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Long hairstyles for Men



  • edited July 2008
    Joe-jiisan, what hairstyles do you think look nice? Since you're such a fashionista, why don't you enlighten us?

    ....Joe-jiisan....I like the sound of that. From henceforth that shall be your new nickname.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I was out with two girlfriends and one of their boyfriends. (he had long hair, really young looking, and very petite) We were at this bar and the guy next to us starts trying to hit on the him. It wasn't until he gets up and asks if he can buy him a drink, that he figures it out. At this point, I'm thinking OMG we are such dogs that this guy is hitting on the dude in the group instead of us. In my defense, he does look like a really pretty girl.

    I would grow a beard, it is the best way to make sure you don't look like a girl.
  • In my defense, he does look like a really pretty girl.
  • If taken care of properly, long hair on men is beautiful. Don't let Joe discourage you! Wear it long and draw in some geek ladies.
  • If you work at a ren fair or in computer technology, you'll fit right in with the other guys.
    Or if you're in a metal band.
  • If you want to go really long, let the beard go long as well. You can get your wizard whitebeard going on.
    Only if you are old and well groomed. If you are young or sloppy you channel a ho-bo vibe more than a wizzard vibe.
    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
    Again, I study Computer Science, many man, and many woman, consider computers, and software to be magic. So I'm totally rocking the long hair/beard combo. Damnit, why does my hair grow so slow though. :|
    At this point, I'm thinking OMG we are such dogs that this guy is hitting on the dude in the group instead of us.
    WHAHAHAHAHAHAA! That sounds awesome!
    ....Joe-jiisan....I like the sound of that. From henceforth that shall be your new nickname.
    I shall make it clear that I will steal the use of that nickname,if I remember. Well, perhaps shorten it to Jiisan along the way.
  • edited July 2008
    If taken care of properly, long hair on men is beautiful.
    That's the problem. If you're like most people, you won't have the time (or you won't take the effort) to take care of it properly. Sure, Barry Gibbs' hair looked good, but the everyday guy who tried to duplicate that look without a stylist on call just usually couldn't pull it off.

    Now I know there are some people here who have preternatural powers, godlike skills, can do everything they wish perfectly every time, and roll out of bed every morning looking like ancient Japanese Warrior-Gods; but, for most of us ordinary mortals, long hair inevitably ends up looking bad.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I like quirky looking people, and long hair on a guy can add to a quirky look. (Keep in mind that all the ladies in my office think I have odd tastes because they drool over the "all American" attorneys here, and the only two that looked at all interesting to me was one that looked a bit like a young hobbit, and a dark haired, middle-aged, Jewish attorney.)
  • What makes them look "all American"? Do you mean they're jock-like?
  • HungryJoe is right.

    Men are blessed with the ability to have short hair and look normal. Why on earth would you opt out of this utopia? Long hair is a pain in the ass. You have to fuss with it, and there really isn't much you can do with it. I suppose you could put sandpaper in your shoes. It's about as useful.

    I admire short hair on a woman. I definitely don't admire a woman who has hair that takes a long time to fuss with.

    Assuming you have a life, and time is a commodity you value, then keep your hair short. It's a gift that society have given to you.
  • edited July 2008
    Now I know there are some people here who have preternatural powers, godlike skills, can do everything they wish perfectly every time, and roll out of bed every morning looking like ancient Japanese Warrior-Gods; but, for most of us ordinary mortals, long hair inevitably ends up looking bad.
    I am lucky to be one of the former; Also, my nails are practically indestructible and I tan gold in one, three hour bike ride. My sister, who does none of these, is incredibly jealous.

    @Gomidog: Jou or Jo-e?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Men are blessed with the ability to have short hair and look normal. Why on earth would you opt out of this utopia?
    Tell that to Samson.
  • What makes them look "all American"? Do you mean they're jock-like?
    Yeah, definitely jock like. Just kinda wishy-washy, nondescript, and clean (not that clean is bad, but that is the most specific adjective that one can use to describe them).
  • edited July 2008
    What makes them look "all American"? Do you mean they're jock-like?
    Yeah, definitely jock like. Just kinda wishy-washy, nondescript, and clean (not that clean is bad, but that is the most specific adjective that one can use to describe them).
    Do they have that stupid jock-like thick neck that makes them look like some kind of human/animal hybrid from The Island of Dr. Moreau?

    . . . and do they talk about golf a lot? Like, "Hey, bro, Tiger really opened up on the nine at Fenway."
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • My hair's reaches to my lower back, I don't see a problem with long hair. XD

    Plus, when playing guitar onstage while headbanging, long hair is a must. XD
  • edited July 2008
    Tell that to Samson.
    That's the vengeful old testament God. You know, the all-loving God that floods the entire earth, sends plagues of locusts, etc. Besides... he got his revenge in the end.

    I ask you... would a man with short hair ever take a picture as terrible as this: (and this isn't even that long!!)
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • jccjcc
    edited July 2008
    Beehive? Top-knot! :)
    Post edited by jcc on
  • edited July 2008
    Plus, when playing guitar onstage while headbanging, long hair is a must. XD
    They have this new thing now they call a wig.
    I tan gold in one, three hour bike ride.
    I wonder what a tan blighter looks like . . . Can you tan as dark as a fish-belly?

