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Girls (or women if you prefer)



  • When I was in college I would meet girls at parties and they would ask me what I studied. When I told them that I was majoring in Math and Physics, they usually left to find some jocks or fraternity boys. Then I decided to go to law school. I found that, when I told girls that I was a law student, they were much, much more interested in me. Then I passed the bar and started practicing and the interest increased even more. I met my wife in court.

    So, if you want to be more successful with the girls, go to law school.
  • If you can prove you said that Maya line in an off the hand way, you get a biscuit.
  • Ugly Fred can corroborate that story. It was at Katsu-con.
  • edited May 2008
    I can draw people on the train
    You have to draw them when they are asleep. Half of my sketchbook portraits have people with their eyes closed.
    I draw them when they have their eyes closed while they are listening to their ipods. Though, one time I draw a dude with huge head sets. It kind of made me remind me the robot dude from Runaways.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Artists are creepy...
  • hehehe...we'll DRAW you. Hehhehheh.
  • I'm not quite sure how I would react if I woke up to see some person staring at me and drawing me.
  • That's the thing. When you're drawing people, you can't stare. And you especially can't draw while you stare; that's a dead giveaway. It's glance-draw-glance-draw-draw. It's a skill that takes time to acquire, but it's well-worth acquiring.

    Also, there have been a couple times I've shown people the drawings I did of them, and they've always been very flattered. But that's been a situation where we started talking about something else, and then I said "Oh, hey, by the way..."
  • edited May 2008
    I found that, when I told girls that I was a law student, they were much, much more interested in me.
    I have lied to many college-age women, and found that this is completely true.

    Medical school also works.
    Post edited by J.Sharp on
  • edited May 2008
    Eeeeh? But then what if they are pre-med like my sister and they start talking to you about complicated bio-chem stuff? That ever happen? How do you react when they call you on that? Maybe they are searching for someone smart, and med school indicates some amount of intelligence.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited May 2008
    That ever happen? How do you react when they call you on that?
    My major actually covered organic and biochemistry more in depth than the Biology department's Pre-Med track, so that wasn't usually a problem. If I had said I was in law school and she was pre-law, though, then I was in trouble. Usually, I'd just try to change the topic of conversation or just excuse myself and not come back.
    Post edited by J.Sharp on
  • Maybe they are searching for someone smart, and med school indicates some amount of intelligence.
    I would think that if they were just searching for intelligence, that a major in Math and Physics might just be a small indicator that the person has at least a little intelligence.
  • edited May 2008
    I would think that if they were just searching for intelligence, that a major in Math and Physics might just be a small indicator that the person has at least a little intelligence.
    You would think that...

    But wait a second. There's something I don't get. Wouldn't she find out your major if she spent any amount of time at all with you? Wouldn't that idea backfire if she actually started to date you?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited May 2008
    I would think that if they were just searching for intelligence, that a major in Math and Physics might just be a small indicator that the person has at least a little intelligence.
    You would think that...
    . . . and Mr. Sharp said that his major covered organic and biochemistry more in depth than the Biology department's Pre-Med track, so he should have been alright for intelligence alone. No, they were after the moneys. It's easy to see how a doctor or a lawyer might make the moneys, even when it's not as good as the old days, but it's less easy to see how a physicist or a chemist might make the moneys.
    But wait a second. There's something I don't get. Wouldn't she find out your major if she spent any amount of time at all with you? Wouldn't that idea backfire if she actually started to date you?
    You'd have to ask Mr. Sharp. For my part, I was not lying when I told them I was in law school. I suspect that Mr. Sharp did not have a long term relationship in mind when he made those little fibs.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited May 2008
    I suspect that Mr. Sharp did not have a long term relationship in mind when he made those little fibs.
    Indeed, just so. I was a significantly more self-centered person back in my undergrad days and uninterested in an actual relationship.
    Post edited by J.Sharp on
  • edited May 2008
    Oh I see. Just trying to score BY LYING. Man, no wonder girls did not want to date you. Ick.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited May 2008
    I don't get the whole lying to get a date thing, they will find out and they will ostracise you for it. If you have to lie to someone to get them to go out with you in the first place, the relationship will sink quickly. God, I've never dated before and I even know that.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • But, I did grow out of that sort of behavior.
  • edited May 2008
    I don't get the whole lying to get a date thing, they will find out and they will ostracise you for it. If you have to lie to someone to get them to go out with you in the first place, the relationship will sink quickly.
    Many times, you simply don't care. The situations that Mr. Sharp was describing weren't the type of situations were he'd notice a girl in class, gaze longingly at the back of her head while she was diligently taking notes during lecture, and then finally work up the courage to ask her out in hopes of going steady. No, these were situations in which Mr. Sharp was wanting to get someone in the sack. The likelihood that she would find out from another source that he wasn't in med school were slim, and even if she did, who cares? The only risk he took was that, if she found out later, she might tell all her friends to watch out for him.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited May 2008
    Yup, and that makes him a lousy excuse for a human being. I wouldn't sleep with anyone I wouldn't give my pin number to.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Yup, and that makes him a lousy excuse for a human being.
    No. That makes him a guy.
  • edited May 2008
    Guy? That's no excuse. Are you saying that guys are lousy excuses for human beings? That's unfair to the sex.

