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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • Even within Aus, there's a lot of places you could be (certainly not Melbourne though).
  • Even within Aus, there's a lot of places you could be (certainly not Melbourne though).
    True, but the country isn't quite big enough that seasons differ depending on which part of the country you travel to. Be a pain in the arse if it was.

  • The seasons may not differ, but the climate definitely does.
  • Mobile games: iPhone/Android v. PS3/Gameboy

    Burlesque and Rollerderby.
  • Maybe a bit esoteric, but how about different types/specialties of programmers... AKA why Scott and I could probably switch jobs and be somewhat productive, but we'd be far less productive than we are in our respective (web for Scott, systems for me) specialties.

    Basically, I've had people come up to me in the past asking to program a website or whatever and I'd tell them, "Well, I could do that, but I'm a systems programmer, not a web programmer. I'd take me a bit of time to get up to speed with what needs to be done for web stuff and you'd probably be better off finding a web guy to do it instead." Too many people seem to think that just cause you're a programmer, you can just be dropped into whatever kind of programming needs to be done without having to get ramped up or learn additional skills/APIs/methods/etc. Or as I like to compare, "While a dermatologist and an obstetrician are both doctors, you generally don't see a dermatologist to deliver babies or an obstetrician to deal with your skin rash."
  • I'm actually planning on making a switch away from web to systems.
  • edited January 2013
    I'm actually planning on making a switch away from web to systems.
    Brush up on your C and C++... and a little assembly never hurt either. :)

    Actually, there is no reason why one can't switch from one to the other, given a reasonable amount of time to adapt to the differences between them. They all require the same core programming knowledge, after all, just the languages, libraries, usage scenarios, and such differ. The main thing is that if you ask me, as a systems guy, to hack together a complicated website, it would take me longer to do so than a web guy would take.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Every paid programming job I have had ever I was doing a kind of programming that I had not done very much of before. I learned the specific tools independently while on the job.
  • I'm actually planning on making a switch away from web to systems.
    Brush up on your C and C++... and a little assembly never hurt either. :)
    Been writing a lot of data structures and little programs in C and C++ over the weekends. I hadn't considered going over assembly though.

  • edited January 2013
    Every paid programming job I have had ever I was doing a kind of programming that I had not done very much of before. I learned the specific tools independently while on the job.
    Certainly very possible, provided the job allows you enough ramp up time to learn the tools. As I said, we could probably swap each other's jobs and do just fine, given enough ramp up time to learn the tools and such. However, if you're in a pinch or can't give the necessary ramp up time to the programmer you're hiring, you're probably best off hiring someone already familiar with the tools.

    For example, if I were to take your job right now, it would probably at first take me a month to accomplish what you can do right now after a week or two (completely made up numbers here, just for the example). However, all other things being equal, after that first month learning the tools and whatnot, our rates of productivity should be identical.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • edited February 2013
    Every paid programming job I have had ever I was doing a kind of programming that I had not done very much of before. I learned the specific tools independently while on the job.
    I did this once for a commission, though with art rather than programming obviously.

    "Okay, all your vector art skills sound perfect for this, but I got to ask, can you do motion graphics?"

    "Yep!" (Googling motion graphics at the same time)

    I mean, I already had most of the basic skills as I've been animating in other mediums for a long time, but I essentially had to learn AfterEffects in about three days and still delivered a product the customer was happy with, which I was pretty proud of. The stress nearly caused me to gnaw off my own hands, though.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • I think a good show would be an overview of current storage technology, the physical limits we are at, and what current bleeding edge technologies you see going mainstream.

    The current status of HDD technology.
    >>Tracks being so tight the vibrations from yelling at them will cause I/O errors.
    >>That we need technologies like PMRL because the bits are so small they cannot be accurately read by the head.
    >>What you see as possible advancements in HDD to keep up with SSD

    The current status of SSD technology
    >>MLC vs SLC
    >>Enterprise adoption of SSD drives
    >>Bleeding edge technologies such as annealing and your thoughts if it will make it mainstream.

    Alternative bleeding edge technologies you think could go mainstream, such as the recently released DNA used for archive type storage. And why technologies we thought we would have now (holographic memory) never made it.
  • >>Tracks being so tight the vibrations from yelling at them will cause I/O errors.
    Proud to see my countrymen continuing the fine science of yelling at things till something happens.

  • edited February 2013
    Game mechanics and mechanism design, as applied to the finance industry.

    Analogy to Tribes 2 - if you let the players make the rules of the game, disaster is inevitable.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • You mean, Game Theory?
  • edited February 2013
    Yes, it's a subset of game theory, but it's the specific application that I'd like to see them discuss.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • And why technologies we thought we would have now (holographic memory) never made it.
    Money, dear boy. IBM got holographic memory working in the lab years ago. It's just that the tech still isn't cheap enough to be commercially viable.
  • edited February 2013

    Money, dear boy. IBM got holographic memory working in the lab years ago. It's just that the tech still isn't cheap enough to be commercially viable.
    You are right that it is money. Perhaps that is not a good question for the show. But what I wanted to hear was why they think technologies that were prototyped years ago cannot be made cost effective enough to be on the mass market now, given the advancements we have made in manufacturing. I mean in 2005 with a working commercial prototype of a holographic cube of memory, you were to ask people "do you think this will go mainstream before a process to make 22nm transistors?". I think people would have said the memory because it is something right in front of them. Yet here we are, the only holographic storage looking to go mainstream is on a physical disc. Again, maybe not the best question for the show.

    Proud to see my countrymen continuing the fine science of yelling at things till something happens.
    That just made my day.

    Post edited by Belliger on
  • Nerd kitchen 101

    Do you need a rice cooker?
    Can I make my own ramen?
    Where is the Moutain Dew?
  • I like this idea.
  • Nerd kitchen 101

    Do you need a rice cooker?
    Can I make my own ramen?
    Where is the Moutain Dew?
    Funny, I was thinking about this too.

    What are some of your "go to" meals.
    What are some of your "fuck yeah, I can cook" meals?
    What are some new foods you have tried recently?
    What are some essential meals you should know how to prepare (lol, baked potato, Rym, I assume...)

  • 10 F5
    20 GOTO 10

    Tonight on GeekNights, we begin what will become the latest "miracle"
  • edited February 2013
    Other idea: "Bringing you games up to the next level: Simple arts and craft ideas to dress or personalise up you board game collection."

    Aimee made some clay models for Agricola.
    I've sewn tile bags for Castles of Burgundy.
    Ro & Jeremy have an amazing box for Dominion.
    Rym has a Jenga set made out of Black Rhino horn, or so I can imagine.

    But seriously. Imagine Carcassone with Ninja v. Pirate meeples. That's bad ass.
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • 10 F5
    20 GOTO 10

    Tonight on GeekNights, we begin what will become the latest "miracle"
    we review Shinigami no Ballad and present our full and final thoughts on Master Keaton. In the news, the Hebrews were never in.
  • Random show note that I'm seeing:

    In my iTunes, a few recent episodes (Network Sniffing and Programmers, Off The Grid Geeks, Internet Governance, and Parking) are showing up as 4+ hours long each. They only will play for the first hour and advance to the next episode after the closer, but if I skip around in the audio, it appears like the episode is recorded 4 times over in the same track? This might just be my iTunes being weird, but I thought I'd mention it.
  • Top 10, written by Alan Moore.

    So, you like comics with a lot of stuff in the background, eh?
  • What if you do a show on reviewing the podcast, "geek nights," it would be very meta.
  • This would require Scott to listen to his own podcast.
  • And he tells listeners not to listen.
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