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How to ask a girl out...



  • I met my wife in a college cafeteria 10 years ago on Nov. 6. I still remember the first thing I said to her: "Hi. You have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. Would you mind if I sit with you?" It wasn't a line. I couldn't stop looking at her.
    If I said that to a girl, she'd give me that big eyed OMG look, and walk away with at a slightly brisk pace.
    Why did the song "Creep" by Radiohead start playing in my mind. Awesome song BTW.
  • edited October 2008
    All I'm saying is that you don't want to buy yourself any more trouble. Girls sap your energy, make you do things you don't want to do, and at night, they steal your breath.

    That's not to say that you should never date, but I think that dating is just silly until you have a decent job, a reliable car, and a good apartment. Then, when something goes wrong (and it will), you can say, "Get out of my apartment, vile succubus!"

    Personally, I think you should take up smoking. It'll give you something to do with your hands, it'll help you stay awake late for studying, and it makes you look cool.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • That's not to say that you should never date, but I think that dating is just silly until you have a decent job, a reliable car, and a good apartment. Then, when something goes wrong (and it will), you can say, "Get out of my apartment, vile succubus!"
    Well I wouldn't wait that long!
  • Try getting a decent job coming out of a community college or an open admission college. Oh wait, you can.
    It depends on the job. My RIT degree was practically a coupon for any tech job I wanted before I even completed it! High-end IT requires either a top notch university degree or many, many years of experience on the lower rungs of the industry. Having the right name on your piece of paper lets you skip all of the entry-level positions and move on to the real jobs.
  • Dating advice on a Geek orientated forum. ROFL!
    It has been a classic stereotype that geeks/nerds aren't known to be the dating type. I think it's to be expected that these questions are asked on here.
    I think the slight anonymity of the forum with guys and girls makes it prone to these type of questions.
    That's what the internet is for. You have also asked a similar question as well. You might have meant it as a joke, initially, however you were still fairly serious about it.
    Perhaps Rym and 'Emily!' (and maybe Scott too), should do a show to answer all those questions for the dating inclined. Personal stories + advice = Great Show!
    I think this would be an interesting podcast to listen to. I also think it would get a lot of downloads as well due to the fact that people are curious about dating in general. Overall there has been a lot of great advice provided by people of the FRC as well as the forumites. I enjoy hearing personal stories because I can relate to most of them.

    If Geek Nights doesn't do a podcast about it perhaps a we can do something similar on Geek Chat. Just a thought.
  • I disagree completely that grades are the most important thing. Important is relative. If you don't give a shit about your future, you aren't going to give a shit about grades, and if you're a teenager, it's likely that relationships are pretty high up there, regardless of how important you think grades are. That isn't to say that some kids really need to slow the fuck down as far as dating. I mean, if you've had a million boyfriends you're going to look shallow. Chances are, the only people who are going to want you are shallow as well, and the relationships will be... Hey, look at that! Shallow.

    For advice, as an expert on teenage girl (as I am one, of course) I'd need to know a little bit more about the girl. If she's a friend of yours, just ask her when you're hanging out someday. If she's your friend, she won't humiliate you, and will probably try to be nice about it too. If you don't know her, you should get to know her. The best way to do this is to find something you have in common. Commenting on things is a good way to start a conversation with someone you don't know very well, I've found. If you do go that route, try not to pick anything too big. Something like "Jeez, we're getting a lot of homework tonight, don't you think?" is perfect.

    Most of all, if you aren't good enough for them, they aren't good enough for you. That's the golden rule.

    Myself, I find wallflowers cute and tempting, but I'm also just the sort of manipulative person who wouldn't like someone like that on their own merits. When I was with my ex-boyfriend, the biggest problem (besides the fact that I just didn't like him like that, after a while), was that he never initiated anything. Testicular fortitude is definitely a plus.
  • Myself, I find wallflowers cute and tempting, but I'm also just the sort of manipulative person who wouldn't like someone like that on their own merits. When I was with my ex-boyfriend, the biggest problem (besides the fact that I just didn't like him like that, after a while), was that he never initiated anything.
    I know that feeling all too well. I have a dominant personality, and I tend to be the more dominant person in the relationship. It gets to be a drag at times because I don't always want to be that way. Having your significant other initiate things can be pretty hot.
    Testicular fortitude is definitely a plus.
    I like this new member even more now. ^_^
  • Why not just go up to her and ask her if she'd like to hang out?
  • By now you have had ample time to consider the advice given to you in this thread. I'm curious: what have you done so far?
  • Myself, I find wallflowers cute and tempting, but I'm also just the sort of manipulative person who wouldn't like someone like that on their own merits. When I was with my ex-boyfriend, the biggest problem (besides the fact that I just didn't like him like that, after a while), was that he never initiated anything.
    I know that feeling all too well. I have a dominant personality, and I tend to be the more dominant person in the relationship. It gets to be a drag at times because I don't always want to be that way. Having your significant other initiate things can be pretty hot.
    Tell me about it. That ex-boyfriend of mine had been promoted to cuddle-slave. Not all the benefits of a boyfriend, but more authority than a friend. Also, as the title suggests, there is cuddling involved. Especially on bus trips. Still, I don't believe that he's initiated a single thing the whole time I've known him. >>
    Testicular fortitude is definitely a plus.
    I like this new member even more now. ^_^
    I'm glad- for a while I was worried that I would be disliked by some of the people on this board- all in all, some of my thinking processes are a little stubborn or immature- I'm a rather unlikeable person in real life. I'm very happy I've been so well received. ^^
  • Never worry about being disliked. Just say what you have to say and be comfortable with yourself.
  • Never worry about being disliked. Just say what you have to say and be comfortable with yourself.
    Oh, I have no problem with that sort of thing in real life- Most real life people aren't worth bothering worrying about. I just knew that this forum has high standards, and that its easy to come across as a douche on the Internets. Serious business and all, yknow?
  • I had the same worry when I first joined. Fortunately, I'm just smart enough not to be hated, though perhaps not enough to be loved. :P
  • Someone else asking a question!

