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Long hairstyles for Men

edited July 2008 in Everything Else
I've always had quite long hair, but am planning to let it grow even longer now: till my shoulders. Any ideas how I could "style" my hair without looking like a girl or looking like an emo?


  • I've noticed this with my nephew and some of the kids I see on the TV. Why is the long hair coming back? Do you want a photo taken of you today to look like it was taken in 1978? We tried the long hair. It didn't work so well. Learn from our mistakes.
  • If you work at a ren fair or in computer technology, you'll fit right in with the other guys.

    Otherwise, probably not.
  • 1. Long hair = AWESOME
    2. Google search much?!
  • edited July 2008
    I just feel a lot more comfortable with long hair, and I find it also looks a lot better.

    At the moment I'm still a student but earn money by giving guitar lessons and playing in a few bands. I think I'll have no problem fitting in. ^_~
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • I like long hair on men and short hair on women usually... don't know why.
  • I've found, while searching through google images, that there are very few pictures of men with long hair (as in to their shoulders). Most of the haircuts end at the jaw.
  • I've found, while searching through google images, that there are very few pictures of men with long hair (as in to their shoulders). Most of the haircuts end at the jaw.
    Don't you think that's an indication that it's not generally a good idea?
  • I've found, while searching through google images, that there are very few pictures of men with long hair (as in to their shoulders). Most of the haircuts end at the jaw.
    Don't you think that's an indication that it's not generally a good idea?
    It does make me think.. But since google is more or less a representation of the "popular person", or so it seems, I don't really care. Most people have no sense of style whatsoever and just go to the hair dresser saying "cut it a bit shorter".
  • I've found, while searching through google images, that there are very few pictures of men with long hair (as in to their shoulders). Most of the haircuts end at the jaw.
    Don't you think that's an indication that it's not generally a good idea?
    Why no love for the long or long-ish hair on guys?
  • I like long hair on men and short hair on women usually... don't know why.
    *high five*
  • ......
    edited July 2008
    I've always had quite long hair
    Question, does the newspaper snippet you posted in that other thread depict you with your current hair length? The length you consider to be 'long'? Rym has long hair. What you, and I, have I consider to be medium length, and near short for women. Either way, as for style, I personally do nothing fancy. Run a comb through my hair to keep it from falling in my mouth, but other than that, natural. And seeing as I study Computer Science I fit in perfectly, seeing as there are several students in my year alone from the very few CS students there are with similar length, if not longer, hair as I.
    Why no love for the long or long-ish hair on guys?
    I think HungryJoe's just grumpy because it didn't suit him when he tried long hair.
    Post edited by ... on
  • I consider to be medium length
    I cut my hair for the summer a few weeks ago.
  • Why no love for the long or long-ish hair on guys?
    I think HungryJoe's just grumpy because it didn't suit him when he tried long hair.
    It didn't suit anyone. I thought this silliness was finished around 1983. Why is it back?

    I think I might still have a pair of lime green, bell bottom Toughskins if you want to complete the look.
  • edited July 2008
    Maku, there are a lot of japanese men's hair magazines that feature long hair. Kinokuniya has some.
    I always liked Kurt Cobain's long hair style. It's a nice messy style. Johnny Depp also did well with the long hair, too. Both, I believe take maintenance and product. Keeping it in a low ponytail might not be a bad option, too.
    Post edited by Ametto on
  • I've now looked at quite a lot of pictures. I don't really like pony tails, since I feel completely uncomfortable. I've found the most expectable hair style to be the "grunge" kind, similar to what 2 of the Foo Fighters are wearing.

    The problem with Japanese Magazines is, that if you think America is a hard place to "look different" in Germany some people won't talk to you if you have strange hair. Plus, I can't really get them anywhere except online.
  • If you want to go really long, let the beard go long as well. You can get your wizard whitebeard going on.
  • If you want to go really long, let the beard go long as well. You can get your wizard whitebeard going on.
    Or start a ZZ Top cover band.
  • I like my hair about the length it is, it makes a fine afro when I brush it up and can be easily tied back.
  • If you want to go really long, let the beard go long as well. You can get your wizard whitebeard going on.
    I believe the beard/ponytail combination is called a yeard.
  • I like my hair about the length it is, it makes a fine afro when I brush it up and can be easily tied back.
    Have you not cut your hair yet? You look like Bernie from Room 222.
  • image
    Black/brown hair, pretty much.
  • Here is someone else who has adopted that hairstyle.
  • How are they anything similar? Damn that clown looks down.
  • If you want to go really long, let the beard go long as well. You can get your wizard whitebeard going on.
    Only if you are old and well groomed. If you are young or sloppy you channel a ho-bo vibe more than a wizzard vibe.
  • How are they anything similar? Damn that clown looks down.
    He's sad because he has to wear his hair like an idiot.
  • Last year, a few days before Christmas, I cut my hair. It was about Rym's length. I donated all those inches to the Cancer Society, where it is being made into a wig. When it is that long, there is not much you can do with it. Either wear it down, or in a ponytail/bun type of thing.
  • I like my hair about the length it is, it makes a fine afro when I brush it up and can be easily tied back.
    I love your fro!
  • I like long hair on men and short hair on women
    I concur!
  • edited July 2008
    Any ideas how I could "style" my hair without looking like a girl or looking like an emo?
    But, but...I like how that looks...
    We tried the long hair. It didn't work so well.
    That's because you did it wrong back in the 70's. The shinsengumi rocked the ponytail way back before your day and they still look hot in period films.
    I like long hair on men and short hair on women usually... don't know why.
    Me too! I am exactly the same! Of course there are short hairstyles on guys that I think look really good, and some girls with long hair that looks really pretty, but typically I am the same as Mrs. Mac.
    Maku, there are a lot of japanese men's hair magazines that feature long hair. Kinokuniya has some.
    Somehow, Asian men can pull off the styled long hair look. I don't know if it is the properties of Japanese hair or the fact that they actually take care of it, but there are many young men in Japan that long styles really work on quite well. It's not the ratty nerd ponytail, its actually nice looking.
    Post edited by gomidog on
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