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Fail of Your Day



  • Nothing to do on Halloween, and my sore throat has just suddenly gotten worse (after 4 days of antibiotics). Eff.
  • Going over to My uncles house for their anniversary. This is the same uncle that, until a month ago, no one in my family had spoken to for almost 10 years because of crap he's pulled on us. Suddenly we're all buddy buddy.

    Let me say this: Even though he gave me a crap ton of DJ equipment recently and got me a good deal on fixing my car, I am leery of all he says and does.

    Irrational paranoia and suspicions? Check. Fail.
  • Irrational paranoia and suspicions? Check. Fail.
    They don't sound that irrational to me.
  • Whenever you make a Meringue, you definitely need an electric mixer. I learned that the hard way as my meringue was a sugary, goopy mess. Can't really do anything with it. And I failed to find a chef's hat going around town to any place that sold costumes.

    Was going to be a diner-chef for Halloween, but having both of those things fail for me has kept me from going to a party. (Not a fan of the party atmosphere in the first place) I thought having a meringue to serve to party-goers would be nice and it'd go along with my theme, but no dice. If anyone is curious I was gonna make the meringue into little ghosts, like so:

  • edited November 2009
    My mother yelled at me today because she couldn't find the lid to a pot. I had put it on a towel to drain after I took it from the dishwasher. I assumed someone else had put it away. When I told her this she called me a liar and threatened to throw me out. After she cooled off she dropped that threat, but now she won't talk to me. I just keep telling myself: one more year, and I'll have my degree. If only I could find a job.

    EDIT: My life sucks this week, doesn't it? When it rains, it pours I guess.
    Post edited by Diagoras on
  • I'm rather disturbed at my total lack of upper body strength and my (admittedly small, but noticeable) beer gut. I'm around 175 lbs, which is a good weight for my 6' height, but I need to redistribute it. No more fried foods at lunch, I think it will be salads and sandwiches from here on out. And I'm going to start working out my upper body and walking more (apparently the 0.5 mile I walk to work is not enough.)
  • The IT department at my company decided to start blocking Google Docs over the weekend. This effectively makes the service useless to me since my main use for it was to write things down while I'm at work, then later read and add to them at home. I can understand why, since we do have extremely high security measures here, but it is still upsetting. If they are really so worried about people releasing sensitive info, they should just block all access.
  • edited November 2009
    Well, I've failed at brewing.

    After 3 months of bottle conditioning, Peter's Bitter Black Existence is woefully drinkable. The astringency has melded with the rest of the flavors, and now the initial taste is dominated by resiny hops, finishing off into a dry heavy coffee/dark chocolate/roasty malt body. It's almost mainstream in its qualities.

    Excuse me while I go cut myself in despair.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Do you think it was an issue with your yeast?
  • edited November 2009
    Do you think it was an issue with your yeast?
    Re-read the post. I'm making an obtuse joke. :P
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Do you think it was an issue with your yeast?
    Re-read the post. I'm making an obtuse joke. :P
    Ah, I thought you were going for the Extra IPA, screw-up-your-face bitterness characteristic of some brews.

    Congratulations, then.
  • Extra IPA, screw-up-your-face bitterness characteristic of some brews.
    I was hoping to make an almost undrinkable RIS, but it turned out to be a bit mellower than I thought. Still have a nice dry finish and a good amount of malt bitterness (as well as resiny hops), though, so it's a success. Now to find out the actual ABV on this thing.
  • Great, now I can actually partake.
  • Great, now I can actually partake.
    Careful, it's probably still undrinkable to 99% of people.
  • If you like resiny hops and dry, slightly bitter roasty malt with notes of coffee (and just a touch of chocolate), you'll enjoy this.
  • If you like resiny hops and dry, slightly bitter roasty malt with notes of coffee (and just a touch of chocolate), you'll enjoy this.
    I hear hat if you drink it while listening to The Cure while curled up in a ball of self-loathing in your bathroom helps with the flavor.
  • If you like resiny hops and dry, slightly bitter roasty malt with notes of coffee (and just a touch of chocolate), you'll enjoy this.
    That sounds delicious. Really delicious.
  • I am just starting (starting mind you) to catch up at work and one of the paralegals is out for the week with flu. She normally processes all of the faxes in addition to her other work. She hasn't been here since Friday. Apparently, the managing attorney just decided to hold on to all of the faxes from Friday night until now and gave them to me.
    Seriously, as soon as I find anything even close to my pay I am out of here.
  • Seriously, as soon as I find anything even close to my pay I am out of here.
    I invoiced my company last Thursday, because the office manager said she was writing the cheques that day. I emailed Monday asking what the status was, and she said my manager hadn't looked at the invoice yet (to approve it). It has now been almost a week.

    If I didn't live in Rochester I'd be able to find another job LIKE THAT. (emphasis meaning: fast)
  • edited November 2009
    Seriously, as soon as I find anything even close to my pay I am out of here.
    I invoiced my company last Thursday, because the office manager said she was writing the cheques that day. I emailed Monday asking what the status was, and she said my manager hadn't looked at the invoice yet (to approve it). It has now been almost a week.
    If I didn't live in Rochester I'd be able to find another job LIKE THAT. (emphasis meaning: fast)
    I can find work almost anywhere (paralegals can always find something), but with the downturn in the economy, it is hard to find something that will be as close to home or closer (Adam and I share a single vehicle at the moment, so this is a major necessity) and matches my pay or is further away and compensates for the need for a second vehicle.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Just went down to the basement to do laundry, and lo and behold, no sooner do I throw clothes in the washer then I notice that the washer has not completely drained from last time. I'm washing them, so I guess it's not a big deal, but still. Gross.

    Also, the laundromat deal here is bull. About 40% of these machines are consistently broken. It sucks.
  • I've found that I experience big mood swings every time I talk to one of my friends who moved out of the LA area for college. I talk to them on Skype or AIM and then feel like shit afterwards. By all accounts today was an above-average day, yet after I got home and chatted with my friend in San Francisco, I started to really feel like shit. I've gotten angry or frustrated with pretty much everything I've encountered tonight. Man, I miss them so much.
  • I got evacuated from my house because of a fire next door. Now I'm back inside and can't sleep.
  • Woke up an hour and a half early from back pain. I can't go back to sleep. I predict a long day ahead of me.
  • It has gotten the cold again, I may have to turn on the heat.
  • It has gotten the cold again, I may have to turn on the heat.
    I can't even figure out how to do so in my place, one of the two sole downsides of it.
  • I do not have any nice dress shoes. The ones I wanted to wear broke. The other doesn't fit anymore. The other is too punk for an interview.

  • I do not have any nice dress shoes. The ones I wanted to wear broke. The other doesn't fit anymore. The other is too punk for an interview.

    DSW clearance section to save the day!
  • Woke up an hour and a half early from back pain. I can't go back to sleep. I predict a long day ahead of me.
    I've had back pin unusually bad this week. one of the worst parts of aging is that you'll be chugging along, minding your own business and then, all of a sudden, you'll get a shooting pain coursing through some random part of your body for no apparent reason. If I had a pain somewhere when I was younger, I'd know exactly where, when, how, and why I acquired that pain. Now, I just get these unexplained random pains from nowhere.

    Like the other day, I was sitting at my desk, nothing was wrong, everything was going fine, and then BOOM! - A shooting pain from the right to the left side of my lower back for no reason. I hate it when that happens.
  • Now, I just get these unexplained random pains from nowhere.
    I'm pretty sure mine is due to my crappy mattress.

    However, I'm currently borrowing a Bed Buddy Back Wrap from my coworker. It feels wonderful. I plan on buying it from our work store in a bit.
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