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Fail of Your Day



  • FTFA:
    The results: Democratic 36%, Tea Party 23%, Republican 18%.
    This is why I want this to happen. It'll fracture the Republican party completely and allow the Democrats to gain a lot of ground.

    What I really hope this does is force all the crazies to precipitate out of their respective parties, and allow the remaining sensible people to actually discuss important issues.

    As long as the batshit crazies don't outnumber everyone else, we're OK.
  • More people agree with the Tea Party than the Republicans?
  • It's only a matter of time until the Republican party disappears completely and the crazies get control of all of them.
  • Here's a link to the poll itself, including margin of error.There's no statistically significant difference between the preference for Republican or Tea Party, but there is a solid preference for Democratic over the other two options. There's also a significant "Undecided" portion, which is good because it indicates that not everyone votes along party lines.

    It should be noted that this was a land-line telephone survey, so that will introduce some sampling bias.
  • edited December 2009
    What Ireallyhope this does is force all the crazies to precipitate out of their respective parties, and allow the remaining sensible people to actually discuss important issues.
    If this means that the US can be forced into proportional representation, I might need a cigarette and a couple of towels. Multiple parties are what the US needs to survive.
    Oh fuck.Looks like they were already talking about running together.
    Time to get my papers in order for a rest-of-my-life working vacation in Spain.
    Um, douchebag? I took animation history classes in school, where we talked about Walt Disney, both the man and his work, quite a bit. This is not something I heard from fucking Family Guy, so shut up and sit down.
    In any case, this has less to do with racism in the Disney canon and more to do with his personal life. It's like Vagner: Vagner was a well known Aryan supporter, but we still play and enjoy Ride of the Valkyries. If an artist was anti-Jewish, what's wrong with saying he was?
    Emily, while I agree with everything you have said and would add that your defense pretty much fucking rocks, I feel the compulsion to point out that its "Wagner," with a W. It's just pronounced with a V sound, German-style.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Ye gods, Albany has the worst pizza ever.
    Dear god, Texas. Looked like barf on a cracker.
  • Dear god, Texas. Looked like barf on a cracker.
    HEY! There is one good pizza place here, Star Pizza. All of the other places can die in a fire though.
  • Ye gods, Albany has the worst pizza ever.
    Dear god, Texas. Looked like barf on a cracker.
    At least you guys can fucking EAT pizza. Suck it up.
  • edited December 2009
    I love me some Gino's East or Pizzeria Due, with that incredible flaky cornmeal crust...Of course, Chicago is one of the US's two centers of glorious pizza bliss.

    A life without pizza ain't no life. Nuri, I am so sorry.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It sucks giant donkey balls, let me tell you.

    The only things that make it bearable are (a) Glutino frozen pizzas, which are actually pretty good, and (b)Pete makes me pizza I can eat, and we just found a recipe for crust that is very promising.
  • It sucksgiant donkey balls, let me tell you.

    The only things that make it bearable are (a) Glutino frozen pizzas, which are actually pretty good, and (b)Pete makes me pizza I can eat, and we just found a recipe for crust that is very promising.
    *thinks* I can work on this problem. I'll have a chat to my old boss Anthony, And I'll get back to you.
  • (b)Pete makes me pizza I can eat, and we just found a recipe for crust that is very promising.
    I'll see about giving that a go this weekend, if we have time.
  • (b)Pete makes me pizza I can eat, and we just found a recipe for crust that is very promising.
    I'll see about giving that a go this weekend, if we have time.
    I gave you most of my baking supplies, so you'll need to bring anything you need.
  • Emily, while I agree with everything you have said and would add that your defense pretty much fucking rocks, I feel the compulsion to point out that its "Wagner," with a W. It's just pronounced with a V sound, German-style.
    Whoops, my bad. I always get that confused because of the German pronunciation.
  • I always get that confused because of the German pronunciation.
    Goethe and Wagner should rendezvous for Hors d'Âœuvre in Michilimackinac.
  • This can't be real! Is it? No!
    Dear Fate, LEGGO MY EGGOS!
    It's for real, and seeing as how I sometimes work in the freezer stockroom at Target, and space is constantly an issue, this is actually making my job easier. :)
  • this is actually making my job easier. :)
    Until the riots begin..
  • My office didn't close and every major route from my house to my work was clogged or closed. I just spent hours in traffic.
  • this is actually making my job easier. :)
    Until the riots begin..
    Oh shits, the great Eggo riots of ought-nine! Actually, since I work work overnight when the store is closed, the dayside douchebags will have to deal with the riots. If it comes to a nighttime invasion, then all those "What would we do if zombies?" conversations I used to have with co-workers might actually come in handy.
  • Today was the first day I drove in snow.

    I hydroplaned twice on the highway on my way to school.

    Need I say more?
  • edited December 2009
    Today was the first day I drove in snow.

    I hydroplaned twice on the highway on my way to school.

    Need I say more?
    Oh yeah, you're from California. It's not called hydroplaning when it's snow, it's just sliding. ~_^
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Well, there was some rain, and some snow from last night. I hydroplaned on (in?) rain puddles, but there was snow on the ground (and flying from cars only my windshield). Not fun.
  • Well, there was some rain, and some snow from last night. I hydroplaned on (in?) rain puddles, but there was snow on the ground (and flying from cars only my windshield). Not fun.
    Oh, not used to rain either, are you? :P
  • Oh, not used to rain either, are you? :P
    You know these "West Coast" people.
  • edited December 2009
    I hydroplaned twice on the highway on my way to school.
    It happens. Just stay calm and maintain control of the vehicle.
    My office didn't close and every major route from my house to my work was clogged or closed. I just spent hours in traffic.
    Yeah, the city didn't plow any of the ramps on my route, and I-90 was a mess. Crossing two unplowed lanes = skid city.

    Traction control (and responsible driving) makes the issue moot, but it's still annoying.

    EDIT: Oh, that's right, you probably take 87 most of the way to work. That must've been hell.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Rain? Is that what that wet stuff was? I'm not impressed. I want a refund.
  • Oh, not used to rain either, are you? :P
    You know these "West Coast" people.
    Hey, I can see the Pacific Ocean from my apartment window, and it rains 75% of the year. Well, not really, but everyone who doesn't live in Seattle thinks it does here.
  • Goethe and Wagner should rendezvous for Hors d'Âœuvre in Michilimackinac.
    Älykkösoperruksesi hämmästyttävät!
  • RymRym
    edited December 2009
    Älykkösoperruksesi hämmästyttävät!
    Post edited by Rym on
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