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Girls (or women if you prefer)



  • You know what I think is horseshit? A woman's haircut is arbitrarily more expensive than a man's. Back when I had my glorious shoulder-length hair, stylists would still charge me the men's price. That always confused me.

    Also, you don't need makeup to be pretty. Knock that shit off.
  • Also, you don't need makeup to be pretty. Knock that shit off.
    Yeah. I actually find most makeup to be unattractive.
  • You know what I think is horseshit? A woman's haircut is arbitrarily more expensive than a man's. Back when I had my glorious shoulder-length hair, stylists would still charge me the men's price. That always confused me.
    My guess is that it has less to do with length and more to do with complexity. Popular womens' hairstyles tend to be more elaborate, requiring more time from the hairstylist, so assuming a full shop you'd get less haircuts done in a day's work doing women than men, so the prices for women are higher. Based on generalizations, but probably not entirely arbitrary.
  • Also, you don't need makeup to be pretty. Knock that shit off.
    That's what I'm saying. Makeup makes you more ugly, not less. Also, I can respect a woman more if she's proud of how she looks, and doesn't feel a need to paint herself to look differently.

  • Also, you don't need makeup to be pretty. Knock that shit off.
    It's so uncomfortable too. I tried it in HS and hated it. Blech!
  • Also, you don't need makeup to be pretty. Knock that shit off.
    Yeah. I actually find most makeup to be unattractive.
    Me too. But my sister and my mom tell me that I am crazy because of that :S
  • What would you say are the top three downsides of having breasts?
    I agree with a lot of the stuff other's said especially the coffee comment since I didn't know about it till college.
    1) You have to examine them for lumps from time to time. Maybe it's just me but it kinda grosses me out feeling for stuff in there. Your supposed to memories what you have.
    I can't really think of a # 3 that hasn't already been mentioned.
    "Well I like you and if you'd like to go out some time give me a call."
    I like it. It's honest and it doesn't put too much pressure on a girl at the moment. It's a pretty good level of casual.
  • edited May 2008
    Also, you don't need makeup to be pretty. Knock that shit off.
    Yeah. I actually find most makeup to be unattractive.

    Though it does fool a lot of people. Used to fool me.

    Also, this thread totally ran rampant before I got a chance to see it, so I'm gonna catch up here:
    If you lie to women to get laid, you're a piece of shit, period. (To be honest, though, my piece-of-shit threshold is pretty low.) Blaming it on biology is bullshit. If I did everything my biology told me to do, I'd have been in jail for assault or murder years ago. We're civilized humans because we can move beyond our simple instincts.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Also, you don't need makeup to be pretty. Knock that shit off.
    That's what I'm saying. Makeup makes you more ugly, not less. Also, I can respect a woman more if she's proud of how she looks, and doesn't feel a need to paint herself to look differently.
    As much as I agree, I have to admit, sometimes it looks nice on a woman to be all prettied up occasionally. Plus, I really really really really like eyeliner and eye shadow. *drools slightly*
  • Getting prettied up is one thing. That's when things like stylish heels and makeup and stuff are warranted.

    I know way too many girls who wear makeup on a daily basis. They also wear heels on a daily basis. I just can't wrap my mind around it. A lot of what I hear, and I'm sure it's true, is that it's really to compete with other women. They know most guys don't care about their shoes and/or think they're impractical; it's more a part of that intra-gender competitiveness that we seem to drive into our women from a very young age.

    It's all crap.
  • jccjcc
    edited May 2008
    Getting prettied up is one thing. That's when things like stylish heels and makeup and stuff are warranted.

    I know way too many girls who wear makeup on a daily basis. They also wear heels on a daily basis. I just can't wrap my mind around it. A lot of what I hear, and I'm sure it's true, is that it's really to compete with other women. They know most guys don't care about their shoes and/or think they're impractical; it's more a part of that intra-gender competitiveness that we seem to drive into our women from a very young age.

    It's all crap.
    Well... makeup done well doesn't look like makeup. ;) I suppose the lesson here is, "A bad makeup job is worse than no makeup at all, and if you're young you probably won't see much improvement anyway." :)

    I do wonder about the shoes... Where I live, there are many girls who are classy dressers, but when it comes to shoes-that-are-not-sneakers-or-flipflops they always go with something in shiny plastic with a heel that's too high and too many straps. Then again, I have a weakness for your loafers and knee-socks combo, which nobody seems to wear in real life. ^^; (I asked a female friend about this once, and she said something about not wanting to look like a priss.) Oh well.
    Post edited by jcc on

  • If you lie to women to get laid, you're a piece of shit, period. (To be honest, though, my piece-of-shit threshold is pretty low.) Blaming it on biology is bullshit. If I did everything my biology told me to do, I'd have been in jail for assault or murder years ago. We're civilized humans because we can move beyond our simple instincts.
    A voice of reason! ^_~

    I am not making a noble savage argument. This is about socialization. I was commenting on the fact gender was an artificial construct. It does not occur universally. It is not natural. I am not stating I think "savages" are "uncorrupted." In fact, I must state that there are to my knowledge NO SAVAGES in Papua-New Guinea. They are not as far along as us, but they are certainly not savages. They have had contact with our culture, by the way.
  • I think the topic of "lying to get laid" is far more interesting and worth discussing than many of you are giving it credit for. My position is probably close to that of jcc.
    Couldn't you see the make-up and such which (some) women put on while on the pull as the equivalent to a man claiming he's a lawyer?

