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  • Isn't it funny how much clarity a person gets when they finally man up and do what many others have already suggested? :P
  • Yeah. I didn't really used to believe anyone, but it makes sense now. Like...Just be a cool dude, be awesome and helpful and supportive and stuff. And expect nothing from it. That combination is what's appealing, the idea that you will be a cool dude with no deep intentions. If they know you're nice because you're flirting, it's not really something they want. If you're nice and supportive even as they're in other failing relationships, with you openly understanding that they won't date you (this doesn't work if they don't know you are interested, then you get the xkcd situation), then they may just decide you are the one who is more willing to date. Or they won't.
  • Isn't it funny how much clarity a person gets when they finally man up and do what many others have already suggested? :P
    Yea, I know, man I almost can't wait to have teenage kids so I can sit there and watch them struggle with these issues and ignore my advice until they figure it out and then think they thought of it ^_^
  • :sniff: They grow up so fast.
  • Yea, I know, man I almost can't wait to have teenage kids so I can sit there and watch them struggle with these issues and ignore my advice until they figure it out and then think they thought of it ^_^
    I swear, when I think of all the time I angsted about teenage stuff and my mom told me good advice that I figured out later, and now give to others, I could kick myself. Every generation must struggle and prevail, and only in hindsight will they understand.
    Yeah. I didn't really used to believe anyone, but it makes sense now. Like...Just be a cool dude, be awesome and helpful and supportive and stuff. And expect nothing from it. That combination is what's appealing, the idea that you will be a cool dude with no deep intentions. If they know you're nice because you're flirting, it's not really something they want. If you're nice and supportive even as they're in other failing relationships, with you openly understanding that they won't date you (this doesn't work if they don't know you are interested, then you get the xkcd situation), then they may just decide you are the one who is more willing to date. Or they won't.
    You grew a bit, I think. Now, maybe your gloomy life outlook will get a little brighter. Things are good, keep looking up.
  • Yeah. I didn't really used to believe anyone, but it makes sense now. Like...Just be a cool dude, be awesome and helpful and supportive and stuff. And expect nothing from it. That combination is what's appealing, the idea that you will be a cool dude with no deep intentions. If they know you're nice because you're flirting, it's not really something they want. If you're nice and supportive even as they're in other failing relationships, with you openly understanding that they won't date you (this doesn't work if they don't know you are interested, then you get the xkcd situation), then they may just decide you are the one who is more willing to date. Or they won't.
    You grew a bit, I think. Now, maybe your gloomy life outlook will get a little brighter. Things are good, keep looking up.
    Indeed. There are so many "kids" on this forum, and it's fun to watch them go through the same sorts of stuff I went though when I was their age.

    Anyway, yeah, just keep being awesome.
  • Indeed. There are so many "kids" on this forum, and it's fun to watch them go through the same sorts of stuff I went though when I was their age.
    It's fun seeing them succeed. It's not fun trying to give them the same advice over and over when they don't want to listen.
  • Indeed. There are so many "kids" on this forum, and it's fun to watch them go through the same sorts of stuff I went though when I was their age.
    It's fun seeing them succeed. It's not fun trying to give them the same advice over and over when they don't want to listen.
    True. "You can bring a horse to water..." Sometimes they gotta bang their heads into the wall a few times before the realize that what their doing isn't working.
  • So I just saw the girl that didn't call me yesterday- Actually, she saw me and came up to me and apologized. Anyway, I got my explanation. Apparently yesterday was "that time" for her, and she was in bed and throwing up all day. She finally recovered around midnight and it was around then when she got my messages.

