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Fail of Your Day



  • edited December 2009
    It's one of those cases where I say: Admire the art, not the artist. There are plenty of not so nice people who did very good or influential creative work.
    It's like, yeah, he is talented and changed animation, but I would not have wanted to be his friend.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Used manual transmissions for my camaro are incredibly hard to come buy and new replacements are more than I payed for the entire car.
  • Chem test only curved to a 75%. I must now get a 80% or higher after the curve on a 70 question, 300pt final to get a B in the course. I am so close to saying fuck engineering and going for a Bio/Language double major. Plus, a career in biology would help me land a job in any number of awesome places with cool animal life (I'm considering marine bio). I guess I'll just have to see what happens on Friday. Meanwhile, I am stewing in self-induced stress and panic. I hate finals.
    Admire the art, not the artist.
    I can't really admire this, as much as some other Disney works (Alice in Wonderland) have me enchanted:

  • edited December 2009
    I am so close to saying fuck engineering
    I did that and while I ended up fine with a degree in IT, I still regret the decision a bit.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited December 2009
    I am so close to saying fuck engineering
    I did that and while I ended up fine with a degree in IT, I still regret the decision a bit.
    For me, it's a choice between a fulfilling career designing things like engines and green tech (which I love), or a fulfilling career likely involving marine life and conservation (which I also love, except for maybe the marine worms). If I make my second major next to bio Japanese, I could potentially get a job divemastering in Hawaii (I'm a pretty avid diver); more than likely, however, I'd end up working at a research institution or something like it. Divemastering is just sort of the dream.

    It's tough right now. I know I'm between engineering and bio, and that in some circumstances there is some overlap (the marine ROVs that the oceanographers at Scripps and Woods Hole have been building are crazy awesome), but I don't really know how to make up my mind.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Plus, a career in biology would help me land a job in any number of awesome places with cool animal life (I'm considering marine bio).
    If you want to do marine biology you MUST go do a summer internship at University of Hawaii (Oahu). Even if you don't end up sticking with it try and get a lab job over the summer. I promise you won't regret it. I'm a virologist (and dabble with bacteria every once and again) and my summer in their MSURF program was the best thing to ever happen in my academic career thus far. Look up what some of the professors are working on and see if you can get in their lab. I know one of the guys that was in my internship was using his engineering knowledge to design and build these monitoring devices that he'd actually go out to the beach and submerse and test. Combining engineering and marine bio is very possible if you have the skills. Whisper me if you want more info for the Hawaii stuff. ^_^
  • edited December 2009
    Walt Disney made good movies, but he was, in his personal life, kind of a racist, anti-Semitic asshole. I'm surprised you did not know this, being into animation. It's perfectly acceptable to like Disney's art, and think he was an amazing business person who advanced the art-form, but it's pretty well known that he was very conservative and xenophobic.

    Also, did you see that fail of the day Mankoon posted a while back, rejecting a female artist for a job as a Disney animator? It was basically like, "Well, the only place women can work is in the inking and cel paint department. Good luck with that. Don't send us your portfolio." Thank Goodness this world has changed for the better, else yours truly would be in a sad state. [This is Emily posting as Rym.]
    Walt Disney made good movies, but he was, in his personal life, kind of a racist, anti-Semitic asshole. I'm surprised you did not know this, being into animation. It's perfectly acceptable to like Disney's art, and think he was an amazing business person who advanced the art-form, but it's pretty well known that he was very conservative and xenophobic.
    Actually, he was a shit businessman. Roy did all of the business work, Walt was behind the creative stuff.

    Anyway, no matter what anyone says, Walt Disney is still my hero and I still admire him as being one of the most influential figures of the 20th century.
    "Well, only one in two million people has what we call the "evil gene". Hitler had it, Walt Disney had it, and... Freddy Quimby has it. "
    Ever since fucking Family Guy has parodied about that whole "Disney is Anti-Semitic", I am so fucking sick of hearing it. We can't prove it and there's no need to go on with it because of what the man had created. There was A LOT of insulting stuff in animation back in the day, give it a rest.

