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Fail of Your Day



  • In other news, there have been 3002 fails/fail discussions in this thread. We all officially suck at life.
    Cheers to that, my friend.
  • In other news, there have been 3002 fails/fail discussions in this thread. We all officially suck at life.
    You want to be more depressed, compare it to the number of boo yahs.
  • In other news, there have been 3002 fails/fail discussions in this thread. We all officially suck at life.
    You want to be more depressed, compare it to the number of boo yahs.
    -silenty cries in a shell in a corner where no one will see me-
  • Hey, but we give all sorts of advice in this thread! The people in the boo yah thread don't need any shoulder pats. That may skew the numbers a bit.
  • Also, some of those are postings of other people's fails.
  • Hey, but we give all sorts of advice in this thread! The people in the boo yah thread don't need any shoulder pats. That may skew the numbers a bit.
    That's true...
  • edited October 2009
    -silenty cries in a shell in a corner where no one will see me-
    Hey, who put this shell here? *Takes pictures of shell then places it inside box and tapes box shut for later sale on ebay.*
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I don't even bother with that stuff. An actual ENT told me that it was pretty much snake oil. He also said that "brown bottle" peroxide for cuts and stuff worked, but only for small amounts of wax and only after having an initial blockage removed.
    On the upside, it feels ticklely and nice when it bubbles.
  • Yes, but the stuff I have that is specifically for unclogging wax blocks isn't working, and I haven't been able to dissolve it any other way either.
    I suppose that technically, you're not supposed to do stuff like this, but...

    I've had problems with my ears ever since I was a kid. Lots of ear infections, and I had to go to the doctor a few times to get impacted wax removed. Which is very painful both to have, and to have removed. The doctor basically squirted a syringe full of hot water into my ear, then scraped the wax out with a tiny spoon-like tool. I still get impacted wax occasionally, and fuck going to the doctor every time for that. I just run some hot water into my ear and let it sit for a minute, then I take either a bobby pin with a moderately wide bend, or I bend a paper clip so it has a little loop at the end, and I go in with that. You just go in really slowly and gently until you find the wax plug, and then gently twist the tool back and forth so it can scoop out the wax. It works every time, and I've never hurt myself. YMMV.
  • edited October 2009
    I don't even bother with that stuff. An actual ENT told me that it was pretty much snake oil. He also said that "brown bottle" peroxide for cuts and stuff worked, but only for small amounts of wax and only after having an initial blockage removed.
    On the upside, it feels ticklely and nice when it bubbles.
    Well...this was given to me by a doctor with different instructions than what is on the actual box. And seems to be working a bit. I managed to unblock a good bit on my 3d application today. I just started using it last night, and it says to use it for 3 days. So maybe I just jumped the gun. Maybe by tomorrow night it will be completely clear.

    And yeah, F, I do the same thing with Q-tips. I KNOW you're not supposed to stick them in your ear, but fuck...I couldn't hear!
    Well, maybe if you weren't all inconsiderate, with your "gluten intolerance" or whatever Randi bullshit you keep coming up with, you'd have some pie by now!
    Nuri - that is the joke. Pete always tells me to get back in the kitchen and then I go crazy on him or make a joke about men. The entire act of being "ultra-feminist" is part of the routine.
    @Kate - I know, I just wanted to write about Pete's bitch-ass.

    @Pete - Don't blame me for your kitchen impotence! If you can make gluten-free funnel cake, then your bitch-ass can make me some gluten-free pie! Especially after all the work I am going through to give you salmonella!
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited October 2009
    Especially after all the work I am going through to give you salmonella!
    Listen, Salmonella and I are acquainted. I know where I can get Salmonella. You're doing this as a gift to me. Don't you go getting all uppity on me just because you're doing something for your man. Knitting is what you're supposed to do; do you think you should get pie every time you do something you're supposed to do?

    See Joe, this is what happens. Don't you remember what I told you and Lincoln back in the day? "You go and free those negroes, and they're just gonna get all uppity," and now look! We've got one for president! Then the women wanted the vote, and I told you the same thing, and now look! Demanding pie! Expressing opinions about whether or not a man's joke is funny! Next thing you know, they'll be in the government, and then there'll be a law demanding that everything has to be painted pink or some other gay-ass color.

    This is all your fault, Joe. We're going to be living in pink houses and driving pink cars and going to work in pink office buildings all because you didn't listen to me.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited October 2009
    [D]o you think you should get pie every time you do something you're supposed to do?
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • [D]o you think you should get pie every time you do something you're supposed to do?
    Bah! Greedy women! You just take and take and take! More more more! I want the vote, I want equal rights, I want equal pay for equal work! We worked long and hard to keep you domesticated and in the kitchen, and then you just throw it all away!