    Surely in both cases the individual is trying to make themselves seem more like what they believe the opposite sex wants them to be than they truly are?
    You could, and you would not be incorrect in my opinion.
    Obviously in an ideal world we will meet people and show them exactly who they are and then start a relationship with them.
    Or have sex with them and then never speak again, provided that that was what was mutually agreed upon. :P
    However in practice in certain situations, (ie clubs, pubs etc.) where the aim is to enjoy coitus that evening, therefore without getting to know the person that well appearances inevitable count, and it seems women prefer lawyers, just as men prefer ''made-up'' women.

    I think it's all fair game in such circumstances as both parties know full well what is going on, you just can't expect it to lead to anything meaningful after the act.
    The biggest problem with this is that not everyone goes into it that way, so sometimes earnest people get caught and hurt in the process. I agree with the whole "don't hate the player, hate the game" philosophy, but that doesn't necessarily mean that a person should just give up on things.
    Here's my opinion on the previous example, where a guy gets laid by a girl because he lies and says he's a law student.
    I'd argue that if there's a problem with one of the parties in this interaction, there must also be a problem with both.
    If we say the guy is in the wrong for saying he is a law student, then I'd say the girl is in the wrong also for choosing to have sex based on a criterion like that...

    The whole issue of lying in general is nowhere near as clear-cut as some of you seem to make it out to be.

    I agree that if we specifically take lying with the sole purpose of getting laid, then that is probably not a good way to act, but even then it is very much a matter of context.
    Hopefully, you can avoid saying things likely to "turn off" another person without having to flat-out lie anyway.

    I don't think anyone here can argue that the correct answer to "what to tell them and when" is "everything and right now"...
  • If people are shallow enough to want to jump into bed with little to no acquaintance, they get what they get...
    If a man or woman really wanted to know someone before they had sex, they would, you know.... GET TO KNOW THEM! I am not condoning lying, but if you will jump into bed without knowing someone, you obviously do not care what they do for a living.

    Also, I would like to point out that the make-up/lying about a job is a really bad analogy.

  • If you lie to women to get laid, you're a piece of shit, period. (To be honest, though, my piece-of-shit threshold is pretty low.) Blaming it on biology is bullshit. If I did everything my biology told me to do, I'd have been in jail for assault or murder years ago. We're civilized humans because we can move beyond our simple instincts.
    A voice of reason! ^_~
    Lying to get an advantage is part of human nature, it just depends on the degree of lying and the value of the thing you want. Humans are a balance between unfeeling robots and nonsensical monkeys which have to balanced.
  • jccjcc
    edited May 2008
    >Lying to get an advantage is part of human nature, it just depends on the degree of lying and the value of the thing you want. Humans are a balance between unfeeling robots and nonsensical monkeys which have to balanced.
    So you're saying... that people are monkey cyborgs? :)

    Post edited by jcc on
  • edited May 2008
    No, sadly.
    On second thoughts, we could be considered to be getting close to cyborgs as while your mobile isn't part of you physically you would feel bad without it and you can probably figure out what makes us similar to monkeys. Like I said, it's a balance.
    Post edited by Omnutia on

  • If you lie to women to get laid, you're a piece of shit, period. (To be honest, though, my piece-of-shit threshold is pretty low.) Blaming it on biology is bullshit. If I did everything my biology told me to do, I'd have been in jail for assault or murder years ago. We're civilized humans because we can move beyond our simple instincts.
    A voice of reason! ^_~
    Lying to get an advantage is part of human nature, it just depends on the degree of lying and the value of the thing you want. Humans are a balance between unfeeling robots and nonsensical monkeys which have to balanced.
    But it is our ability to move beyond our instinct, to reason, and to create moral codes that go beyond base needs and desires that makes us unique amungst most (iof not all - I am not a biologist) animals on this planet.
  • edited May 2008
    But sometimes being a complete hedonist sounds so appealing. [Edit: Quote removed, it's just one post up.]
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Then again, I have a weakness for your loafers and knee-socks combo, which nobody seems to wear in real life. ^^; (I asked a female friend about this once, and she said something about not wanting to look like a priss.) Oh well.
    I wouldn't like the knee socks, but penny loafers (with the pennies in, please) and bobby sox are the hotness. Saddle buck oxfords and bobby sox are too much to even think about. I wish, I wish, I wish they would come back in style.
    Here's my opinion on the previous example, where a guy gets laid by a girl because he lies and says he's a law student.
    The really funny thing about that is, if the girls really knew the state of the legal profession right now, being a law student wouldn't impress them much:

    Guy: Hey baby, I'm a law student.
    Girl: Yeah? Like about 75% of the general population?
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