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Fail of Your Day



  • edited October 2009
    I dislike this client so much I just want to write him a letter saying, "Hello, here are my revisions. Please respond asap. Thanks." and attach a goatsie. I wish I had the balls.
    Post edited by Mankoon on
  • Just because it isn't the norm doesn't mean it's wrong or it's evil.
    Nope. The Bible means it's wrong and evil. :)
    Today I feel like a paranoid android. I found out a dear friend's sister came out to their parents, and they beat her up and threw her physically out of her home.
    Really sorry to hear that, man. I guess that doesn't help your peace of mind any. Best of luck to you and your friend's sister. Maybe you two can get an apartment together or something? :)
    I dislike this client so much I just want to write him a letter saying, "Hello, here are my revisions. Please respond asap. Thanks." and attach a goatsie. I wish I had the balls.
    Photoshop some wasp wings on it.
    Door holding.
    I held the door for someone at a restaurant a couple weeks ago, and I ended up having to hold it for a stream of about 15 people over the course of a minute or so. About half of them seemed appreciative, the other half just ignored me, but I was laughing out loud by the end of it. I got trapped!
  • Today I feel like a paranoid android. I found out a dear friend's sister came out to their parents, and they beat her up and threw her physically out of her home.
    Good lord...that's horrible...why do people have such hatred against such things? Just because it isn't the norm doesn't mean it's wrong or it's evil.
    Burn their goddamned house down.
  • Burn their goddamned house down.
    Better idea, sue them to the point where she owns the house. Jail time might also be good.
  • *I got the Smucker's Natural Chunky kind with some orange marmalade on good bread.
    You got the J wrong, you need grape jelly.
  • I'll be straight with all of you. I find the PB&J absolutely disgusting.

    PB is fine. J is fine. PB and J combined is anathema to three of my senses.
  • edited October 2009
    People and their wrong opinions...
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited October 2009
    I don't have the research at my fingertips, and I wrote that paper over 5 years ago. I do not have my sources at my fingertips. I'm just saying that it really looks bad and sends terrible messages when one one hand, women generally want to be equal, but on the other some of them get pissed off when a guy doesn't hold doors for them or give them special exceptions. Many women want all the rights and privileges they see afforded to men, but they also want to have their minds read, leech off of the men in their lives, and be treated like princesses. I am by NO MEANS saying every woman is like that, but the remnants of old traditions, like the guy always paying for the date, reinforce this sense of expectation. Then there are the women who think that you opening a door for them means you think they can't do it themselves. Much of the reason that "chivalry is dead" is that people are afraid to be chivalrous for fear of getting bitched out by a crazy person.

    How can you expect someone to know how to treat you when their experience with women in general tells them that there is an equal chance that anything they do will piss you off? I literally have a handout that I give to anyone who attempts to date me because there is so much confusion on the subject. Women who play games and expect people to read their minds piss me off to no end. They give the rest of us a bad name.
    While I agree that the behavior you are describing is distasteful and hypocritical, I would like to point out that I doubt that most women are like this. Also, the slightly reverse situation happens with men. Some men want their female counterparts to work, but not earn a higher salary than they do. They expect women to work all day, come home and take care of all or most house chores and child rearing and maintain an often impossible standard of beauty (in the work place and at home) and still have enough energy to have vigorous sex every night. Further, some men will insist on having time for their own hobbies or friends on the weekends, but never afford their wives/girlfriends any time on their own away from the home. Much like the example above, I do not for one moment think that all men, nor even most men, behave this way.

    Both genders have segments of their population that seek "special" treatment. The best way to avoid this is simply to see all people as people first.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • @Rym: You are a gentleman and a scholar. I don't care what all your friends are saying behind your back.

    @WingUpBird: Fool's Gold, indeed.

    Peanut butter is oily gross food cement with an after taste of bitter chalk. Ever wonder why you always drink it with a glass of milk? It's to wash the taste out of your mouth as quickly as possible. Cuz it sucks. You "Butter Lovers" have been brain washed by the media into thinking this culinary abortion is something you should enjoy. I for one will not none of it!
  • Some men want their female counterparts to work, but not earn a higher salary than they do. They expect women to work all day,
    The way I see it, I want my female counterpart to make a crap ton more money then me so I can sit home do some cleaning and play video games or gossip all day...
  • Peanut butter is oily gross food cement with an after taste of bitter chalk. Ever wonder why you always drink it with a glass of milk? It's to wash the taste out of your mouth as quickly as possible. Cuz it sucks. You "Butter Lovers" have been brain washed by the media into thinking this culinary abortion is something you should enjoy. I for one will not none of it!
    Reese's are amazing, your argument is invalid!
  • edited October 2009

    Peanut butter is oily gross food cement with an after taste of bitter chalk. Ever wonder why you always drink it with a glass of milk? It's to wash the taste out of your mouth as quickly as possible. Cuz it sucks. You "Butter Lovers" have been brain washed by the media into thinking this culinary abortion is something you should enjoy. I for one will not none of it!
    I don't drink it with a glass of milk, I usually just have water. I drink water with it because it is thick, particularly the "all-natural" kinds that I prefer. If you like peanuts and peanut oil, then why do you hate peanut-butter? The flavor is almost identical. Personally I think cashew butter and hazelnut butter are far superior, but they cost quite a bit more.
    Some men want their female counterparts to work, but not earn a higher salary than they do. They expect women to work all day,
    The way I see it, I want my female counterpart to make a crap ton more money then me so I can sit home do some cleaning and play video games or gossip all day...
    Isn't that also a case of wanting "special" treatment? I am completely cool with it. If a couple agrees to it, then that is entirely their business. However, the point still stands.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • The way I see it, I want my female counterpart to make a crap ton more money then me so I can sit home do some cleaning and play video games or gossip all day...
    Since my boyfriend, Jeremy, is still currently unemployed and getting unemployment benefits, he is currently living this dream. Lucky bastard. T_T
  • I had a vivid Chthulu nightmare last night. I tried to tell my wife about it this morning, and she asked, "You had a nightmare about that guy from Star Trek?" Turns out, she's never heard of the Chthulu mythos. The things you still don't know about a person even after living with them for 12 years . . .

