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  • edited November 2010
    I think Churba could weigh in on "worst case scenario" when sticking your dick in crazy.
    Also known as the "Churba Tells you how he got these Scars" conversation. Bonus points if I can pick up the next one by telling the story of how the last few scarred me up.

    I will also note my pattern recognition skills are not that great, considering that my current Girlfriend is the most skilled and able out of the entire set, should she take it into her head to start taking a negative attitude to my continued health.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • In this case, help to find casual sex from a married woman who just wants sex from me?
    It might help you in the future ^_^
  • Why consistently pursue me when you have nothing more to gain from it? It's obviously not to help me, because you don't care about my opinion, your point is to make me believe YOUR opinion, and isn't that "forcing your opinion on others?"
    Because you keep bringing these things up, then throw out a passive-aggressive cop-out and run away every single time. If you were able to present an intelligent and rational counter-argument, it would receive our full consideration.

    Your problem is that you won't stand up for your beliefs, and you run away when anyone challenges them effectively.
  • In this case, help to find casual sex from a married woman who just wants sex from me?
    It might help you in the future ^_^
    I'll keep that in mind, thanks. <_
  • Why consistently pursue me when you have nothing more to gain from it? It's obviously not to help me, because you don't care about my opinion, your point is to make me believe YOUR opinion, and isn't that "forcing your opinion on others?"
    Because you keep bringing these things up, then throw out a passive-aggressive cop-out and run away every single time. If you were able to present an intelligent and rational counter-argument, it would receive our full consideration.

    Your problem is that you won't stand up for your beliefs, and you run away when anyone challenges them effectively.
    I'm not saying consider my argument, I'm saying just let me run away. Why pursue? If I run away, it means you win, right? That's what you're saying? Why pursue me after you've won? That's just pointless for everyone involved. Clutters up the forum, makes me mad, doesn't gain you anything because you've already won.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm not saying consider my argument, I'm saying just let me run away. Why pursue? If I run away, it means you win, right? That's what you're saying? Why pursue me after you've won? That's just pointless for everyone involved. Clutters up the forum, makes me mad, doesn't gain you anything because you've already won.
    Running away is worse that not standing up for your opinions (whatever they may be). Grow some fucking balls.

    Measure is unceasing.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited November 2010
    @Neito - That's not what I meant. If it came off that way, I'm sorry. I was simply admitting that this argument isn't worth having, like any argument I get involved in.
    Really? I've had plenty of arguments worth having.
    You and Scott talk about backing up my opinions, but why should you care? If I stop arguing, you win. If I keep arguing, it's your forum, so again you win. What's the point? Why consistently pursue me when you have nothing more to gain from it? It's obviously not to help me, because you don't care about my opinion, your point is to make me believe YOUR opinion, and isn't that "forcing your opinion on others?"
    That's nonsensical. If no one cared about what you thought, they wouldn't try to convince you in the first place.
    @Pete - I wrote a long post about this, but my failing internet lost it, so I'll sum it up. If in this situation, the woman really had no emotional attachment to the outside man, the outside man had no emotional attachment to the woman, and the husband didn't care that his wife was having sex with someone else, then yes, it could work.
    Why is emotional attachment necessarily a bad thing in this case?
    I'm not saying consider my argument, I'm saying just let me run away. Why pursue? If I run away, it means you win, right? That's what you're saying? Why pursue me after you've won? That's just pointless for everyone involved. Clutters up the forum, makes me mad, doesn't gain you anything because you've already won.
    The point isn't to "win" or "lose". Both people should be aiming to get as many things right and as few things wrong as they possibly can in their view of the world. If there is a disagreement, there is room for at least one of the two people to improve themselves.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I'm just going to say that since I was a child, I wanted to get married and have kids. The only thing that has changed in that goal is that the marriage does not need to be a religious ceremony.
  • I'm not saying consider my argument, I'm saying just let me run away. Why pursue? If I run away, it means you win, right? That's what you're saying? Why pursue me after you've won? That's just pointless for everyone involved. Clutters up the forum, makes me mad, doesn't gain you anything because you've already won.
    Think of it like this. You're going to play soccer. You decide after one minute to forfeit. Too late! You got on the field, that means you're playing. There are 89 minutes left, and we are going to score as many goals we can, no holding back. If you didn't want to play, you shouldn't have agreed to the match and shown up in the first place. It's actually worse that way because you not only lose the game, but lose respect.

    Who do you respect more, the team that loses, but fights hard to the very end or the team that forfeits after one minute? Which one are you?
  • If you think it's still about winning and not trying to open up your mind and show you that your arguments aren't as strong, then you are missing the whole point.

    Stop being a pussy.
  • Running away is worse that not standing up for your opinions (whatever they may be). Grow some fucking balls.
    When I've tried arguing, I get yelled at. When I decide not to argue, I get yelled at. There's no way for me to win, why should I waste the effort typing when I lose either way?
  • Argumentation is the seeking of truth through debate.
  • And no matter what I do, we never reach an agreement, so arguing is pointless, because it will never reach fruition.
  • When I've tried arguing, I get yelled at. When I decide not to argue, I get yelled at. There's no way for me to win, why should I waste the effort typing when I lose either way?
    Because you didn't actually decide not to argue. You posted something. Deciding not to argue means not even making a single post. That one post tosses your hat in the ring.

