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  • This thread used to have integrity.
  • I lost my integrity when I figured out that kissing girls is rad and I should just do it more often. And I intend to.
  • Man, this thread has totally sold out. I'm going find a more obscure thread to read.
  • This thread has jumped the shark.
  • I'm sorry, but the water skis just looked so tempting...
  • I might be having some relationship progression on my own, but I will keep that mostly to myself until a bit later on today.
  • Churba, that was brilliant. Axel, congrats man. To all you haters in the house tonight, play your hate on...somebody else.
  • There's no hate here. Only humour and love.
  • edited November 2010
    Love and Peace? LOVE ...and... PEACE?
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Kissed her...That was awesome.
  • edited November 2010

    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited November 2010
    I lost my integrity when I figured out that kissing girls is rad and I should just do it more often. And I intend to.
    Congrats man.. Isn't it so much better after you just do it ^_^

    Just don't let her find this forum!!!!!
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Just don't let her find this forum!!!!!
    Oh, that's what I did wrong...Fuck.
  • Good for you Axel, don't you feel silly now with all that doubt you had before?

    Have fun with more kissing. Those are good times.

    Pro-tip: When kissing, put your hands on her face from time to time and put your hand on the back of her head with your fingers through her hair. Those are some erogenous type zones.
  • Just don't let her find this forum!!!!!
    Oh, that's what I did wrong...Fuck.
    Yeah, she knows about it here, but has no intention of coming here. So...It's all good.

    @Ro-Thanks, yeah, that will hopefully be put into effect soon-ish...Yeah...
  • Axel, you're a regular Train Man!

     ゚ ,   , 。 .   +  ゚   。  。゚ . ゚。, ☆ * 。゚. o.゚  。 . 。
    。 .  .。    o   .. 。 ゚  ゚ , 。. o 。* 。 . o. 。 . .
            。   .   。  . .゚o 。 *. 。 .. ☆ . +. .  .
     。 .  . .   .   .  。 ゚。, ☆ ゚. + 。 ゚ ,。 . 。  , .。
        ゚  。   ゚  .  +。 ゚ * 。. , 。゚ +. 。*。 ゚.   . . .  .
     。  .   . 。 。゚. 。* 。, ´。.  ☆。。. ゚。+ 。 .。  .  。   .
      .   。  ゚ ゚。 。, .。o ☆ + ,゚。 *。. 。 。 .    。    .
     ゚ .゚ ゚  。゚ + 。. +。 * 。゚。゚., ,+ 。゚. 。 . .   ,    ,   .
    ゚。゚+゚`, o。。.゚*。゚ 。.゚ 。 ☆+。。゚. ° 。 .   ,      ゚    ゚
     。, .゚。 + ☆。,゚. o。 。+ 。゚.,  . ゚   ,   。     。   .   .
     ゚. o * 。゚。゚.。゚。+゚ 。 。 ゚。 ゚ 。  ゚
    ゚` .゚ .゚. ゚. . ゚  .  ゚  .   ,  .     .  .   。      ゚ .
             ,-、            ,.-、
            ./:::::\          /::::::ヽ
           /::::::::::::;ゝ--──-- 、._/::::::::::::::|
           /,.-‐''"´          \:::::::::::|
         /                ヽ、::::|
        /    ●                  ヽ|
         l   , , ,             ●      l
        .|        (_人__丿     、、、  |
         l                      l
        ` 、                       /
          `ー 、__               /

  • edited November 2010
    You stole my Train Man reference! Argh! Anyway, go Axel Otoko!
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Churba, that was brilliant. Axel, congrats man. To all you haters in the house tonight, play your hate on...somebody else.
    I will play my hate on Goldeneye 007 tonight, you punk kids and your love stories :P
  • ACHIEVEMENT RELOCKED: She didn't realize that I asked her out on a date, and ended up turning me down.
  • Yea Too bad Li. Akahi that she is going out with Axel :-p
  • How do you not realize that you're being asked out on a date?
  • That happened to me a couple of times back in college, someone would ask me out for an innocent coffee at Starbucks. When I get to the place it turns out that I am underdressed and with very little moneys :O
  • That happened to me a couple of times back in college, someone would ask me out for an innocent coffee at Starbucks. When I get to the place it turns out that I am underdressed and with very little moneys :O
    Well, that's not your fault. If someone asks me to get coffee with them or go see a movie, I usually don't assume it is a date. Basically, if someone asks me to do something that I do regularly with my friends: Not a date.

    Also, seriously nerd boys, girls are not going to assume that everything involving social outings involving a male and a female is a "date."
  • Also, seriously nerd boys, girls are not going to assume that everything involving social outings involving a male and a female is a "date."
    But why would males and females interact if not to court?
  • M'kay...Good week.

    Girlfriend get!
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