    Now I'm fascinated by the horror of ChSulu.
  • I had a vivid Chthulu nightmare last night. I tried to tell my wife about it this morning, and she asked, "You had a nightmare about that guy fromStar Trek?" Turns out, she's never heard of the Chthulu mythos. The things you still don't know about a person even after living with them for 12 years . . .

    Now I'm fascinated by the horror of ChSulu.
    Isn't it a neat thing that she doesn't know it? Being surprised and sharing new interests/information with your spouse is always cool for me.
  • The fail of my day right now is being called into work on my day off. Oh well, overtime is good.

    Re: Peanut butter - All things with peanuts in them are good. Peanuts themselves, PB&J;, Reese's, peanut sauce, the whole shebang.
    Today I feel like a paranoid android. I found out a dear friend's sister came out to their parents, and they beat her up and threw her physically out of her home.
    One of my sister's best friends had the same thing happen to her. She's now living with my parents while she goes to community college and tries to get somewhere in life. I was really happy to hear them do that since my parents are fairly conservative and don't really like the idea of homosexuality, but not so much so that they'd abandon a girl who had no where else to go.
  • My right arm and hand is shaking uncontrolably and has been for over an hour. O_O
  • edited October 2009
    In the last few days, I've gone off eating and have lost a worrying amount of weight as a result.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • My right arm and hand is shaking uncontrolably and has been for over an hour. O_O
    Are you in conditions where it is chilly? If not, then I think it's best you go to the doctor because that's usually a bad sign.
  • My right arm and hand is shaking uncontrolably and has been for over an hour. O_O
    Are you in conditions where it is chilly? If not, then I think it's best you go to the doctor because that's usually a bad sign.
    No, it isn't shivering and I am not cold. I would happily go to a doctor, but I am not currently insured.
  • My right arm and hand is shaking uncontrolably and has been for over an hour. O_O
    If it's what I have, you have a pinched nerve in your neck that's freaking out your muscles. Is your neck stiff? If so try taking an aleve and stretching your neck. The aleve will reduce the inflammation that's causing the twitching.
  • My right arm and hand is shaking uncontrolably and has been for over an hour. O_O
    If it's what I have, you have a pinched nerve in your neck that's freaking out your muscles. Is your neck stiff? If so try taking an aleve and stretching your neck. The aleve will reduce the inflammation that's causing the twitching.
    Nope, no stiff neck. I occasionally shake when I haven't eaten for half a day or I have had a lot of caffeine, but neither is the case this time.
  • My right arm and hand is shaking uncontrolably and has been for over an hour. O_O
    If it's what I have, you have a pinched nerve in your neck that's freaking out your muscles. Is your neck stiff? If so try taking an aleve and stretching your neck. The aleve will reduce the inflammation that's causing the twitching.
    Nope, no stiff neck. I occasionally shake when I haven't eaten for half a day or I have had a lot of caffeine, but neither is the case this time.
    It could still be low blood sugar. Have you been eating less than normal this week? More caffeine than normal?
  • Maybe you two can get an apartment together or something?
    I'm still trying to find a job. If I had one, I probably would.

    As for my friend's sister, she's fine. She moved in with her girlfriends (yes, she's polyamorous), after she got patched up. Her eyes are slightly swollen, but other than that she managed to avoid serious injury. My friend intends to move out, and told me he plans to disown his parents.
    One of my sister's best friends had the same thing happen to her. She's now living with my parents while she goes to community college and tries to get somewhere in life. I was really happy to hear them do that since my parents are fairly conservative and don't really like the idea of homosexuality, but not so much so that they'd abandon a girl who had no where else to go.
    Hooray for your parents. I wish mine were like that.
  • edited October 2009
    Kate: Mum says if you're having anything like a headache or lights in front of your eyes (potentially neurological symptoms), then you should go to a public hospital despite not having insurance, because it could be a serious thing in your brain. Aneurysm, tumor, etc.

    However, if there are no other symptoms besides the twitching, the doctor would probably tell you to wait and see what happens anyway. It might go away on its own. She also mentioned that it might be something with a nerve in your neck, like George said. Any muscle weakness, or change in the intensity of the shaking when you try to use the arm? Any change when you change positions? Stuff like that can help identify the cause.

    Obviously this should not be taken as fiduciary medical advice, but I thought it might help, since she's an MD.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • @Nuri: it shakes less violently when I am engaging it, but when it is relaxed it shakes more. The arm itself feels a little weak. No headache or lights and no other muscle weakness. I went for a short walk to see if just moving around a bit would help. It did not help, but the shaking is starting to be less pronounced and is limited more to my hand and wrist now.
    I filled out the paper work for the less shitty of my office's two insurance plans today, so I will be covered fairly immediately.
    @Pete: My eating habits haven't changed in the past several weeks and I haven't had any caffeine in days.
  • Kate, sounds like you're probably ok to wait at least until your coverage kicks in. I hope it gets better before then, though...that would be the best. :)

  • Now I'm fascinated by the horror of ChSulu.
    Oh My....
  • My friend intends to move out, and told me he plans to disown his parents.
    This is the friend whose sister was beaten up and kicked out? Awesome that he's standing up to his parents and standing up for her.
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