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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • Anthology comics.
  • I don't know if this is the best place to post this, but I suppose it's a reminder.

    So far, I've found 2 episodes of GeekNights where the audio is totally messed up. Being Jaded (Aug 23, 2007), and Google Buzz and Privacy (Feb 15, 2010).

    It sounds like the audio is jumping back and forth between two different points in the feed, and likely just needs to be re-uploaded.
    Can I take a random guess? Are you using Google Listen's Streaming playback?
  • OK, those two episodes are fucked. Time to see if it's something in the source, or if Libsyn fucked them.
  • In lieu of the iPhone 5 announcement, is it possible to do a sequel to the "Conrad & Cell Phones" episode? On it, maybe you guys can talk about not only iPhone 5 but also what is on the horizon from other companies as well?
  • Note: Read the Comics Worth Reading thread from around this time to get the context of this suggestion.

    Is it possible for Scrym (and Emily) to do a show Raina Telgemeier's comic work, such as Smile or Drama? I think they at the very least deserve geekbytes or maybe full shows to review since they have so much to offer and various tangents can be spawned from them.
  • Have you guy ever done a straight up Intel vs. AMD.
  • Intel. If you fall into a time machine and end up in 2000-2004, AMD.
  • I intel my desktop for speed and AMD my laptop for cheap.
  • I Intel my desktop for reliability and speed, and I Intel my laptop for battery. =P
  • I've never used Intel. I've always used AMD, including my new HTPC just because the AMD chip was also for my graphics card.

    My computer will need an mobo/cpu overhaul within the year. I will probably go to Intel when that happens.
  • I started Intel with Pentium III. It was solid as a rock.

    In the college days with no money I went AMD because their price/performance ratio of the Athlons was better. I ended up with piles of AMD hardware because shit kept breaking all over the place. Unrealiable as all fuck. Of course, in those days Pentium 4 was shit then too. They were bleak days.

    Went back to Intel with Core2Duo. Everything is amazing again.

    AMD lures people in now with their ridiculously low prices, but it's a bad deal if you need performance. Sure, it's lots of extra cores, but they are shit cores compared to Intel. The price:performance might still be better since they are so cheap, but the overall performance is just not enough if you actually need it. Maybe if I was buying computers in bulk for an office or something I might get AMD, but not for any serious computer.

    None of this really matters because x86 is going to slowly fade away and then the ARM guys are going to take over. Already you are seeing the Apple CPU kick all sorts of butts. Just wait until they make some powerful enough to put in the Mac.
  • I Intel my desktop for reliability and speed, and I Intel my laptop for battery. =P
    Once I get out of college I should have the money for an intel laptop but for now I am poor.

  • @what Scott said:

    You should do a show explaining this stuff for those who are thinking about upgrading their computers. I need to save monies. I don't direly need to upgrade my PC anytime soon, but every now and then it bottlenecks when I try to run various programs.

    I have no idea about what x86, ARM, and all that stuff is.
  • I have no idea about what x86, ARM, and all that stuff is.
    Already did a show on that.
  • Oh. I must have not paid attention. I am derp. It's also from 2007, so I probably forgot all about it. I'll give it another go sometime.
  • ARM worries me, what with the "Microsoft app store it's not actually my hardware" issues.
  • Well has technology changed with new CPUs out there that warrants a small discussion on, but not an entire episode?
  • Well has technology changed with new CPUs out there that warrants a small discussion on, but not an entire episode?
    Other than software lockdown on ARM-enabled OSs, not really.

  • Ok, fair enough. I can always just google these things.

    Get another Science/Tech person as a guest to talk about something. :P
  • The thing is, ARM itself is really open. Linux has run on ARM for a very long time. GCC has compiled to ARM for longer. Most Linux distros, especially source based ones, can run on ARM with little difficulty.
  • AMD lures people in now with their ridiculously low prices, but it's a bad deal if you need performance. Sure, it's lots of extra cores, but they are shit cores compared to Intel. The price:performance might still be better since they are so cheap, but the overall performance is just not enough if you actually need it. Maybe if I was buying computers in bulk for an office or something I might get AMD, but not for any serious computer.
    A lot of people don't need much performance at all, though.
  • AMD lures people in now with their ridiculously low prices, but it's a bad deal if you need performance. Sure, it's lots of extra cores, but they are shit cores compared to Intel. The price:performance might still be better since they are so cheap, but the overall performance is just not enough if you actually need it. Maybe if I was buying computers in bulk for an office or something I might get AMD, but not for any serious computer.
    A lot of people don't need much performance at all, though.
    If you aren't doing any "real" work on your computer, then I think a tablet might be the best choice and then not have any desktop or laptop at all. Think of how much space you will save.
  • edited October 2012
    In many cases that would be true, but not needing much performance - CPU performance in particular - is not the same as not doing "real work".
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I have an AMD-based laptop, but only because it was cheap and I wanted a laptop that was as cheap as possible. I basically wanted/needed a Netbook++, if you well, and the $450 or so I paid for that laptop did the trick. However, if I was going for anything other than "cheap as possible," I'd definitely go Intel.
  • Android: Netrunner.

    It's shot straight up to #23 on BGG, is a friggin awesome game, and it's 2 players which would seem good for a show with two hosts.
  • edited November 2012
    Predicting election outcomes would probably make a good Monday show.
    Post edited by 2bfree on
  • Predicting election outcomes would probably make a good Monday show.
    Gonna one-up that, where's our Geeknights live election coverage? Rym talks about how everything would be better with his political party while Scott whines and takes a nap.

  • Predicting election outcomes would probably make a good Monday show.
    Monday or Thursday. It depends on if you think statistics (or math in general) counts as a branch of science or not.
  • Predicting election outcomes would probably make a good Monday show.
    Gonna one-up that, where's our Geeknights live election coverage? Rym talks about how everything would be better with his political party while Scott whines and takes a nap.
    My name is Greg, and I approve of this show idea.
  • Predicting election outcomes would probably make a good Monday show.
    Gonna one-up that, where's our Geeknights live election coverage? Rym talks about how everything would be better with his political party while Scott whines and takes a nap.
    My name is Greg, and I approve of this show idea.
    My name is Matthew and I approve of this approval.

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