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  • Axel, you say you want to stop arguing, yet you continue arguing. If the argument is over for you, just stop posting about it. Nobody is forcing you to keep coming back and arguing.
    Psst. I think he did :-p we are now meta arguing about him arguing ^_^
  • The point I was driving toward would eventually have been that whether or not the people involved were married was entirely irrelevant to the argument.
    Well actually, some states have laws about it, so you might want to check depending on where you live. It can be grounds for prejudice in divorce if your partner decides to hate you in the future.
  • edited November 2010
    Axel, we don't "yell at you." We merely debate intensely. As a group, we are, all of us, in a state of constantly reevaluating and defending our beliefs. Hell, I get into ethics arguments with Pete all the time, and yet we are still friends. Even if we don't completely change our positions, we come to understand the other point of view. I think the problem is you always view attacks on your ideas as attacks against you as a person, and then you go and hide and get all sullen about it.
    This happens between my family and I all the time. They throw a comment out into the air and when I try to debate with them about it they ask me why I'm trying to make an argument.
    Experience speaks most candidly.
    Though perhaps not so boldly as ignorance.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I try to debate with them about it they ask me why I'm trying to make an argument.
    Good jorb.
  • I try to debate with them about it they ask me why I'm trying to make an argument.
    Good jorb.

    Oh, by the by, it should be clarified that they don't mean "argument" in the logical sense of the word.
  • They throw a comment out into the air and when I try to debate with them about it they ask me why I'm trying to make an argument.
    Yea last night at the council meeting, I ran into one of the people who opposed the ordinance and as soon as it was two vs one he was like "I didn't want to get ganged up on" even though we were making every effort to let him talk....
  • image

    The Blob is preventing this argument from proceeding.
  • The Blob is preventing this argument from proceeding.
    No he's not.
  • The Blob is preventing this argument from proceeding.
    No he's not.
    That's a matter of opinion.
  • Nothing moves the blob!
  • Nothing moves the blob!
    Except Cyclops.
  • Fuck. It's just a simple machines quiz. Ah well, I talked to her for a while, so it's good in the end.
  • I got dumped. It was my first real relationship, so it's not bad in the long run, but it still hurts.
  • I got dumped. It was my first real relationship, so it's not bad in the long run, but it still hurts.
    There there. "Other fish in the sea" and what not.
  • I can't believe I just read through much of the last 100 post to this thread. You guys can be real assholes, you know?

    "I enjoy Cowboy Bebop. If you challenge that opinion, I can cite a great deal of evidence and rationale for it." - I dismissed Cowboy Bebop when he drops the leashes of the dogs.
  • Actually, I'm really curious, theknoxinator, next time you read this thread, I want to hear what you did and why, if you don't mind.

    And thanks, for starting a huge argument.

    Also, oh snap, I guess Scott was right, I don't have the willpower not to post. Darn.
  • Honestly, Axel? I'd say not to sweat it. I got the points both sides were making and while I think you could've kept arguing your point, the response you wound up getting about deciding to call it off wasn't necessary.

    Besides, I want to hear more about how your relationship's going.
  • Besides, I want to hear more about how your relationship's going.
    FORECAST FOR TODAY: Cuddling followed by Java and Pokemans. Small chance of Easy Mac dinner in the early to late evening. Relative sexual tension: 22%
  • edited November 2010
    Well, I'm at home, and she's at home, so it's just Facebook chat cuddling. I don't like Easy Mac, so not really. Relative sexual tension? Not really sure at this point.

    For serious though, we're just counting down 'til Saturday when we get back to school...And we've decided that Saturday night we're gonna spend the night together and sleep in the same bed (probably hers). So, yeah...I'm excited. Needless to say, the sexual tension that night will be very high. However, I'm a nice boy, so I won't do anything untoward.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited November 2010
    FORECAST FOR TODAY: Cuddling followed by Java and Pokemans. Small chance of Easy Mac dinner in the early to late evening. Relative sexual tension: 22%
    I love you right now.
    I got dumped. It was my first real relationship, so it's not bad in the long run, but it still hurts.
    Yep, that sucks. You'll find someone else, I'm sure, but I'm also sure you don't particularly care about or want anyone else right now.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • However, I'm a nice boy, so I won't do anything untoward.
  • I think my definiton of "untoward" may differ from yours. Slightly.
  • I think my definiton of "untoward" may differ from yours. Slightly.
    My definition, or Axel's?
  • Actually, I'm really curious, theknoxinator, next time you read this thread, I want to hear what you did and why, if you don't mind.

    And thanks, for starting a huge argument.
    I was hoping for some discussion, but it didn't exactly go where I expected. Overall, most people here pretty much agree with my mindset.

    To answer what actually happened, I went in with caution, but ultimately let her do what she wanted. No awkwardness the next morning, so I'd say it turned out fine.

    As for the why, I'm not the kind of guy to refuse an offer like that unless it results in physical harm. Especially when the offer is from a girl who I know has wanted me for years.
  • I think my definiton of "untoward" may differ from yours. Slightly.
    My definition, or Axel's?
    Probably both of yours, but mostly Axel's.
  • edited November 2010
    I used to think that when a thread exploded with 100 posts, it meant that it was a religious argument. Now I think it just means it's an Axel argument. :)

    Regardless of the validity of Axel's arguments (or lack of arguments), I can appreciate the fact that he's basically trying to argue with (and respond to, via typing) a dozen people at once, and that's not really a fair position for anyone to be put in.

    That's why I propose FRC Forum Thunderdome: two men enter, one man leaves -- then the other leaves, having admitted that he's wrong. (Or she.)
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • having admitted that he's wrong.
    I don't see that ever happening. :P
  • I don't see that ever happening. :P
    This. Even I'm too stubborn to admit when I'm wrong on a big issue. Small things, no problem, but something big, not gonna happen. I think most people on this forum are that way.

    However, thank you Funfetus, this is a point that has been brought up...A lot. It's difficult for me to respond to everyone, yes, but that shouldn't excuse any lacking arguments I make to an individual, it just might explain my lacking arguments as a whole.
  • This. Even I'm too stubborn to admit when I'm wrong on a big issue. Small things, no problem, but something big, not gonna happen. I think most people on this forum are that way.
    I don't necessarily want to start this argument again, but most of the people on this forum are NOT too stubborn to admit when they're wrong on a big issue -- that's why they're atheists.
  • This. Even I'm too stubborn to admit when I'm wrong on a big issue. Small things, no problem, but something big, not gonna happen. I think most people on this forum are that way.
    I don't necessarily want to start this argument again, but most of the people on this forum are NOT too stubborn to admit when they're wrong on a big issue -- that's why they're atheists.
    Fair enough, fair enough.
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