    It's so hard to be a white male these days.
  • This sucks. The best gaming podcast ever, Idle Thumbs, is ending after two more episodes because one of the three hosts got a new job in another state.
  • This sucks. The best gaming podcast ever,Idle Thumbs, is ending after two more episodes because one of the three hosts got a new job in another state.
    What the hell? Fast Karate that shit. (I've never heard the podcast, though, so maybe that wouldn't work.)
  • It's harder to maintain long-distance podcasts. The motivation can be a huge issue. Heck, we still have 3 or 4 episodes that are already recorded...we just haven't edited and released them. It's much less immediate.

    They were probably wise to pull the plug and end it cleanly.
  • What the hell? Fast Karate that shit. (I've never heard the podcast, though, so maybe that wouldn't work.)
    Fast Karate is proof that if you have hands for clapping, long-distance podcasts work.
  • Bah! Greedy women! You just take and take and take! More more more! I want the vote, I want equal rights, I want equal pay for equal work! We worked long and hard to keep you domesticated and in the kitchen, and then you just throw it all away!
    Women, demanding equal, but special treatment since 1893. Let's check back what they want in another century.
  • Oil will peak in 10 years.
    These sorts of stories have come out ever couple years for the past hundred years. They've figured out they can make ethanol from sawblade grass, which is pretty much a weed in NJ. I'm unworried about oil going away.
  • Yes, they do come out every few years as more and increasingly precise information is gathered - that doesn't make the reports invalid.
  • Yes, they do come out every few years as more and increasingly precise information is gathered - that doesn't make the reports invalid.
    And as oil becomes more scarce, alternatives become more economically viable. While no one pays attention to it nearly as much as oil prices, there has been a lot of research into alternative fuels. Bio-diesel and Bio-ethanol (non-corn based) are looking to be the future as they fit into our current liquid fuel delivery system the easiest.
  • Yes, they do come out every few years as more and increasingly precise information is gathered - that doesn't make the reports invalid.
    And as oil becomes more scarce, alternatives become more economically viable. While no one pays attention to it nearly as much as oil prices, there has been a lot of research into alternative fuels. Bio-diesel and Bio-ethanol (non-corn based) are looking to be the future as they fit into our current liquid fuel delivery system the easiest.
    Yet how many of those fuels are in a position to be provided to the masses within our lifetime? Where is the efficient and pervasive infrastructure needed to supply the world? Regardless of alternatives, our continually increasing consumption and our lack of a "go to" may be an issue in our lifetimes. To me, that is a fail.
  • Fail of my day. Dealing with a client who thinks animating a 3 frame animation of a wasp's wings correctly will be a selling point for his game. It's 3 fucking frames. He also mentioned how he was annoyed because games, movies and other media never get wasp wing animation right.
  • edited October 2009
    One of our ultralow freezers, which typically operates in the -80 C temperature range, has failed. In the past 48 hours, it has climbed from -81 C to +7 C. We can't get it serviced until next week. You'd think a $12,000 freezer would be more reliable.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • One of our ultralow freezers, which typically operates in the -80 C temperature range, has failed. In the past 48 hours, it has climbed from -81 C to +7 C. We can't get it serviced until next week. You'd think a $12,000 freezer would be more reliable.
    Have you guys gotten a hold of someone for temporary storage? I'm not sure about transporting it, but I think we may have some room over at DAI.
  • One of our ultralow freezers, which typically operates in the -80 C temperature range, has failed. In the past 48 hours, it has climbed from -81 C to +7 C. We can't get it serviced until next week. You'd think a $12,000 freezer would be more reliable.
    Have you guys gotten a hold of someone for temporary storage? I'm not sure about transporting it, but I think we may have some room over at DAI.
    We have a backup freezer. We purchased a second one specifically for situations like this.
  • Women, demanding equal, butspecialtreatment since 1893. Let's check back what they want in another century.
    I don't know if this was a joke or not, but it's actually a serious issue that pisses me off. I wrote a paper on it in college. Women shouldn't insist that they can go to an all-male school and then deny men admission to their all-women schools. It's complete bullshit. If they want equal treatment, then they should be willing to go both ways.
  • Women, demanding equal, butspecialtreatment since 1893. Let's check back what they want in another century.
    I don't know if this was a joke or not, but it's actually a serious issue that pisses me off. I wrote a paper on it in college. Women shouldn't insist that they can go to an all-male school and then deny men admission to their all-women schools. It's complete bullshit. If they want equal treatment, then they should be willing to go both ways.
    Most women I encounter, even in feminist groups, would never want nor expect special treatment. I think that those that do are a small and further dwindling minority that lived down to the "feminazi" (a term coined by Rush Limbaugh, I believe) stereotype. They have actually hurt the cause of feminism, not helped it.
  • I don't know if this was a joke or not, but it's actually a serious issue that pisses me off. I wrote a paper on it in college. Women shouldn't insist that they can go to an all-male school and then deny men admission to their all-women schools. It's complete bullshit. If they want equal treatment, then they should be willing to go both ways.
    You know to to give them credit I would assume the women who want to go to all male schools are not the same women who want all women schools generally :-p
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