapproving of it from the start, and they've been growing farther and farther apart...but today I just had a talk with one of them and it was basically like a fucking break up conversation between a boyfriend and girlfriend.

    Here are some quotes:
    "remember how i always said i knew all those potheads? Didnt you wonder why i still hung around you guys all the time, and not them?"
    [My answer (didn't actually say this to him in the conversation, BTW): Uh...maybe because we have more in common and get along better, and you've, in general, known me for a lot longer?]
    "it was for a reason and I'll be damned if I'm going to change it"
    "so i'm being distant. Not avoiding, not ignoring"

    So, uh...I guess one of his morals is not hanging out with "potheads" and since I've become one, he cannot hang out with me anymore.

    Does this seem ridiculous to you guys, or is it just me?
  • Based on just the inferences I can make, it's just you. There's got to be something worse than you're making it sound if your two oldest and best friends are ditching you.

    But of course, I don't know you or your friends and can't really make a judgment like that.
  • basically, two of my oldest and best friends just basically ditched me cause I smoke weed. Like, they've been disapproving of it from the start, and they've been growing farther and farther apart...but today I just had a talk with one of them and it was basically like a fucking break up conversation between a boyfriend and girlfriend.

    Here are some quotes:
    "remember how i always said i knew all those potheads? Didnt you wonder why i still hung around you guys all the time, and not them?"
    [My answer (didn't actually say this to him in the conversation, BTW): Uh...maybe because we have more in common and get along better, and you've, in general, known me for a lot longer?]
    "it was for a reason and I'll be damned if I'm going to change it"
    "so i'm being distant. Not avoiding, not ignoring"

    So, uh...I guess one of his morals is not hanging out with "potheads" and since I've become one, he cannot hang out with me anymore.

    Does this seem ridiculous to you guys, or is it just me?
    If your pot smoking is heavily impeding your normal social functions, it's not so ridiculous. If you're the stereotypical "dude....what?" kind of stoner, I can see where the guy's coming from.

    If not, I would say it's slightly unreasonable.

    However, you can't force him to be your friend. If he doesn't want to associate with you, that's his choice.
  • edited November 2008
    There's got to be something worse than you're making it sound
    Here is a better synopsis:
    1. hung out with my 2 stated friends multiple times each weekend.
    2. started smoking some weed
    3. starting make a lot of new friends from school and here and there...some friends were from associating with pot, some weren't
    4. started hanging out with my 2 best friends a little less because I wanted to fit in some time with my new friends. I wasn't totally ditching my old friends, I've still made efforts to hang out at least once a weekend. But lately they haven't been answering on AIM or texting, and they usually don't pick up my such, we haven't hung out much at all, but it's much more coming from their end than my end.
    5. here we are today....

    And as for his "reasons" for not answering me on AIM and shit as often, I posted those quotes above.
    If your pot smoking is heavily impeding your normal social functions, it's not so ridiculous. If you're the stereotypical "dude....what?" kind of stoner, I can see where the guy's coming from.
    Right, I hear ya on that point...but that's not how I am.
    I have made MORE friends after starting smoking. My gpa is still a fucking 4.0, I still do all the same shit I used to do (sit on the computer for hours a day dicking around on forums and 4chan, watching anime, reading manga, playing video games). From my standpoint (and from the rest of my friends who have remained true friends), I haven't changed much at all since I've started smoking. That's why I'm so annoyed that my friend ditched me over pot alone.
    However, you can't force him to be your friend. If he doesn't want to associate with you, that's his choice.
    I realize that...but it's a sad realization.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • edited November 2008
    Remove the cannabis from the situation and it sounds like a normal story of friends growing apart. I'm sure many of us have experienced that. But, with the drugs involved, it's a tough call what's going on here. It could be your smoking, but it could also just be you guys changing naturally and weed is just what is on the surface.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited November 2008
    This is a bit unrelated...just some stuff I figured I'd respond to.
    I'm don't take ramps often, only when I'm around friends.
    What the hell are ramps? "ramps" doesn't even come up on Urbandictionary...
    That sounds like the same bullshit people always spread. Got a source? Or does "weed, like, totally make you a better driver, man" also?
    According to that (erowid is one of, if not the, most accurate drug source on the net), there is no overdose limit with shrooms (and weed, as well, but that's slightly unrelated). Also, with acid, you CAN overdose, but it's insane (blotter, aka one hit= like 100-150 MICROgrams, overdose is at 12-15 milligrams. You do the math) and almost impossible to even get your hands on that much acid.

    I believe you can overdose on asprin, hence how he could say that weed and shrooms are less toxic.
    Remove the cannabis from the situation and it sounds like a normal story of friends growing apart. I'm sure many of us have experienced that. But, with the drugs involved, it's a tough call what's going on here. It could be your smoking, but it could also just be you guys changing naturally and weed is just what is on the surface.
    Easily a combination of the two sides. He explicitly stated that he essentially ended the friendship because of my smoking...but yeah, we have been growing apart and this just kind of escalated the entire thing.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Beer shits teh bed compared to wine, even the best beer is not as good as an average bottle of wine.
    Jacob's Creek 2005 Cab Sav - Give it a try.
  • Your friends sound smarter than you. Nobody wants to hang out with someone who smokes weed except for other people who smoke weed. There are people who smoke weed once in awhile, here and there. However, if your friends are fighting with you because of your weed smoking, it is very likely that marijuana has become part of your personal identity. People want to be friends with humans, not plants.

    You're lucky your not my friend. I'd have called the cops on you the very first time I found out.
  • edited November 2008
    I'd have called the cops on you the very first time I found out.
    You realize that unless you actually have weed on you, the cops can't do anything? They also can't just come in and search your house if some random kid called 911 and said his friend was smoking weed once.
    People want to be friends with humans, not plants.
    So I take it you don't talk to any tobacco smokers, either, do you? Tobacco is a plant, too. Also, beer is made from hops, which come from a plant.
    You are absolutely ridiculous, Scott...


    Anyways...another update from my friend:
    "no more steve that is RAGEEEEEEEE.
    stephen is now heyyyy mann just chillllllll"
    1. He's overreacting a bit.
    2. he's right, I don't go batshit fucking insane over small little things like I used to. I personally don't think it's a bad thing.
    3. you guys know my name now...:D

    And that was the ONLY reason he said that he is ditching me. I asked if there was anything else:
    "no, nothing more".
    I REALLY wish I was just joking, but these are indeed direct quotes.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • You're lucky your not my friend. I'd have called the cops on you the very first time I found out.
    Are you fucking serious? You are absolutely ridiculous.
  • You're lucky your not my friend. I'd have called the cops on you the very first time I found out.
    Are you fucking serious? You are absolutely ridiculous.
    I remember telling Scott once that my little brother smoked up when he was staying with me. He said the same thing: "Did you call the cops?"

    I'm of the mindset that, so long as what you do doesn't hurt somebody else in a significant and not ridiculous way, and so long as you are fully educated about the consequences of what it is that you're doing, you should be allowed to do just about anything you damn well please. Coke? I wouldn't recommend it, but if you really want to, I can't think of a single reason to stop you. I also think suicide should be legal, partly because you should have the right to kill yourself, and partly because it's really difficult to enforce effectively.

    Also, it could still be that the pot-smoking has become a larger part of you than you realize. How often do you smoke, if you don't mind my asking?
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