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Fail of Your Day



  • edited December 2009
    Goethe and Wagner should rendezvous for Hors d'Âœuvre in Michilimackinac.
    Älykkösoperruksesi hämmästyttävät!
    Oh go pray to Ukko or something.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Älykkösoperruksesi hämmästyttävät!
    Moi Timo, kuis menee?
    The extent of my Finnish knowledge.
  • edited December 2009
    Älykkösoperruksesi hämmästyttävät!
    Moi Timo, kuis menee?
    The extent of my Finnish knowledge.
    Amigo, tus pantalones estan uno poco bajo otra vez!
    The extent of my Spanish knowledge (and yes, it has come in handy a few times).
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • Oh, not used to rain either, are you? :P
    You know these "Best Coast" people.
  • Current Champaign weather conditions: 22 degrees Fahrenheit with 35MPH winds. That's 7 degrees with windchill.
  • Current Champaign weather conditions: 22 degrees Fahrenheit with 35MPH winds. That's 7 degrees with windchill.
    Current Azusa, CA weather conditions: I just had to turn on my ceiling fan.
  • Current Champaign weather conditions: 22 degrees Fahrenheit with 35MPH winds. That's 7 degrees with windchill.
    Current Azusa, CA weather conditions: I just had to turn on my ceiling fan.
    I need a vacation.
  • You know these "Best Coast" people.
    My point stands!
  • I like cold weather and I would take a snow or ice storm over a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, rampant wild fire, or mud slide any day.
  • rampant wild fire, or mud slide
    Those pretty much only apply if you're a rich asshole who lives in the hills. Also, every earthquake I've ever experienced has been fun.
  • rampant wild fire, or mud slide
    Those pretty much only apply if you're a rich asshole who lives in the hills. Also, every earthquake I've ever experienced has been fun.
    I feel the same way about snow storms and ice storms, but I really, really love snow.
  • Pricing has been released for the 2011 Ford Fiesta. The hatch starts at $15,120, which is $200 more than a Honda Fit. Also, just about everything is an optional extra, and the one I'd actually want to buy is almost $20K. This leaves me scratching my head a bit, I just don't see how it's gonna be competitive at a price like that. I might as well get a Mini at that price. *sigh*
  • You people and your.. coasts. Be grateful you have a massive body of water to regulate the temperature of your cities. We have to make do with the Great Salt Lake and that ain't no good.
  • You people and your.. coasts. Be grateful you have a massive body of water to regulate the temperature of your cities. We have to make do with the Great Salt Lake and that ain't no good.
    Well done sir, I had a pretty good laugh at that.
  • You people and your.. coasts. Be grateful you have a massive body of water to regulate the temperature of your cities. We have to make do with the Great Salt Lake and that ain't no good.
    Hey, even then we still get screwed by social events. If you don't live in Florida, California, or New York there's a good chance you miss something you really want to see or go to. No nice things for the Midwesterners or people in the DC area.
  • Hey, even then we still get screwed by social events. If you don't live in Florida, California, or New York there's a good chance you miss something you really want to see or go to. No nice things for the Midwesterners or people in the DC area.
    Try living in Australia. We get NOTHING.
  • No nice things for the Midwesterners
    I dunno, man. Chicago's got ACen, WW ComicCon Chicago, Lollapalooza, and lots of other nifty things. It's not all bad...Just not as awesome as California.
  • people in the DC area.
    The problem with DC is it's such a transportation nightmare. People out at the beltway or further have no effective means of getting in other than a car. And DC hates cars.
  • Hey, I can see the Pacific Ocean from my apartment window, and it rains 75% of the year. Well, not really, but everyone who doesn't live in Seattle thinks it does here.
    QFT. It's really not that bad, however people here honestly fucking forget how to drive in the rain if it hasn't rained for a few weeks. It's pretty sad.

    But seriously, fuck this cold weather. Today I spent most of my day wearing my knitted half-mittens, scarf, sweater-jacket fully zipped up, fleece blanket wrapped around my legs, and my small heater blasting on me at work. This cold weather sucks. I'd rather have rain than this.

    (I do not look forward to my next electricity bill, however I love the fact I have three Korean mink blankets.)
  • Looking at a high of 18 degrees and a few inches of snow tomorrow/tonight. The cold doesn't really bother me, but I hate precipitation of any kind, although I suppose it does bring easy snow removal money.
  • My friend just posted on Facebook about how she's probably the firt person ever NOT to get accepted to UC Merced, and she's probably right. It's a very tangible indicator of just how bad our state's budget cuts are, considering she's basically a genius and has the credits to be a college junior even though she 's only 18.
  • people in the DC area.
    The problem with DC is it's such a transportation nightmare. People out at the beltway or further have no effective means of getting in other than a car. And DC hates cars.
    DC is great if you have any interest at all in government or law. Baltimore has its charms as well. I have sometimes had my frustrations with this area, but for right now, I have absolutely no interest in living anywhere else.
  • edited December 2009
    DC is great if you have any interest at all in government or law. Baltimore has its charms as well. I have sometimes had my frustrations with this area, but for right now, I have absolutely no interest in living anywhere else.
    I'm actually pretty happy with being here too. I have a good job consulting for the government working with great people. I just don't leave Tysons corner most nights and hardly ever venture east of the beltway.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • You people and your.. coasts. Be grateful you have a massive body of water to regulate the temperature of your cities. We have to make do with the Great Salt Lake and that ain't no good.
    Hey, even then we still get screwed by social events. If you don't live in Florida, California, or New York there's a good chance you miss something you really want to see or go to. No nice things for the Midwesterners or people in the DC area.
    You gotta know where to look in DC. ^_~
  • Young-earth creationist Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation.
    Wow. I've never actually read a doctoral dissertation, but I think they're at least supposed to have footnotes, or a bibliography. Or something other than bald, unsupported assertions.

    Coincidentally, just a few days ago, my girlfriend and I were looking up the "credentials" of prominent creationists, and we found out about Hovind's secret dissertation.
  • Young-earth creationist Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation.
    That is some hilarious shit. He's gonna be a doctor of crazy.
  • edited December 2009
    When we get to heaven, there will be no time. We will not be in heaven for billions of years. There will not be any years at all. There are many songs that allude to time in heaven. For instance, "When we've been there ten thousands years." I'm sorry, but we will not be there for ten thousand years. We will be there forever, which is a totally new dimension. I cannot explain it, because I don't understand it. I just have to believe it.
    Shit, I just wanna print this thing out and curl up in bed with it and a mug of hot chocolate.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • What type of doctoral degree is he going for and who is willing to give him one?
  • What type of doctoral degree is he going for and who is willing to give him one?
    Patriot Bible University, it seems. Pretty sure they're unaccredited.
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