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Girls (or women if you prefer)

edited May 2008 in Everything Else
I'm sorry to all of females out there but why are girls so goddamend complicated? And geeky girls are even worst because they now all the tricks out there.



  • edited May 2008
    People are complicated. Women just tend to be complicated in different ways than men tend to be.

    So what happened?
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I'm sure if you tried dating men they'd end up being just as confusing as women currently are.
  • I'm sure if you tried dating men they'd end up being just as confusing as women currently are.
    You know, I kinda think it wouldn't be confusing. It'd be like "Hey, we ARE assholes." But you'd totally understand it.
  • I'm sure if you tried dating men they'd end up being just as confusing as women currently are.
    Scratchier beards, too.
  • I don't think I'm particularly complicated. I'm just a person. And complicated in what way? Some people have emotional issues, and that can be rough. But with girls, just think of them like a brand of dude. They are not alien, some of them may deal with things a little differently, but overall most of the same principles apply. You know, it's kinda like the people who go over to Japan and are like "ARG! Why are the Japanese people so COMPLICATED!" Sure, there are some differences in communication and social behavior between cultures, but people laugh and love and feel the same the world over. People are people. Instead of focusing on the cultural and behavioral differences between groups search for the things that make us the same and focus on those. You'll get less "culture shock" when dealing with "girls."

    ...Plus, I don't trick people. Really.

    I was talking to Rym the other day and we were thinking that after that dating thread we should do an episode called "Ask a Girl" We have a lot of intelligent friends (I hope that we can get our resident anthropologist to participate) and we thought it might be...sorta educational? Now, we don't claim to be representatives of our entire sex, but we thought if geeky guys could just have a heart to heart with a random girl maybe it wouldn't be such a battle to try and understand them. We'll be temporary ambassadors, so to speak. What burning questions would you "Ask a Girl?" Be specific.
  • As someone who has dated both women and men, I will say(at least, in my experience) dating women is far simpler. Yeah, women are complicated - but they have nothing on men, good god.
  • jccjcc
    edited May 2008
    Geek sociology is a fun one to look into. :)

    In my experience, geek girls are more likely to have a problem with primadonnaism. That is not to say that all geek girls are prima donnas (not at all!), simply that it is a notable disease among the group. I think this is because of the nature of the average geek social group, which has a high male to female ratio full of desperate men with low standards and a tendency to lapse into "Nice Guy syndrome", which instantly gives your plain and/or leprous geek girl a self-esteem boost if she's lacking in that area, as she finds herself lavished with positive attention that she would not get out in the Real World due to her physical unattractiveness, hostile personality, etc. After years of being fairly low on the totem pole, this sort of treatment can easily go to her head.

    The geek guys that I've witnessed attempting to be friendly towards girls fall into two main fail groups.

    First, is the creepy-friendly. Their heart is there, but they lack finesse in things like appropriate social body space, personal hygiene, picking up on those passive cues that many girls seem to prefer to the more direct rejection techniques, and that that story about your buddy who watched a hooker have sex with a goat is not one of universal appeal.

    Second, the dreaded backlash nice guy, who, after witnessing the epic fails of the creepy-friendly guy and hearing the ladies complain about Mr. Creeps, has sublimated his own creepy-friendly urges into an ass-lapping eagerness to please. This is not necessarily bad, except that almost always these guys get sucked into the orbit of a geek primadonna, and end up either terribly unhappy, or snapping and becoming misogynists.
    Post edited by jcc on
  • Thank you, Stephen Crane.
  • I thought we established on the dork/nerd/geek test thread that dorks are the ugly and socially inept ones. Therefore I can confidently say, there are some pretty hot geeks out there, from both sexes. So what about the hot, socially-aware geek/nerd girl? She can get any dumb frat boy she wants, but she wants the geeky/nerdy guys because they are awesome.

    But yes, I do see some pretty ugly chicks out there with pretty ugly guys, and I don't know who to feel sorry for. But maybe just thinking that makes me superficial. Sigh.
  • I was talking to Rym the other day and we were thinking that after that dating thread we should do an episode called "Ask a Girl" We have a lot of intelligent friends (I hope that we can get our resident anthropologist to participate) and we thought it might be...sorta educational? Now, we don't claim to be representatives of our entire sex, but we thought if geeky guys could just have a heart to heart with a random girl maybe it wouldn't be such a battle to try and understand them. We'll be temporary ambassadors, so to speak. What burning questions would you "Ask a Girl?" Be specific.
    Actually, there are three females in the FRC with a significant amount of Anthropology background.
  • As someone who has dated both women and men, I will say(at least, in my experience) dating women is far simpler. Yeah, women are complicated - but they have nothing on men, good god.
    Please elaborate on that. I'm very curious.
  • Two questions:

    How do you people want to be asked out?
    How much do you care about the good-looks factor in guys?
    Does size matter? :P

  • I have long suspected that penis size is something guys care about more than girls.
  • I have long suspected that penis size is something guys care about more than girls.
    Since you assumed he was talking about PENIS size, that's obviously true. :)
  • I have long suspected that penis size is something guys care about more than girls.
  • edited May 2008
    I'd just like to throw this out there, but any girls on this forum living in the Leeds area who like smart, easygoing guys: Email or whisper me.
    Hey, it's worth a shot.