    Friend of mine from work has a girlfriend but he's completely infatuated with this girl at our workplace. She knows he has a girlfriend but he still wants to ask her out for dinner or drinks just to see how he feels himself. I'm not sure if asking her at all is a bright idea, she might not like the fact he's asking her on a date whilst he has a girlfriend.

  • If she knows, it's not the best idea. He could try going out on a group date. He can go out drinking with all his coworkers, her included, and just hang around her most of the time. He can see how comfortable she is with him that way.
  • edited October 2008
    All I'm saying is that you don't want to buy yourself any more trouble. Girls sap your energy, make you do things you don't want to do, and at night, they steal your breath.
    That's not to say that you should never date, but I think that dating is just silly until you have a decent job, a reliable car, and a good apartment. Then, when something goes wrong (and it will), you can say, "Get out of my apartment, vile succubus!"
    Personally, I think you should take up smoking. It'll give you something to do with your hands, it'll help you stay awake late for studying, and it makes you look cool.
    Wow, that sounds incredibly anti-female and bitter to me.
    Dating in your teens and early twenties can be a great! While it can stink if a relationship doesn't turn out well, it can also teach you how to avoid bad relationships, maintain good relationships, a greater sense of independence (yes, independence because you aren't as concerned about finding "someone" as much as fulfilling your own needs and then letting the "right one" come along in due time), and provide you with some fun sexual exploration while you develop the ability for emotional intimacy. Romantic relationships at a young age should not be a primary concern, but if a person comes along that can be both a friend and someone to date, why not try dating them?
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited October 2008
    All I'm saying is that you don't want to buy yourself any more trouble. Girls sap your energy, make you do things you don't want to do, and at night, they steal your breath.

    That's not to say that you should never date, but I think that dating is just silly until you have a decent job, a reliable car, and a good apartment. Then, when something goes wrong (and it will), you can say, "Get out of my apartment, vile succubus!"

    Personally, I think you should take up smoking. It'll give you something to do with your hands, it'll help you stay awake late for studying, and it makes you look cool.
    Dude, smoking is not cool! Not even as a joke.
    Well, maybe sometimes.
    Anyhow, relationships can be great but then again sometimes breaking up sucks. But it is all up to you. If you just wanna have fun, known that maybe your first "love" might not be the real one and wanna learn from all kinds of experiences then, you should try dating. It might suck but it also might be great.
    I had girlfriends and they were great, but I got tired of them. Sometimes I got dumped and I picked myself up. Now, I have decided to focus into something and I will do everything I can to achieve that something.
    I know about relationships, and I do not really need one right now. Guys, if you are a teenager and you want a relationship but can't get one I recommend doing some exercise (you will thank me later).
    Also, if you are in your teens or in your twenties or at any age for that matter and you got dumped do not get all emo on society. That kind of stuff happens and the best way to deal with it is with a smile. And if you wanna forget her/him. You just need to erase everything of her/him. And if it happens that you are in a close group of friends and your ex is part of that same group of friends well, you can't run from your problems confront them with a smile. Something like this works
    It also helps to know that every individual in the planet have infinite possibilities of awesomeness, you just need to find what you are good at :D
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • I think the slight anonymity of the forum with guys and girls makes it prone to these type of questions.
    That's what the internet is for.You have also asked a similar question as well.You might have meant it as a joke, initially, however you were still fairly serious about it.
    That was joke, since all those threads about "My Girlfriend blanks in blank, what should I do?"
  • ......
    edited October 2008
    That was joke, since all those threads about "My Girlfriendblanksinblank, what should I do?"
    There were only 2. Your topic was not of the same form, and you even stated in your first post that, aside from the 'joking' you wanted serious talk.
    Post edited by ... on
  • That was joke, since all those threads about "My Girlfriendblanksinblank, what should I do?"
    There were only 2. Your topic was not of the same form, and you even stated in your first post that, aside from the 'joking' you wanted serious talk.
    Yes, he should have said "My Girlfriend exists only in my mind, what should I do?"
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