    @kilarney, is that you or is it that Cabinet of Dr. Caligari guy?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • @kilarney, is that you or is it thatCabinet of Dr. Caligariguy?
    Nah... it's just some random photo I came across.
  • edited July 2008
    Looks emo.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • @Gomidog: Jou or Jo-e?
    Pronounce it like like o-jiisan. It rhymes.
  • edited July 2008
    Now I know there are some people here who have preternatural powers, godlike skills, can do everything they wish perfectly every time, and roll out of bed every morning looking like ancient Japanese Warrior-Gods; but, for most of us ordinary mortals, long hair inevitably ends up looking bad.
    Men are blessed with the ability to have short hair and look normal. Why on earth would you opt out of this utopia? Long hair is a pain in the ass. You have to fuss with it, and there really isn't much you can do with it. I suppose you could put sandpaper in your shoes. It's about as useful.
    What about Indians? I had a friend in High School who wore a braid. He didn't really do crazy styling stuff and it still looked good. He eventually had to lop off his hair for varsity wrestling and we were all like "Nuooo!"
    imageThomas Lights the Fire has nice hair <3
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • What about Indians? I had a friend in High School who wore a braid. He didn't really do crazy styling stuff and it still looked good. He eventually had to lop off his hair for varsity wrestling and we were all like "Nuooo!". Thomas Lights the Fire has nice hair <3</p>
    . . . and why did he have to lop off the hair for wrestling? Because an opponent could grab it. Like Mr. kilarney said, long hair is not very practical.

    Have you ever tried to pull a gas mask on over long hair? How about a motorcycle helmet?

    What if the zombie apocalypse comes? I'm not gonna risk zombies grabbing my hair, and I wanna be able to put on a motorcycle helmet and scram outta town. I'll probably be in a hurry and I won't want to take the time to cut my hair, so I'll keep my hair short, thank you.
  • edited July 2008
    Wait, wait, wait.

    Is this about aesthetics or practicality? I have had both long hair and short hair and I'll say that short hair is much more convenient, hands down. Your argument, however, was that it looks foolish on men. I contest that it can be very attractive.
    long hair inevitably ends up looking bad.
    See? I say, sure, it gets in the way, you have to brush it or it gets tangled, it dries more slowly after bathing or swimming, and those who choose short hair because of this are probably wise to do so. If you are willing to put in effort, however, whether you are male or female long hair styles can look very pleasing. It's vanity, like so much else. If it was just practicality people worried about and not some cultural sense of beauty, all women would buzz their heads too.

    Edit: Also, my sister rides a motorcycle and she has longish hair. She manages fine with her helmet and road armor, so that argument is silly.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Joe's absolutely right. Long hair just isn't worth the hassle. I can totally sympathize with my female friends who wear theirs short.

    I'm actually pretty glad long hair on guys isn't the the norm outside of the metal/IT/Native American scene.
  • edited July 2008
    Wait, wait, wait.

    Is this about aesthetics or practicality?
    Sometimes it's hard for me to distinguish between the two, since practical things are usually very attractive to me. Impractical things can distract from their aesthetic value just because of their impracticality. For instance, I've often seen women in town wearing bizarrely high heels and I'll think, "I bet many people think that looks good. However, I can't stop thinking about how difficult it would be for them to run away if someone attacked them."

    Another example: I thought those smart cars were the coolest looking things I'd ever seen until I found that they get about the same mileage as a late model Saturn. Their aesthetic appeal immediately plummeted into the basement.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • They have this new thing now they call a wig.
    You're not going to keep a wig on your head if your headbanging. At least... not with superglue or something.
    Another example: I thought those smart cars were the coolest looking things I'd ever seen until I found that they get about the same mileage as a late model Saturn. Their aesthetic appeal immediately plummeted into the basement.
    Wait, it took you the obtaining of the knowledge about their mileage to realize those things are crap, look crap, drive like crap, protect you as well as, yes, crap, and match a Hummer H1 in gas consumption?
    For instance, I've often seen women in town wearing bizarrely high heels and I'll think, "I bet many people think that looks good. However, I can't stop thinking about how difficult it would be for them to run away if someone attacked them."
    While that is true in most cases, some women/girls can run damned fast on those heels.
  • How about a motorcycle helmet?
    I have. It doesn't really hurt.

    Obviously long hair is very unpractical in comparison to short hair. But my main priority is how comfortable I feel, and I feel extremely comfortable with long hair. When it comes to the time it takes to "style" your hair - I think I formulated it a bit misleading. I was more looking for a hair cut than a style. I would do the same with my long hair as I do now: wash it very thoroughly at night and then at most comb through it once in the morning.

    Though I may have no problem looking a bit feminine - it makes life in school hell. Though my girlfriend would understand, my classmates would not. ^^
  • Another example: I thought those smart cars were the coolest looking things I'd ever seen until I found that they get about the same mileage as a late model Saturn. Their aesthetic appeal immediately plummeted into the basement.
    Wait, it took you the obtaining of the knowledge about their mileage to realize those things are crap, look crap, drive like crap, protect you as well as, yes, crap, and match a Hummer H1 in gas consumption?
    Well, yeah. When I first saw them, I thought they'd be so cool because you could park just about anywhere, and I thought they'd get great mileage. When I found out that the mileage was not nearly as good as I thought, they lost a lot of their appeal.
  • edited July 2008
    Edit: Also, my sister rides a motorcycle and she has longish hair. She manages fine with her helmet and road armor, so that argument is silly.
    Silly? You must be kidding. I'm absolutely certain that it is easier and faster for me to don a helmet with my short hair than it is for her with her long hair.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
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