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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • Now really Scott, have you tried intensive re-education camp?
    The problem is that people in the realm of logic also typically have strong morals. We know that we could use the evil trickery of the enemy to trick people into being good. For example, you could setup a Fox News that uses all the same psychology and propaganda to get people to love science and such. However, we can't bring ourselves to stoop to that level.

    If you can find someone who simultaneously is an awesome rational type person, but also willing to take away people's freedom and force them into camps, that's a rare and dangerous fucking person because they are smart and evil simultaneously.
    Look, I've been trying to get myself into a position of power for the last few years for specifically that purpose. Now that I'm accepted into officer training and will eventually become a commissioned officer I might just be able to pull this off. I figure that the military is the best way to get a political foothold for me.
  • edited May 2010
    Look, I've been trying to get myself into a position of power for the last few years for specifically that purpose. Now that I'm accepted into officer training and will eventually become a commissioned officer I might just be able to pull this off. I figure that the military is the best way to get a political foothold for me.
    See I think that the root of the problem is that all of the high up politicians are either History/English Lit types or Ex-Military. Very few politicians are science/technologist types and because it takes 20 years to get into a political position that has any effect, none of the high flying logical types are motivated to go into politics because no real change will happen there and nearly instant solid change will always happen in their respective fields.
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • Don't forget that to become an officer (at least here) you have to have your degree, and I will have mine in electrical engineering, and although I probably won't have any official degrees for programming, I am learning things on my own. Also the specific stuff I'm eventually going to learn has a lot to do with processors and lots of low level programming (ic/small processor type stuff), so I'll have a stronger grasp on technology than I do now. I think it's a fallacy to think that everyone in politics is techno-stupid, it's just that there aren't enough awesome people in office yet. Give it a few years and theres a good chance of that situation improving.

    But yes, unless you are evil then there is no reason for a tech/sci oriented person to go into politics. Even myself, if I were offered a position making some horrible weapon for instance, would rather do that then go into politics.
  • Episode on Calvin & Hobbes?
  • An episode on what you guys would do if you were homeless and had no desire to become un-homeless. What sneaky things would intelligent people do as a homeless person to get food, get clothes, find shelter, etc.
  • An episode on what you guys would do if you were homeless and had no desire to become un-homeless. What sneaky things would intelligent people do as a homeless person to get food, get clothes, find shelter, etc.
    Cue episode of hilarity as two white dudes who live a life of comparable luxury, and have for most if not all of their lives, talk about what they'd do if they were not something they've always been.
  • Anime/Games: How far we have come and how far we haven't come. Comparing the best games and anime through the years.
  • Now really Scott, have you tried intensive re-education camp?
    The problem is that people in the realm of logic also typically have strong morals. We know that we could use the evil trickery of the enemy to trick people into being good. For example, you could setup a Fox News that uses all the same psychology and propaganda to get people to love science and such. However, we can't bring ourselves to stoop to that level.

    If you can find someone who simultaneously is an awesome rational type person, but also willing to take away people's freedom and force them into camps, that's a rare and dangerous fucking person because they are smart and evil simultaneously.
    *russian accent* And dis is problem why?
  • edited June 2010
    steampunk movement...

    edit: oops.. this already came up as a topic
    Post edited by amira e on
  • edited June 2010
    Games you play to relax.