    Living with my mother and my sister, I can accept that as a legitimate reason.
  • Living with my mother and my sister, I can accept that as a legitimate reason.
    We don't get a choice in the matter, really. They don't either.
  • But you got a new date, right?
  • But you got a new date, right?
    We're still in class right now. It's a long class, though, so I'll ask her during the break.
  • Apparently yesterday was "that time" for her, and she was in bed and throwing up all day.
    (@_@) If I threw up all day like that every month, I would be the very miserable.
  • Apparently yesterday was "that time" for her, and she was in bed and throwing up all day.
    (@_@) If I threw up all day like thatevery month, I would be the very miserable.
    Yeah. I've never had it that bad. Makes me feel lucky I haven't either. However, it's birth control that makes is more bearable from what I understand.
  • edited November 2010
    But you got a new date, right?
    We're still in class right now. It's a long class, though, so I'll ask her during the break.
    Gotcha. One thing though, you probably want to avoid putting stuff like "Waiting for a call" and other specifics in your Facebook status. You probably wouldn't want her to see that if she or one of her friends happened upon it.
    Apparently yesterday was "that time" for her, and she was in bed and throwing up all day.
    (@_@) If I threw up all day like thatevery month, I would be the very miserable.
    I have a friend who is literally out of commission for eight days when she's on her period. She'd have to miss whole weeks of school it was so bad.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Apparently yesterday was "that time" for her, and she was in bed and throwing up all day.
    (@_@) If I threw up all day like thatevery month, I would be the very miserable.
    Yeah. I've never had it that bad. Makes me feel lucky I haven't either. However, it's birth control that makes is more bearable from what I understand.
    I don't know if that's how it is for her every month, but I know my sister gets headaches and a bit nauseous. Honestly, though, I'd rather not know the details. Those men which are brave enough to know that which should be unknown to men rise to the challenge and venture down a path far more damning than most men dare. OBGYNs choose their path. I respect them, but I dare not follow.
  • I wonder if these women with these major issues know that certain birth control can help these problems. Inform them! My suggestion: NuvaRing! Fuck pills.
  • Yeah! If your hormones are crazy, regulate them with SCIENCE!

    (Thank goodness I don't have to get sick like this. I've always been lucky in that regard.)
  • I wonder if these women with these major issues know that certain birth control can help these problems. Inform them! My suggestion: NuvaRing! Fuck pills.
    That <.<...That is not my place. Not as of yet.
  • edited November 2010
    Thank goodness I don't have to get sick like this. I've always been lucky in that regard.
    Y chromosome FTW, in this one circumstance.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I wonder if these women with these major issues know that certain birth control can help these problems. Inform them! My suggestion: NuvaRing! Fuck pills.
    That <.<...That is not my place. Not as of yet.</p>
    It's awkward, but if I was a gal with serious Aunt Flo issues, I would be BEYOND grateful if someone told me of a possibility of any sort of relief.
  • Go ahead, Sonic. That's great dinner talk.
  • Go ahead, Sonic. That's great dinner talk.
    I'm in no way promoting this, but only saying that being helpful is always nice.

    Also you can easily bring this up with a conversation and buy her a small gift like a heating pad or something and tell her "Yeah, I have a mom and a sister so I have an idea what you're going through. This might help. I know it's a bit awkward, but my sister (or girl you know) went through these sorts of things and had it regulated with birth control. I'm not sure if you're aware of it, but it might help."

    The kind gesture would show sincerity and tiny gift wouldn't be bad at all. Actually don't buy a heating pad, MAKE one that Emi posted from the Johnny Wander comic in the Nutrition thread.
  • edited November 2010
    Go ahead, Sonic. That's great dinner talk.
    Is there something wrong with your judgement centers?
    The kind gesture would show sincerity and tiny gift wouldn't be bad at all. Actually don't buy a heating pad, MAKE one that Emi posted from the Johnny Wander comic in the Nutrition thread.
    Sounds like a decent idea, but that seems to be more of a second date thing.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Go ahead, Sonic. That's great dinner talk.
    Is there something wrong with your judgement centers?
    Nope, but I can see your sarcasm ones might be slightly damaged. ~_^
  • I have been dating this girl for almost a year and slowly exposing her to anime. We've watched all of Cowboy Bebop and Black Lagoon, which she loved. my ultimate goal is to watch Neon Genesis with her, but i'm drawing blanks on what to show her next. I've considered Death Note and possibly Trigun. Could anyone help me out with a few suggestions?
  • Wicked City.
  • If she likes fantasy, she might like Vision of Escaflowne. Samurai Champloo is another Shinichiro Watanabe show, so she might enjoy that as well.

    Any specific genres that she likes?
  • In all seriousness, Gundam 0079. FTW.
  • In all seriousness, Gundam 0079. FTW.
    I support this. Tho' you might want to consider something a bit shorter and easier to approach, like Gundam 0080 Pocket no Naka no Sensou/War inside the Pocket
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