    Personal Note...definitely getting an F in my Economics class. No bones about it. ;_;
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • The forums are the worst bullshit audiophile circle-jerk I've ever seen.
  • edited December 2009

    Ever since fucking Family Guy has parodied about that whole "Disney is Anti-Semitic", I am so fucking sick of hearing it. We can't prove it and there's no need to go on with it because of what the man had created. There was A LOT of insulting stuff in animation back in the day, give it a rest.
    Um, douchebag? I took animation history classes in school, where we talked about Walt Disney, both the man and his work, quite a bit. This is not something I heard from fucking Family Guy, so shut up and sit down.
    In any case, this has less to do with racism in the Disney canon and more to do with his personal life. It's like Wagner: Wagner was a well known Aryan supporter, but we still play and enjoy Ride of the Valkyries. If an artist was anti-Jewish, what's wrong with saying he was?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Walt Disney allied himself with the The Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals that espoused primarily anti-Communist views, but also - to a lesser extent - anti-Semitic views. The evidence of Disney joining up based on their views of Jews is questionable at best. Some of his cartoons are seen as damning, but from what I read, they reflect some common images of the time and are not necessarily as damning as they appear to modern eyes. To call him a Nazi is a pretty strong claim and doesn't seem to be supported based on my readings, but if people have stronger proof, then I would certainly yield to it. All that is really clear is that he allied himself with a group that incorporated some anti-Semitic leanings.
    Do not want!
  • To call him a Nazi is a pretty strong claim and doesn't seem to be supported based on my readings
    I never said he was a Nazi, I said that it's pretty well accepted that he was at least marginally anti-semitic, like Henry Ford was an anti-semite. In any case, there is no doubt that he was right-wing, anti-red, and kind of a jerk about it. That's why Walt Kelly quit to do comics. You read interviews about the animators trying to unionize...whoo boy.
  • edited December 2009
    To call him a Nazi is a pretty strong claim and doesn't seem to be supported based on my readings
    I never said he was a Nazi, I said that it's pretty well accepted that he was at least marginally anti-semitic, like Henry Ford was an anti-semite. In any case, there is no doubt that he was right-wing, anti-red, and kind of a jerk about it. That's why Walt Kelly quit to do comics. You read interviews about the animators trying to unionize...whoo boy.
    Oh, I wasn't commenting directly to you. I didn't mean to imply that you were calling him a Nazi. I was countering some claims I have heard/read stating that he was a Hitler supporter/Nazi.
    I am completely with you, Walt Disney's politics were scary. Even discounting any anti-Semitic issues, The Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals was downright terrifying.

    A follow-up to chaosof99's image: Sarah Palin is posturing for a Presidential run.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • A follow-up to chaosof99's image:Sarah Palin is posturing for a Presidential run.
    Oh please oh please oh please oh please let her run for President. I want to see that happen. I can imagine the Republican party fully fracturing into "batshit crazy" and "less batshit crazy."
  • A follow-up to chaosof99's image:Sarah Palin is posturing for a Presidential run.
    Oh please oh please oh please oh please let her run for President. I want to see that happen. I can imagine the Republican party fully fracturing into "batshit crazy" and "less batshit crazy."
    Hooray for the less half! Screw Sarah Palin...
  • A follow-up to chaosof99's image:Sarah Palin is posturing for a Presidential run.
    Oh please oh please oh please oh please let her run for President. I want to see that happen. I can imagine the Republican party fully fracturing into "batshit crazy" and "less batshit crazy."
    Only if she runs with Glenn Beck.
  • Only if she runs with Glenn Beck.
    That is beyond scary. Can you imagine the kind of supporters they will have? *goes to find a happy place*
  • edited December 2009
    I bet it would be Palin and Dobbs. ^_~
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Oh fuck. Looks like they were already talking about running together.
  • Dear New York State Capital Reigion:

    Please open a Wegman's, DiBella's, and a Just Pizza (or any decent Pizza place that delivers).

    That is all.

  • edited December 2009
    There are other good sub and sandwich shops in Albany (Debbie's Kitchen ftw!), but most are only open for lunch. I usually go to one of the Italian import stores for my subs. But DiBella's would be nice to have for the odd dinner sub. Try Sainato's, Raganese, or Andy and Sons.
    Just Pizza
    Never had them, but they have to be better than the pizza around here. Ye gods, Albany has the worst pizza ever. I Love New York Pizza is the most acceptable I've found so far, and they vary.
    That's never going to happen. You'll have to make do with good Price Choppers and the co-op. I'm actually becoming a bigger fan of the co-op for my produce shopping needs.

