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Fail of Your Day



  • Someone I know said that window treatments were costly due to a conspiracy designed by stupid old people in order to make life difficult for smart young people.
  • Window treatments were costly due to a conspiracy designed by stupid old people in order to make life difficult for smart young people.
  • our continually increasing consumption and our lack of a "go to" may be an issue in our lifetimes. To me, that is a fail.
    Nuclear power. All other answers are stupid and are characterized by a fear of issues that have mostly been stamped out. Nuclear power is going to be essential, and even as environmentalists we need to accept that preventing a power crisis means filling a mountain with sealed drums. The Russians have been doing it for years, we might as well dismantle some of our bombs and catch up.
  • Women shouldn't insist that they can go to an all-male school and then deny men admission to their all-women schools.
    Have there been any cases of the same woman or group of women attempting to attend an all-male school while simultaneously denying men entrance to an all-female school? Because it's entirely possible that not every woman in the entire world is reading from the same playbook. :)
  • edited October 2009
    Women shouldn't insist that they can go to an all-male school and then deny men admission to their all-women schools.
    Have there been any cases of the same woman or group of women attempting to attend an all-male school while simultaneously denying men entrance to an all-female school? Because it's entirely possible that not every woman in the entire world is reading from the same playbook. :)
    And being a woman, I wouldn't know that...

    I don't have the research at my fingertips, and I wrote that paper over 5 years ago. I do not have my sources at my fingertips. I'm just saying that it really looks bad and sends terrible messages when one one hand, women generally want to be equal, but on the other some of them get pissed off when a guy doesn't hold doors for them or give them special exceptions. Many women want all the rights and privileges they see afforded to men, but they also want to have their minds read, leech off of the men in their lives, and be treated like princesses. I am by NO MEANS saying every woman is like that, but the remnants of old traditions, like the guy always paying for the date, reinforce this sense of expectation. Then there are the women who think that you opening a door for them means you think they can't do it themselves. Much of the reason that "chivalry is dead" is that people are afraid to be chivalrous for fear of getting bitched out by a crazy person.

    How can you expect someone to know how to treat you when their experience with women in general tells them that there is an equal chance that anything they do will piss you off? I literally have a handout that I give to anyone who attempts to date me because there is so much confusion on the subject. Women who play games and expect people to read their minds piss me off to no end. They give the rest of us a bad name.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • I literally have a handout that I give to anyone who attempts to date me because there is so much confusion on the subject.
    I'm just going to say, for all the single ladies out there (if there are any), that this is a fantastic idea and works incredibly well. You may not necessarily need to take it all the way to the handout level, but you need to be that upfront, open, and direct. Leave nothing up to the imagination. Everyone is substantially happier that way.
  • Many women want all the rights and privileges they see afforded to men, but they also want to have their minds read, leech off of the men in their lives, and be treated like princesses.
    Thank you for being one of the first women I've ever met who understands this. I've been trying to explain this idea to many different women, but very few of them have ever believed what I say. There's nothing wrong with politeness, but most females I meet expect it to them specifically because I'm a boy and they're a girl. It bothers me.
  • Then there are the women who think that you opening a door for them means you think they can't do it themselves.
    Interesting side story... The other day I was approaching glass double doors at the bottom of a stairwell, and I could see through them that there was a guy coming towards me from the other side holding an open laptop. I got to the door first and kept it open for him, and he gave me this purely disgusted look like "Wtf are you doing?!" He then made the extra effort to go through the other door (using no hands because he was holding his laptop), even though I was holding my door open for him! It left me feeling pretty confused...
  • @Lyddi: I always hold the door for people, just because it's what comes naturally to me. So many people seem to purposefully avoid a door I'm holding for them. A lot go through it as well, though. And more and more people are starting to thank me. It used to be such a thankless role. Getting thanked so much makes me both want to do it more and less at the same time. It's very confusing.
  • Wow, I've never had someone not go through a door I was holding for them, or observed such an action taking place.
  • edited October 2009
    Since we're on the topic of women, I've got a fail to throw in here. Last weekend my girlfriend and I were talking about moving in together. We had agreed that it'd be good for me to move into her place since she has more space and already has a rider for pets on her lease. The purpose behind the move-in would be twofold: Given that we've been dating for almost three years, we wanted to make sure we wouldn't totally kill each other after living together, and we'd be able to cut our living expenses in half, thus being able to pay down her student debt more quickly and allowing both of us to accrue more savings. I announced it to my friends and parents on Tuesday, started calling around for potential storage lockers since we'd have to put some stuff away until we could totally afford to move into an even bigger place, and began prepping and packing.

