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  • Now I want to try this just to see who matches my algorithm. Also because answering questions about yourself is both narcissistic and fun, two of my favorite things. Answering 800 questions about myself sounds like the BEST time waster.
  • Now I want to try this just to see who matches my algorithm. Also because answering questions about yourself is both narcissistic and fun, two of my favorite things. Answering 800 questions about myself sounds like the BEST time waster.
    When you got like 45 minutes to kill, you can play games like "let's answer as many questions as I can and beat my previous record!" and "how obnoxious are the hotties"?

    First game: about 30 in 45 minutes.
    Second game: nearly 100% obnoxious
  • Answering 800 questions about myself sounds like the BEST time waster.
    It loses it's appeal.

    I'm with you Bryan. As interesting as OkCupid is, I've decided to stick to more old fashioned methods of finding a gal.
  • edited June 2011
    If these are real games that are integrated into the system I'm disappointed this site did not exist when I was actually looking for people to date.

    Also "old fashioned methods" are retarded. I have a few friends who can't get over the stigma of internet dating and are suffering for it. Hint: the girls you actually want to hang out with/date also use the internet.
    Post edited by Dave on
  • Actually OKC does have a psychologist game. You are presented with two profile pictures and a statement that one of the two has agreed with (while the other did not agree with the statement). If you can guess from that alone, you get 20 points I think. You can read the profile of either person with a -3 point penalty (-6 point penalty to read both).

    I think my high score is 120some.

    oh yeah, and everyone on the game is a volunteer, so the info isn't being used against people's will.
  • Just integrate it into XBL and Steam. If you want to date me, you must first beat me in CounterStrike and Street Fighter.
  • Just integrate it into XBL and Steam. If you want to date me, you must first beat me in CounterStrike and Street Fighter.
    Wouldn't a more appropriate first qualifier be that they would have to beat Emily?
  • edited June 2011
    Also "old fashioned methods" are retarded. I have a few friends who can't get over the stigma of internet dating and are suffering for it. Hint: the girls you actually want to hang out with/date also use the internet.
    That's what I thought. I'm a homebody, so to find an interest, I figure internet is the way to find other homebodies.

    You know what is on nearly every girl's profile out in Boston, MA?

    "I like to go out and hang with friends at the bar every weekend!" "I <3 traveling! I want to travel the world!"

    As for the first: then what the fuck do you need a dating website for?
    As for the second: my friend assures me that women want this because it costs a lot of money and they want a provider, but in reality it won't come up much in the relationship. I'm not sure what his sample population was for coming to that conclusion; I suspect it was small.

    To be fair, I assume most guys' profiles say one of these two:
    "videogames == life, w00t." "i want to put my penis in your vagina if you r pretty enuf"
    Post edited by Byron on
  • edited June 2011
    There is a dating site called geek2geek. I've never tried it, but there might be a few people on the forum that has.

    As for myself. I used Craigslist to find friends after a major breakup. I found my Jeremy that way to just hang out and then we became a couple. Going on 5 years now.
    Just integrate it into XBL and Steam. If you want to date me, you must first beat me in CounterStrike and Street Fighter.
    I would so do that, but use Tetris instead. Jeremy hasn't fully proven himself to me, but has had the occasional lucky moments of beating me.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • OKCupid has "worked" for me in the past.

    No idea about geek2geek.

    I've heard Plenty of Fish is an ok site.

    Craigslist is the reason I've got so many funny 1st date stories.

    Those are all free sites. If you're serious about finding someone via the internet, you're going to have to pay for quality.
  • Conventions are a much better idea than the Internet. I could probably keep coming up with reasons for hours.
  • edited June 2011
    Those are all free sites. If you're serious about finding someone via the internet, you're going to have to pay for quality.
    Conspiracy Game Theory: Profit incentive implies that the company will do best by providing you with moderate matches over bad or fantastic matches. It is in their best interest to have you meet with nice folks that you probably won't end up with for too terribly long. In this way you feel like they are trying to help (the match didn't suck), so you are inclined to return when the relationship ends (the match wasn't fantastic).