    If you want to win, there's only one way. That's to win. You have to play the game and score more points than the other team. And if you fail to score more points, you have to be a good sportsman and admit defeat. Also, no cheating.
  • I did admit defeat. I said no matter what, you guys won't agree with me. So, I lose. There you go.
  • RymRym
    edited November 2010
    And no matter what I do, we never reach an agreement, so arguing is pointless, because it will never reach fruition.
    I did admit defeat. I said no matter what, you guys won't agree with me. So, I lose. There you go.
    You've never wondered why your positions are often so indefensible? Is it not likely there is some fundamental flaw?

    When I find myself with an indefensible belief, it is clear to me that my belief is likely faulty, and bears further consideration.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited November 2010
    I did admit defeat. I said no matter what, you guys won't agree with me. So, I lose. There you go.
    That's not admitting defeat. Admitting defeat means changing your mind. When we have indefensible arguments, we say "I was wrong" and we change our minds. That's why we are so difficult to argue against. We change our minds to the beliefs that are the most defensible, the most supported by evidence, and the most correct.

    It's the same as in board games. If you fight someone and they use a strategy that completely owns you, you use their strategy the next time you play. If you insist on keeping the same shitty strategy, it's no surprise that you lose every time.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Yes, I've considered it. But I really don't care, because it makes sense to me. I can defend it, you just disagree with the defense because it winds up being based on different world views than yours.

    Also, something I'd like to note...A part of your argument for having sex with the woman is selfishness. It might not affect you all that negatively, so just do it.

    A part of your argument for why my religious beliefs are wrong is selfishness. It results in a lot of people going to Hell, and that's illogical, and being selfish in that situation doesn't make sense.

    So, I'm confused. When is selfishness okay, and when is it not?
  • So, I'm confused. When is selfishness okay, and when is it not?
    Generally when you are upfront and honest about it and taking in account the feelings of others while you are pursuing a selfish act.
  • So, I'm confused. When is selfishness okay, and when is it not?
    When you don't hurt anybody.
  • So, I'm confused. When is selfishness okay, and when is it not?
    Generally when you are upfront and honest about it and taking in account the feelings of others while you are pursuing a selfish act.
    So, why is my selfishness with religion not okay? That was the end of our last religious argument, that me being selfish was immoral, and therefore did not fit with my religious views. However, if selfishness can potentially be the correct choice, then why wasn't it in my situation?
  • Yes, I've considered it. But I really don't care, because it makes sense to me. I can defend it, you just disagree with the defense because it winds up being based on different world views than yours.
    Hence one of the world views in question is wrong.
  • So, I'm confused. When is selfishness okay, and when is it not?
    When you don't hurt anybody.
    Okay. Thanks for clarifying.
  • So, I'm confused. When is selfishness okay, and when is it not?
    Generally? When it causes undue harm or distress. If your selfish banging of that girl causes undue distress to the guy, you've been a douche. If your selfish religious beliefs ensure that a gay couple will never enjoy the same benefits as a straight couple, you've also been a douche.

    Selfishness is not necessarily a bad thing. Wanting things for you is not a bad thing. Hurting other people to get what you want is often a bad thing.
  • edited November 2010
    Yes, I've considered it. But I really don't care, because it makes sense to me
    And herein is your fundamental problem. An intellectual person cares VERY VERY MUCH if they have a belief they can not defend. If I am arguing, and I can't win, then it is very likely that I am just wrong. I will do further research to confirm, but if I still can't win, I change my mind. If you can't logically defend your own thoughts, you should care a lot. We all care a great deal, and that is why we debate with great fervor.

    I suggest you find very old threads in this forum. You will see many people finding out that they are wrong and changing their minds. Those are the people that have stuck around for a long time. The people who couldn't handle the truth, they didn't stick around very long.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Okay, so I'm just crazy. We've also already dealt with that fact, and so I once again wonder why you don't just let me stop arguing when I want to, because arguing with a crazy person is pointless, right?
  • Polyamory can work fine as long as all involved are open and honest AND SECURE. Bottom line is this: "Relationship broken, add more people" is NOT acceptable. Make sure that everything is good between others in a relationship before you enter it. In addition, make sure that YOU are okay with it. If you can't handle being in a non-monogamous relationship, don't go for it. Even if you really, really want to date the girl (or guy). If you're not sure, express that and be willing to break off the relationship if it becomes apparent that you are unable to continue it in a positive way.

    Anyone who makes an absolute statement that consensual non-monogamy can't ever work is projecting and closed-minded. Just because you're incapable of it doesn't mean all of us are.
  • Okay, so I'm just crazy. We've also already dealt with that fact, and so I once again wonder why you don't just let me stop arguing when I want to, because arguing with a crazy person is pointless, right?
    You know that if you just stop replying to the posts, they run out of ammo right?
  • Okay, so I'm just crazy. We've also already dealt with that fact, and so I once again wonder why you don't just let me stop arguing when I want to, because arguing with a crazy person is pointless, right?
    The problem is that we are all good people and we want to help you un-crazy.
  • edited November 2010
    Okay, so I'm just crazy. We've also already dealt with that fact, and so I once again wonder why you don't just let me stop arguing when I want to, because arguing with a crazy person is pointless, right?
    No. It's only pointless once you're certain that they're crazy, and if we're talking seriously crazy, then the right thing to do is ensure that they get help.

    For now, I doubt anyone here thinks you're crazy.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
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