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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • That's a good idea, actually.
  • edited April 2010
    Sandwiches Part 2?

    oh, and zombies part.3
    Yeah, groan if you must, but, in the words of Parappa the Rappa, "I GOTTA BELIEVE!!!"
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • This thread is now devoted to posting Parappa The Rapper videos until further notice:
  • edited April 2010
    Surreal and strange but good music:
    Post edited by Omnutia on

  • I am incapable of making hamburgers without this song lodging itself into my head.
  • Show Idea: Rym and Scott give their advice on how to manage a team for projects.
  • How about a show about surviving in the city and/or tips and tricks for people who've lived in the 'burbs (or related settings) that you won't find in any guide.
  • Get Adam on the show and do an episode about "Great Teacher Onizuka".
  • Post the Anime Boston show already! I want to listen for an hour on the vague hope that I might hear my name mentioned!
  • How to not suck at not being jaded
  • How to not suck at not being jaded
    Been there, done that.
  • How to not suck at posting show ideas for GeekNights.
  • Don't forget the Giant Robo final thoughts show....
    You know, the one you said I'd skype in with you for. :-|(srsface)
  • With the Light review. Not enough is said about this series and more needs to be said, especially considering the fact that it's subject matter is misunderstood by way too many people in the world.
  • An episode on Tezuka's Phoenix?
  • Forgive me if it's already been suggested, but how about "Shadowrun". The game, the story, the video games, the books, I'd love to hear more about this world.
  • Forgive me if it's already been suggested, but how about "Shadowrun". The game, the story, the video games, the books, I'd love to hear more about this world.
    The action figures!
  • I'd actually settle for just a general Cyberpunk podcast. Maybe touch on some William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Blade Runner, Max Headroom, etc.
  • Hey, if you're hurting for Thursday ideas and you wouldn't mind having a guest I could talk about making knives. It's kind of an interesting topic and I know a bit about it.
  • Steampunk, if you have an interest. I think you guys would look awesome in it.
  • Hey, if you're hurting for Thursday ideas and you wouldn't mind having a guest I could talk about making knives. It's kind of an interesting topic and I know a bit about it.
    I would totally listen to that.
  • Next Geeknights Book Club

    Frank Herbert's Science-Fiction Epic: Dune.
  • Frank Herbert's Science-Fiction Epic: Dune.
    You may as well. No-one's going to read it.

    As I said, just switch the book reviews over to the normal review format.
  • Were it no so hard to find, I'd suggest "The Best policy" by Randall Garrett - It's about a guy who gets picked up by aliens, who have a perfect lie detecting machine, and want to stage a hostile takeover of earth. The guy must essentially ensure every sentence is literally true, but in such a way that it constructs a massive overarching lie the aliens that earth is superior, and therefore, they could not defeat them. Also, it's short enough that it would be a novella that people would read.
  • An episode about theater, musicals, and the like?
  • How to bring people back into the realm of logic.
  • How to bring people back into the realm of logic.
  • How to bring people back into the realm of logic.
    Now really Scott, have you tried intensive re-education camp?
  • Now really Scott, have you tried intensive re-education camp?
    The problem is that people in the realm of logic also typically have strong morals. We know that we could use the evil trickery of the enemy to trick people into being good. For example, you could setup a Fox News that uses all the same psychology and propaganda to get people to love science and such. However, we can't bring ourselves to stoop to that level.

    If you can find someone who simultaneously is an awesome rational type person, but also willing to take away people's freedom and force them into camps, that's a rare and dangerous fucking person because they are smart and evil simultaneously.
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