    Of course, this is only realistic if such discriminations can be calculated and realized, which is pretty unlikely.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • Conventions are a much better idea than the Internet. I could probably keep coming up with reasons for hours.
    Reason #1: You already have a hotel room ;)
  • YoshoKatana ended up naked on as a result of Ok Cupid. That's gotta be worth something.
  • Just integrate it into XBL and Steam. If you want to date me, you must first beat me in CounterStrike and Street Fighter.
    You know, I once got into a relationship on a bet that if I could beat her in smash brothers she'd date me... Didn't end up being one of my healthier relationships...
  • edited June 2011
    There is a dating site called geek2geek. I've never tried it, but there might be a few people on the forum that has.
    2 years later i got engaged to another wonderful user of that site. 3 years later the love goes on.
    Conventions are a much better idea than the Internet. I could probably keep coming up with reasons for hours.
    Do an episode? That wold be fun to listen too!
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I've been out with three girls that I met on the internet and would not go out with any of them again. I recommend geeks/nerds trying out OKcupid because that was three dates more than I would have had without it.
  • Conventions are a much better idea than the Internet.
    That's how I got my awesome boyfriend. That and my cat like reflexes and hot pants!
  • That's how I got my awesome boyfriend.
    And how I've gotten jack all. >_>
  • That's how I got my awesome boyfriend.
    And how I've gotten jack all. >_>
    That's because you're trying too hard. If you'd just stop TRYING to find a girlfriend and be less self-deprecating, then you wouldn't come across as awkward and desperate.
  • If you'd just stop TRYING to find a girlfriend and be less self-deprecating, then you wouldn't come across as awkward and desperate.
    Hurtful. :(

    Bros before hos, George. Bros before hos. I don't actually believe in that concept, but it seems like the right thing to say at this moment.
  • If you'd just stop TRYING to find a girlfriend and be less self-deprecating, then you wouldn't come across as awkward and desperate.
    Hurtful. :(

    Bros before hos, George. Bros before hos. I don't actually believe in that concept, but it seems like the right thing to say at this moment.
    George knows I love him. However, he does have trouble talking to girls. When he does, he tends to make jokes at his own expense and highlights his failures with women. We have repeatedly told him to just focus on being awesome and having a good time instead of worrying about impressing women.

    I don't sugar coat things, especially not things that I have already told people. George is enough of a man to deal with it.
  • edited June 2011
    That's because you're trying too hard. If you'd just stop TRYING to find a girlfriend and be less self-deprecating, then you wouldn't come across as awkward and desperate.
    I'm either trying too hard or not at all. I don't fucking get this game!
    We have repeatedly told him to just focus on being awesome and having a good time instead of worrying about impressing women.
    Also, I do not remember this conversation.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Conventions are a much better idea than the Internet. I could probably keep coming up with reasons for hours.
    Do an episode? That wold be fun to listen too!
  • That's because you're trying too hard. If you'd just stop TRYING to find a girlfriend and be less self-deprecating, then you wouldn't come across as awkward and desperate.
    I'm either trying too hard or not at all. I don't fucking get this game!

    As a male, we are required by law to approach and convey interest in females. Females, by law, do not show interest and will not show interest in any male unless he will take her into his arms and say "Give me some sugar, baby". Most males also don't have a shotgun handy or a chainsaw arm, which makes it even more difficult. So when showing interest, many of us somehow screw it up, and the female moves on to finding some other mate because the females are the gate keepers and the males are the ever seekers.

    If a male is genuinely nice to a female without trying to impress, she will not know he has an interest, and will pursue other males while telling originally referenced male how wonderful the guy is that she's currently dating (while he tells her how much he'd rather be with someone else, but meh, she'll do for now).

    Disclaimer: This comment is largely hyperbole and is meant for entertainment purposes only.
  • edited June 2011
    Less hyperbole: I have actually had women show interest in me. I've seen women show interest in men who didn't come a-knockin'. It's a pretty sweet deal when they do so, especially when it is done so unambiguously. I support equal rights, especially in dating.

    If I were gay or a woman, I would be just as bitter about men. It's simply my nature to be jaded about everything. South Park made an episode about it as the season finale.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • I've had quite the opposite experience with guys. If I wait around, I never get asked out and then 5 years later they'll admit that they wanted to date me. With all the guys I dated, I was the one who initiated. Outside of OKCupid, I think I've only been asked out once.
  • I'm either trying too hard or not at all. I don't fucking get this game!
    Just be you, without being self-deprecating. In fact, try being very slightly arrogant.
  • Just be you, without being self-deprecating. In fact, try being very slightly arrogant.
    I am me, I'm me all the time. Being me has never been successful.
  • With all the guys I dated, I was the one who initiated.
    Nice. I'm sure it wasn't easy for you, but you are a role model for the empowerment of women!

    I had a friend that was almost never asked out, and I think it was because she was so shy she didn't make eye contact with any guys she thought were cute nor did she say much around them; I think they got the impression she was dull or absolutely not interested in them. Eventually she learned how to ball up and say hi to a guy, at which point he'd usually take over the conversation. After a 3 year dry spell, she started getting into dating, and I think she's now into pretty casual "relationships."

    Casual relationships aren't really my thing. I'm too much of a germaphobe (those videos from middle school worked on me).
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