    I get a call from my GF this morning out of nowhere stating that she's unsure about the whole thing, she feels like I don't understand her, and that she feels like she doesn't really want to do this. She wants to call it off (not just the move in, but our entire relationship.) I'm currently knee-deep in storage tubs full of my book collection. I guess it's a good thing that I hadn't told my landlord that I would be moving out yet.
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • Then there are the women who think that you opening a door for them means you think they can't do it themselves. Much of the reason that "chivalry is dead" is that people are afraid to be chivalrous for fear of getting bitched out by a crazy person.
    My friend and I were extremely polite people in high school, and we had a casual conversation about the politeness of door holding. Our mutual female friend informed us that "it's sexist and there's a reason it's dead." This, of course, pissed me off to no end. My friend and I promptly started swinging doors open wide for each other going "AFTER YOU SIR!" followed by, "NO, AFTER YOU!" We would also take point in groups to hold the door for said female friend and everyone else in the group.

    We drive our points home.
  • I always smile and thank anyone who holds a door for me, be they male or female. Likewise, I will hold a door for anyone who has their hands full or is following in close proximity.

    The problem is assumptions. People make assumptions about other people all the time, and most of the time they are incorrect. Their motivations, their feelings, their abilities...I feel like things would be so much easier and happier if people would just (a) ask when they are uncertain, (b) speak up when something is wrong, and (c) listen.
  • I hold the door for people when it seems to make logical sense. There's always an awkwardness when they're at or just beyond the range of what I would consider normal door holding behavior.
  • My friend and I were extremely polite people in high school, and we had a casual conversation about the politeness of door holding. Our mutual female friend informed us that "it's sexist and there's a reason it's dead." This, of course, pissed me off to no end. My friend and I promptly started swinging doors open wide for each other going "AFTER YOU SIR!" followed by, "NO, AFTER YOU!" We would also take point in groups to hold the door for said female friend and everyone else in the group.
    That reminds me of a conversation for quite a while ago, on a Rover/guide camp.

    (Slight prefacing - she was one of those sorts of feminists for whom everything is a strike against women, and if you didn't pronounce the word "Women" with an Audible Y, she'd just about go for your jugular. We're in uniform, having just done a small ceremonial promotion dealie for two of the guides, and one of the scouts. We're chilling by the fire, and I'm having a cheeky beer and a cig away from the younger scouts)

    Guide: "The Scouts are sexist, chauvinistic, and male centric. The womyn scouts are even forced to act like boys to fit in, and there are no female-oriented activities offered whatsoever!"
    Me: "I think you're taking a pretty weird interpretation of the way things are, there, it's really not like that at all."
    Guide: "Of course you think that, you're just an unenlightened Man"
    Me: "Do you have your Guide handbook on you?"
    *She hands it to me*
    Me: "Thank you. Now, Let me explain something to you. There are no Female or male activities, just activities, and a male has as much ability to enjoy what you would call a female oriented activity as a female has to enjoy what you'd call a male oriented activity. To suggest otherwise is sexist and foolish. The Young women and girls of the scouting movement are not forced to act in any way, other than to follow the rules, all of which are just common sense and the scouting promise. And lastly, we've had women and girls of all ages in the scouting movement for many, many years, and *Flips to the front of the guide handbook, quotes the section that says, essentially, absolutely no men allowed under any circumstances* according to your own rules, the guides don't, which by your own rules, makes them an organization built on sexism."
    *I toss the book back to her, take a sip of my beer, a drag of my cig, and grin at her, while she's silently frothing*
    Me: "Pwnd."
  • I hold the door for people when it seems to make logical sense.
    Me too. That's why I don't understand holding the door for the elderly. People are ageist.
  • edited October 2009
    On Nuri's Handout.
    I'm just going to say, for all the single ladies out there (if there are any), that this is a fantastic idea and works incredibly well. You may not necessarily need to take it all the way to the handout level, but you need to be that upfront, open, and direct. Leave nothing up to the imagination. Everyone is substantially happier that way.
    I totally agree with this. Being direct and honest is the best thing in a relationship. I've actually made an effort to be more direct in my stating of ideas and problems, otherwise it goes over people's heads. Rym is honest to me and I try to be really upfront and honest with him. No passive-aggressive baloney! Also, Nuri is a good person to take advice from. She is one of the more level-headed and pragmatic people I know.
    I always smile and thank anyone who holds a door for me, be they male or female. Likewise, I will hold a door for anyone who has their hands full or is following in close proximity.