    Also, I hope a dog barfs on your feet, Mr. Sharp, like Rabble the Poodle did to a bad boyfriend of my Aunt's one day.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited May 2008
    Guy? That's no excuse. Are you saying that guys are lousy excuses for human beings?
    No, but a guy will, under the right circumstances, lie, cheat, or steal to get someone in the sack. It's not a moral failing. It's who we are. We can no more deny this part of ourselves than a dog who relieves himself in public. Do you blame the dog for not being potty-trained? No. Similarly, you should not blame Mr. Sharp for doing what he's hard-wired to do.
    Also, I hope a dog barfs on your feet, Mr. Sharp, like Rabble the Poodle did to a bad boyfriend of my Aunt's one day.
    Mr. Sharp wouldn't ahve been there long enough to be a boyfriend, bad or otherwise.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Guy? That's no excuse. Are you saying that guys are lousy excuses for human beings? That's unfair to the sex.
    I'd say this is what happens when people try to work around mistaken beliefs based on half-true information.

    A gold-digger believes that she is no good at anything other than your typical trophy wife/geisha skills, so she decides that using those skills to manipulate those with a high earnings potential is her only path to success.

    A player believes that pretty girls won't sleep with him if he just asks them, and that he must in fact act a certain way, and appear to have certain credentials and intentions. So he becomes a skillful liar to get around a barrier that he believes must be there.

    Both are based on understanding only half of the story. Gold-digger girl may be good at being a geisha, but those skills can apply elsewhere, and she probably has others.

    Player guy is correct that some pretty girls won't sleep with him if he just asks them, but he is incorrect in assuming that all pretty girls won't. It isn't only men who have sex drives, and it isn't only men who look for quick flings.

    A lot of times this kind of thing seems to happen unconsciously, and never gets corrected because it involves confronting a painful idea (I'm no good at anything, girls aren't interested in me, etc.) so they never really work their way through it.
  • It's not a moral failing
    I would argue otherwise. Lying, cheating, and stealing, as you yourself should be well aware, are more than mere moral failings, but absolutely criminal. And to abuse another's body under false pretenses simply to relieve oneself? The dog is doing no one harm, where as Mr. Sharp, who can and should behave otherwise, engages in this repulsive act. And then you have the callousness to suggest that it is his dudely right and priviledge? I am ashamed of you, Joe! I always thought you styled yourself a compassionate liberal, but instead I find you are blamable as the rest of the patriarchy.
    Mr. Sharp wouldn't ahve been there long enough to be a boyfriend, bad or otherwise.
    That doesn't stop me from wishing poodle barf upon his shoes and a centipede on his head.
  • Guy? That's no excuse. Are you saying that guys are lousy excuses for human beings?
    No, but a guy will, under the right circumstances, lie, cheat, or steal to get someone in the sack. It's not a moral failing. It's who we are. We can no more deny this part of ourselves than a dog who relieves himself in public. Do you blame the dog for not being potty-trained? No. Similarly, you should not blame Mr. Sharp for doing what he's hard-wired to do.
    Speak for yourself, chief.

    I at least need to be into someone, at least a little, before I can get IN someone. It's really just not worthwhile to have to lie, and maintain a lie, for the sake of getting some.

    Honestly, I don't see the point in going through a lot of effort if I'm not going to go for an emotional bond. If all I wanted was sex, I could pay for that and not have to deal with another human's wants and needs. It's honestly just not worth it.
  • edited May 2008
    Also, I hope a dog barfs on your feet, Mr. Sharp, like Rabble the Poodle did to a bad boyfriend of my Aunt's one day.
    I’m not going to try and justify the person I was years ago, other than to say that sort of behavior was the normal social activity among the crowd I ran with at my University. And, it does take two to tango - I’ve never forced or coerced a girl into anything she didn’t want to do.

    But, like I said earlier, in the years since then I’ve since grown up quite a bit. One-night stands aren’t nearly as fulfilling as they may appear to a person who feels lonely. An open and honest adult relationship is much more worth my time and energy, and it took me a bit longer than some guys to realize that.
    Post edited by J.Sharp on
  • edited May 2008
    I am ashamed of you, Joe! I always thought you styled yourself a compassionate liberal, but instead I find you are blamable as the rest of the patriarchy.
    I am compassionate. I am a liberal. However, I don't deny reality. Guys will lie to get sex. Getting cross about it is like getting cross with the sky for being blue or the sun for being hot.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I am ashamed of you, Joe! I always thought you styled yourself a compassionate liberal, but instead I find you are blamable as the rest of the patriarchy.
    I am compassionate. I am a liberal. However, I don't deny reality. Guys will lie to get sex. Getting cross about it is like getting cross with the sky for being blue or the sun for being hot.
    Some guys, yes. Some women will too. That doesn't mean that you HAVE to, nor does it mean that you SHOULD. A behavior is not excused simply because it IS. If you can modify it, why don't you?
  • edited May 2008
    I'm only saying that you shouldn't be so harsh with Mr. Sharp.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
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