    EDIT: Though, I'm sure you would probably more appreciate something opening up in the Clifton Park area. It'd be nice, because most of Clifton Park/Halfmoon is a mish-mash of various chains and stuff-on-the-walls places.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Ye gods, Albany has the worst pizza ever.
  • @Whaleshark:
    -Those locations aren't exactly convenient for us, but if I ever have a chance, I will try them. I've had Debbie's Kitchen and their sandwiches, while good, are nothing compared to a DiBella's sub.
    -You can get good pizza, but they are almost always at actual sit-down restaurants.
    -The co-op is too inconveniently located to be a regular and viable option for us. Also, why won't Wegman's come here? They have continually denied the "gentleman's agreement" theory.
    -There are a few good indipendent restaurants around Clifton Park, butyou are correct that the vast majority is chain nonesense.
    Ye gods, Albany has the worst pizza ever.
    An Arizona Pizza Company location just opened up in Clifton Park. Something is seriously wrong with the idea of Arizona pizza being good enough to export to other states.
  • It's a same we didn't have Pizza around who you were up Pete, I live in a Pizza Mecca.
  • edited December 2009
    Also, why won't Wegman's come here? They have continually denied the "gentleman's agreement" theory.
    Too much competition around here. While I'm sure Wegman's would win in the long run, the initial stages would be pretty rough. It's easier to expand in a market where they're already established and have no effective competition. Maybe one day they'll march east and try to uproot Hannaford and Price Chopper, but I really don't see that happening, as Price Chopper continues to expand their operations. The amount of damage they'd do to each other's businesses is really just not worth it. Aside from that, there's enough diversity in grocery stores (at least in Albany proper) that Wegman's wouldn't fit well.
    I've had Debbie's Kitchen and their sandwiches, while good, are nothing compared to a DiBella's sub.
    Well, I think of them as being fairly different things. When I'm in the mood for a sub, DiBella's is a great choice, but when I'm in the mood for a sandwich, only Debbie's Kitchen (or Ben & Bill's in the Slingerlands Price Chopper) will sate that hunger. A sub cannot replace a sandwich craving, and vice-versa.

    My metric for the quality of available pizza goes something like this: Is Domino's your worst choice? If yes, then your city is probably making good pizza. If not, there is something seriously wrong.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on

  • Ever since fucking Family Guy has parodied about that whole "Disney is Anti-Semitic", I am so fucking sick of hearing it. We can't prove it and there's no need to go on with it because of what the man had created. There was A LOT of insulting stuff in animation back in the day, give it a rest.
    Um, douchebag? I took animation history classes in school, where we talked about Walt Disney, both the man and his work, quite a bit. This is not something I heard from fucking Family Guy, so shut up and sit down.
    In any case, this has less to do with racism in the Disney canon and more to do with his personal life. It's like Vagner: Vagner was a well known Aryan supporter, but we still play and enjoy Ride of the Valkyries. If an artist was anti-Jewish, what's wrong with saying he was?
    Err, I didn't mean to be mean sounding to you guys because of the issue, because I know it's something that exists and is debated on, but I just kind of hate the debate of it because of Family Guy. It's like, that show has demonized the guy. I wasn't really insulting anyone who had their own opinions, I just hate the debate in general because of what Family Guy has done and how prejudice has existed in the media in the past.
  • Looks like they were already talking about running together.
    I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
  • I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
    What? Really? I think that would be perfect. Nutjob/Nutjob in 2012. They'd serve the same function that a popped collar on a frat boy serves; anyone who votes for a Beck/Palin or Palin/Beck ticket is clearly insane and should be institutionalized, or they're douchebags.
  • What? Really? I think that would beperfect. Nutjob/Nutjob in 2012. They'd serve the same function that a popped collar on a frat boy serves; anyone who votes for a Beck/Palin or Palin/Beck ticket is clearly insane and should be institutionalized, or they're douchebags.
    Be careful what you wish for... Poll: 'Tea Party' Beats Republican Party In Popularity Contest
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