    In regards to dating a geek I'm not sure I'd like all hobbies to overlap but having things in common and not rejecting each others past times would be important.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • In regards to dating a geek I'm not sure I'd like all hobbies to overlap but having things in common and not rejecting each others past times would be important.
    I date someone in this thread...^_^
  • In regards to dating a geek I'm not sure I'd like all hobbies to overlap but having things in common and not rejecting each others past times would be important.
    I date someone in this thread...^_^
  • After giving it some thought, there is NO geeky girl I know of in my group of friends and acquaintances. The only girl I know who is just a little bit geeky is really into Manga, but "only" Naruto and some shojo.
    I have to disguise myself under my stereotypical "musician image" to be able to even socialize at all here, let alone finding geeky girls. ^_~ I feel really sorry for people who are "pure" geeks, since it must be really hard for them to find friends here, let alone a girlfriend..
  • edited May 2008
    ...The only girl I know who is just a little bit geeky is really into Manga, but "only" Naruto ...
    RUN! and DO NOT look back.
    Now, if she is interested in Tezuka, she is a keeper.
    That is basically the ultimate test for a manga related interest relationship.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • edited May 2008
    Now, if she is interested in Tezuka, she is a keeper needs counseling.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited May 2008
    Two questions:

    How do you people want to be asked out?
    How much do you care about the good-looks factor in guys?
    Does size matter? :P

    That's three questions! :P

    I like it directly. No vagueness or going around it. Ask me and I'll tell you what I think already! certain tastes in mens looks are usually considered meh in the big scope of guys. (hairy guys, glasses, a little bit of chunky and lots of exp if someone has long hair!) All the normally good looking guys I don't really like. I rather have the geek next door guy than a model guy bar none.

    To the last question, yes, but not in the way you're thinking. NSFW( I seen big ones and they are scary as hell. No way! I prefer medium to smaller ones. Less pain more pleasure. Plus I could do more things with them when they're that size.)
    ...The only girl I know who is just a little bit geeky is really into Manga, but "only" Naruto ...
    RUN! and DO NOT look back.
    Now, if she is interested in Tezuka, she is a keeper
    Fuck yeah.
    *stuff this guy said.*
    The two type of guys are indeed real. I was courted by two myself like that. I never see the primadonna geek girls here. Maybe it because geek girls are common here I'm from. In clubs and geek gatherings in town I see a ton of girls. Then again I'm referring to the anime geek circles. Things are different in the gamers and the comic heads.

    If anything I see the normy chicks prey on geek guys. Sigh, we lost a great geek guy to one. Next thing you know he started dressing trendy and forsaken everyone. *pours 40 on the curb*
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I date someone in this thread...^_^
    Your Mom?
  • I date someone in this thread...^_^
    Your Mom?
  • I date someone in this thread...^_^
    Your Mom?
    Everyone dates Andrew's mom.
  • Everyone dates Andrew's mom.
    Wow! Ha Ha! That's so funny, I don't think I've ever heard someone make fun of my mom. That's a new one. LOL.
  • Your mom goes to college.
  • edited May 2008
    As someone who has dated both women and men, I will say(at least, in my experience) dating women is far simpler. Yeah, women are complicated - but they have nothing on men, good god.
    Please elaborate on that. I'm very curious.
    Well, without going into specific examples, women tend to be easier to "figure out" - Not entirely obviously, but enough that it makes the relationship a whole lot easier. Men tend to bottle things up, not tell you things, and so on, making them much harder to figure out. It takes a lot longer and a lot more effort to get a bloke to reveal whats going on in his head half the time.
    Just as a random example, what if you end up with one of the sort of gay/bisexual guy who also hold onto his masculinity - you have to proceed vastly differently to a gay bloke who cares a bit less about it.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • jccjcc
    edited May 2008

    Just as a random example, what if you end up with one of the sort of gay/bisexual guy who also hold onto his masculinity - you have to proceed vastly differently to a gay bloke who cares a bit less about it.
    I had a roommate once, had sort of the opposite thing happen. He suddenly decided that he was stereotypically flaming in every conceivable way. Threw out his old wardrobe, developed a lisp and love of bad musicals, the whole shebang. Took him a while to calm down and just be himself.
    Post edited by jcc on

  • Just as a random example, what if you end up with one of the sort of gay/bisexual guy who also hold onto his masculinity - you have to proceed vastly differently to a gay bloke who cares a bit less about it.
    I had a roommate once, had sort of the opposite thing happen. He suddenly decided that he was stereotypically flaming in every conceivable way. Threw out his old wardrobe, developed a lisp and love of bad musicals, the whole shebang. Took him a while to calm down and just be himself.
    A suprising amount of people go through that stage - I didn't quite go through that stage, but I did spend a lot more time that was reasonable at the Brisbane Arts theatre.
    I'm an absolutely terrible actor, but they graciously went along with my quirks.
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