    Oh, Have either of you played Shadow Of The Collosus?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Do an Earthbound show. Because you guys don't have as much free time this might be out of the realm, but why not interview Reid Young (the latter of which created which is the foremost fansite of Earthbound) because I'm sure he'll have a lot of enlightening and interesting things to say about it both to veterans and newcomers alike.
  • Have you done a show on River City Ransom yet?
  • Have you done a show on River City Ransom yet?
  • I totally reminded on the wrong thread, whoops. Is there a Wednesday show today? Will it be about a certain awful movie?
  • Have you done a show on River City Ransom yet?
    I actually listened to that episode and they said that RCR would deserve its own episode.
  • As someone with a high chance of eventually moving into NYC I have to say I really enjoyed the living in NYC Thursday show. While a lot of is was basic city living info, it was good to get confirmation on things I felt pretty sure about from a trustworthy source. Since you guys only moved recently, maybe it would be a good idea to revisit that topic once a full year passes after that episode, with some more advanced info? It could either be a "How to Not Suck at Living in the City", or just a rundown of cool new stuff/places/events you have discovered since you last spoke on the topic.
  • Why not do a show on your opinions about Superhero movies?
  • GeoGeo
    edited June 2010
    Geek Profile: Paul Chapman (AKA The Almighty Gooberzilla)
    Post edited by Geo on
  • How about some roasts of forumites (me especially because I honestly and truly love being made fun of in jest).
  • A review of some of the more modern Civ games and Civ-likes would be nice. I only see Civ 2 in the search.
  • edited June 2010
    How about some roasts of forumites (me especially because I honestly and truly love being made fun of in jest).
    Rym and Scott's Roast of Churba -
    Scott: "He's kinda stupid, but makes sense from time to time." Rym: "Yeah, Pretty much. Done a lot of stuff though." Scott: "A-Yup."

    I don't know about the roast idea, in all seriousness - they generally go better with more than just two people. Preferably, at least four, plus a host.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • How about some roasts of forumites (me especially because I honestly and truly love being made fun of in jest).
    Rym and Scott's Roast of Churba -
    Scott: "He's kinda stupid, but makes sense from time to time." Rym: "Yeah, Pretty much. Done a lot of stuff though." Scott: "A-Yup."

    I don't know about the roast idea, in all seriousness - they generally go better with more than just two people. Preferably, at least four, plus a host.
    Done a lot of stuff? Like what?
  • Done a lot of stuff? Like what?
    Oh, I don't know. Travelled all over the world, had more adventures than many people have at twice my age, worked a multitude of jobs to finance it all, nearly got married.

    For fuck's sake, Matthew, it was just a mild self-depreciating joke to begin with. Pull your head in.
  • Done a lot of stuff? Like what?
    Oh, I don't know. Travelled all over the world, had more adventures than many people have at twice my age, worked a multitude of jobs to finance it all, nearly got married.

    For fuck's sake, Matthew, it was just a mild self-depreciating joke to begin with. Pull your head in.
    No no no, I was confused by the tense you were speaking in. I thought you were making a joke about me (seeing as how I asked for it last post)?
  • No no no, I was confused by the tense you were speaking in. I thought you were making a joke about me (seeing as how I asked for it last post)?
    I included my own name in the joke, I figured you picked that. Don't worry about it.
  • No no no, I was confused by the tense you were speaking in. I thought you were making a joke about me (seeing as how I asked for it last post)?
    I included my own name in the joke, I figured you picked that. Don't worry about it.
    I must have missed that, and it's probably not the last thing I'll miss today either seeing as I got absolutely no sleep last night due to frickin' heat (fan on the fritz and air conditioners getting fixed) and gassiness.
  • I must have missed that, and it's probably not the last thing I'll miss today either seeing as I got absolutely no sleep last night due to frickin' heat (fan on the fritz and air conditioners getting fixed) and gassiness.
    I know about the heat, aye - sleeping(or trying to) when it's hot sucks something serious. Just be thankful you weren't drinking guinness - the farts that stuff can produce are positively illegal.
  • I must have missed that, and it's probably not the last thing I'll miss today either seeing as I got absolutely no sleep last night due to frickin' heat (fan on the fritz and air conditioners getting fixed) and gassiness.
    I know about the heat, aye- sleeping(or trying to) when it's hot sucks something serious. Just be thankful you weren't drinking guinness - the farts that stuff can produce are positively illegal.
    Not to mention the size of the fuckin' can.
  • edited June 2010
    Not to mention the size of the fuckin' can.
    Guinness....from a can? WE ARE NO LONGER FRIENDS.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Not to mention the size of the fuckin' can.
    Guinness....from a can?WE ARE NO LONGER FRIENDS.
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