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Girls (or women if you prefer)



  • Your mom goes to college.
    STOP TALKING ABOUT MY MOM LIKE THAT! -runs away and cries-
  • Now, if she is interested in Tezuka, sheis a keeperneeds counseling.
    You know how I know you have bad taste?
  • edited May 2008
    Now, if she is interested in Tezuka, she is a keeper.
    That is basically the ultimate test for a manga related interest relationship.
    Sad thing is that Naruto is about as "geeky" as it gets. Even at the local comic/ anime con I only met like 4 people who had read Death Note. ^^ I doubt anyone had ever eveb heard anything about Osamu Tezuka.
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • Now, if she is interested in Tezuka, sheis a keeperneeds counseling.
    You know how I know you have bad taste?
    I forgot to swap Tezuka for Koike, therefore the joke failed.
  • Now, if she is interested in Tezuka, she is a keeper.
    That is basically the ultimate test for a manga related interest relationship.
    Sad thing is that Naruto is about as "geeky" as it gets. Even at the local comic/ anime con I only met like 4 people who had read Death Note. ^^ I doubt anyone had ever eveb heard anything about Osamu Tezuka.
    Well, as everything in the universe there is light and a dark. In my opinion Naruto is the bad geeky. But if you discover anime with naruto and then go into better things such as Tezuka, Desaki, Imagawa. Then I believe there is salvation for all the lost fans out there. Hell, I still believe that people that like Koi Kaze have a chance of redemption but I am a dreamer so what do I know :P
  • Everyone dates Andrew's mom.
    Wow! Ha Ha! That's so funny, I don't think I've ever heard someone make fun of my mom. That's a new one. LOL.
    I'm a cornucopia of clever.
  • So, how to tell if a girl tells the truth?
  • So, how to tell if a girl tells the truth?
    You don't, and it's just as hard with guys - it's just that they lie about different things (girls - feelings, emotions vs guys - bragging rights events).
  • So, how to tell if a girl tells the truth?
    How to tell if a guy tells the truth?
  • edited May 2008
    So, how to tell if a girl tells the truth?
    How to tell if a guy tells the truth?
    Look at how enthusiastic the guy is while speaking about certain topic. Also, if the guy tries to avoid your eyes he is lying.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • That is the answer to the girls. Now you know.
  • Then guys and girls are not that different. I can work with that.
  • They really aren't, except for boobs. And even then, not really.
  • 23 chromosome pairs = 46 chromosomes
    1/46 difference, genetically.
  • 23 chromosome pairs = 46 chromosomes
    1/46 difference, genetically.
    Not even. The Y chromosome doesn't have a lot on it; it has more than we used to think, but it's still not as big a deal as it would seem.

    The X chromosome is full of housekeeping genes.

    Hear that ladies? Housekeeping genes.
  • Oh snap. I think I'll duck and cover.
  • <
    The X chromosome is full of housekeeping genes.

    Hear that ladies?Housekeepinggenes.
    *looks at room*

    Nope. Not me. Guess I'm a guy.
  • Nope. Not me. Guess I'm a guy
    lol! Sorry, but I felt that the 1337speak was necessary in this particular situation.

  • Hear that ladies?Housekeepinggenes.
    I guess my X chromosome is screwy then. It likes to do the opposite. ^_^
  • Nope. Not me. Guess I'm a guy
    lol! Sorry, but I felt that the 1337speak was necessary in this particular situation.
  • There is a differance between girls and guys.
    I, as a girl, can draw people on the train with out being considered creepy. If a guy draws people on the train, then he's considered creepy.
    At least that's what I learned this week end.
  • ! Sorry, but I felt that the 1337speak was necessary in this particular situation.
    Forget i said that. I was tired and I wasn't thinking straight.
  • There is a differance between girls and guys.
    I, as a girl, can draw people on the train with out being considered creepy. If a guy draws people on the train, then he's considered creepy.
    At least that's what I learned this week end.
    I can draw people on the train, but I guess is ok for me since I look a lot younger than what I am :S
  • edited May 2008
    I can draw people on the train
    You have to draw them when they are asleep. Half of my sketchbook portraits have people with their eyes closed.
    Hear that ladies? Housekeeping genes.
    Get back in the kitchen, Pete!
    (After all, this is coming from the man who makes chocolate cupcakes of death, and loves to bake.)
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • chocolate cupcakes of death
    That sounds awesome, but.. deadly, I guess. Food isn't meant to be deadly.
  • Get back in the kitchen, Pete!
    (After all, this is coming from the man who makes chocolate cupcakes of death, and loves to bake.)
    The cupcakes are on BoingBoing.
  • edited May 2008
    I, as a girl, can draw people on the train with out being considered creepy. If a guy draws people on the train, then he's considered creepy.
    I am so going to start a fake science experiment to look into that one.
    And people, remember to think about the averaged as we are probably not among them. I, for one, manage to be a young adult white/black male and still manage to engage others really easily.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • There is a differance between girls and guys.
    I, as a girl, can draw people on the train with out being considered creepy. If a guy draws people on the train, then he's considered creepy.
    At least that's what I learned this week end.
    Someone's doing it wrong. I've been drawing people in coffee shops, on buses, trains, in parks, etc., for like 10 years, and no one has perceptibly noticed.
  • edited May 2008
    Someone's doing it wrong. I've been drawing people in coffee shops, on buses, trains, in parks, etc., for like 10 years, and no one has perceptibly noticed.
    Is it verging on creepy to want to start a collection of photo graphs of beautiful women (as in one I take myself.)?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Ummm, kinda? Depending on the situation. Please don't be like those guys at cons who walk up to me and my friends and go "let me take your picture. Huuh huuuh huuh." And I'm like..."uuum, but I'm not cosplaying?" And they are like "No, no it's okay, I'm from the freelance photographer's union." And I feel like going "You have your guild card on yah, buster?"

    However, if you go into it with the right attitude, and actually learn how to take portraits instead of just going "pant pant" at random girls on the street, then maybe it is better. Maybe. There's nothing wrong with a work of art that brings out the beauty of a chosen model.

    (and on a side note, there was one guy at a con who asked me "Are you over 18?" and I said "Yes." and he said "Do you model?" and I said "Only in Maya.")
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