    The problem is assumptions. People make assumptions about other people all the time, and most of the time they are incorrect. Their motivations, their feelings, their abilities...I feel like things would be so much easier and happier if people would just (a) ask when they are uncertain, (b) speak up when something is wrong, and (c) listen.
    See what I mean? I always agree with you about this sort of thing. I am always nice and grateful when people hold the door for me, but I don't EXPECT it.
    The Scouts are sexist, chauvinistic, and male centric. The womyn scouts are even forced to act like boys to fit in, and there are no female-oriented activities offered whatsoever!
    See, the fact that she wants to segregate girls' and guys' activities is actually kinda sexist in my opinion.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Also, Nuri is a good person to take advice from. She is one of the more level-headed and pragmatic people I know.
    Awwwww. Don't forget disdainful and schadenfreudian. But never of people who are genuinely trying to help themselves, so advice-seekers are still welcome. ;)
  • I tried a PB&J* sandwich. I ate it all. It still sucks. I have no idea why people like this so much. I like peanuts in many forms but buttered is not one of them. I've also tried different "nut" butters. Cashew, almond,,, doesn't matter. They suck. Thai peanut sauce is good. Peanut butter cookies and Reese's are nasty and should be purged...

    *I got the Smucker's Natural Chunky kind with some orange marmalade on good bread.
  • Thai peanut sauce is good.
    You just made me want chicken satay from the 24hr Thai place here. Oh mans, satay is so good.
  • I tried a PB&J;* sandwich. I ate it all. It still sucks. I have no idea why people like this so much. I like peanuts in many forms but buttered is not one of them. I've also tried different "nut" butters. Cashew, almond,,, doesn't matter. They suck. Thai peanut sauce is good. Peanut butter cookies and Reese's are nasty and should be purged...
  • I tried a PB&J;* sandwich. I ate it all. It still sucks. I have no idea why people like this so much. I like peanuts in many forms but buttered is not one of them. I've also tried different "nut" butters. Cashew, almond,,, doesn't matter. They suck. Thai peanut sauce is good. Peanut butter cookies and Reese's are nasty and should be purged...

    *I got the Smucker's Natural Chunky kind with some orange marmalade on good bread.
    See I have the exact opposite problem, I don't like the jelly aspect of the sandwich, sure I like jelly by itself on something I just don't want it with the peanut butter which goes well in almost every form.. I've even had a peanut butter bacon burger which was pretty awesome.
  • See, the fact that she wants to segregate girls' and guys' activities is actually kinda sexist in my opinion.
    I agree, and I said as such to her.
  • I tried a PB&J;* sandwich. I ate it all. It still sucks. I have no idea why people like this so much. I like peanuts in many forms but buttered is not one of them. I've also tried different "nut" butters. Cashew, almond,,, doesn't matter. They suck. Thai peanut sauce is good. Peanut butter cookies and Reese's are nasty and should be purged...
  • Reese's are nasty and should be purged...
    No. Never say this again.
  • Even mc chris thinks you're dumb.

  • Today I feel like a paranoid android. I found out a dear friend's sister came out to their parents, and they beat her up and threw her physically out of her home.
  • Today I feel like a paranoid android. I found out a dear friend's sister came out to their parents, and they beat her up and threw her physically out of her home.
    Shit, man. That's ain't right.
  • Today I feel like a paranoid android. I found out a dear friend's sister came out to their parents, and they beat her up and threw her physically out of her home.
    Good lord...that's horrible...why do people have such hatred against such things? Just because it isn't the norm doesn't mean it's wrong or it's evil.
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