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Fail of Your Day



  • XKCD
    Still, how the hell is -20 degrees C fuckfuckfuckcold? It only gets to the single-fuck cold around -30-35 degrees.
  • edited December 2009
    Still, how the hell is -20 degrees C fuckfuckfuckcold? It only gets to the single-fuck cold around -30-35 degrees.
    That depends on where you are and where you're from. It's 10 degrees C here in lower Alabama (Yes, positive 10) and everyone is saying Fuckfuckfuckcold.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • GeoGeo
    edited December 2009
    Glenn Beck + Gold + Fearmongering = Profit!
    Although this was in another thread, what I have to say definitely counts as a fail. I found out something absolutely horrifying today from my dad. Apparently I used to play little league with his daughter. I heard an internal record scratch in my head and I said "...what the fuck?". I'd doubt him, but I know that my father is not a liar, so that action is automatically nullified. I don't ever remember seeing him at the games I played in, nor do I remember his daughter. Even though it was years ago, I still cannot believe that I was associated with him (by next of kin) in some way or form.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • The entire county has pretty much shut down from the snow fall.
  • Man, I'm feeling sick after I made the fish chowder. Not terribly sick, but worrysome because I have eye pressure, minor headache and an irritated upper stomach. I hope it isn't Anisakis. :(
  • I pissed off my dad because he thought I told him to fuck off. I was actually thanking him. He still refuses to get a hearing aid. I will admit, though, the phone was probably a factor (he is working offshore).
  • Okay, I was just overstressing. Not sick...but it does make me wish my fish chowder would be better.
  • This isn't my fail of the day, more than it is my friends. I'm sure that a lot of you remember the episode I had about the girl I went to prom with and all that other heartbreak mumbo-jumbo right? Well true to my word, I've remained friends with her to this day, and we only occasionally hang out because of her weird hours at her job. Lately though she either hasn't been talking to me or has been ignoring me completely. At first I wondered if it was something I did, but I highly doubted it since I've been pretty cool with her, and she likes me.

    After many other unimportant things worth mentioning in this forum passed, I finally got a hold of her and asked her what was going on and if it was something I said or did. She told me that it was nothing to do with me at all, it was that her new boyfriend (a guy I know who I really don't like that much) is the jealous type and doesn't want her hanging out with other guys. I'm torn between two decisions, either help her out or stay out of her affairs and let her deal with it herself. On one hand, I'm her friend and friends should help friends, but on the other hand I've got the feeling that if I do something regarding the latter decision, things will end badly and she may end up resenting me. What should I do guys, I'm caught between a rock and hard place.
  • her new boyfriend is the jealous type and doesn't want her hanging out with other guys.
    That's such weaksauce. I don't have any advice for you, but trying to exert some sort of authority over who your girlfriend can and can't hang out with is soooo weak.
  • her new boyfriend is the jealous type and doesn't want her hanging out with other guys.
    That's such weaksauce. I don't have any advice for you, but trying to exert some sort of authority over who your girlfriend can and can't hang out with is soooo weak.
    Ain't it the truth? I've seen it happen manymany times before, but never to someone who is a friend like her to me.
  • her new boyfriend is the jealous type and doesn't want her hanging out with other guys.
    That's such weaksauce. I don't have any advice for you, but trying to exert some sort of authority over who your girlfriend can and can't hang out with is soooo weak.
    Even worse, girl who let their guys do that are usually weak willed. She needs a spine.
  • GeoGeo
    edited December 2009
    her new boyfriend is the jealous type and doesn't want her hanging out with other guys.
    That's such weaksauce. I don't have any advice for you, but trying to exert some sort of authority over who your girlfriend can and can't hang out with is soooo weak.
    Even worse, girl who let their guys do that are usually weak willed. She needs a spine.
    That may be so.I don't mean to be pushy, but that that doesn't really help me out here though.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited December 2009
    Completely procrastinated on my Secret Santa gift. I pretty much vegged out on the couch either cross-stitching or sleeping. Tomorrow. I need to get this shit done tomorrow. -_-
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • That may be so.I don't mean to be pushy, but that that doesn't really help me out here though.
    There's not a whole lot you can do. Tell her how you feel (that guys not letting their girlfriends hang out with other guys is bullshit) and then back off.
  • edited December 2009
    Stupid question that makes you worry about the future of the human race.
    That's a pretty intelligent and well written question, for yahoo answers.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I think that is fake.
    I hope that is fake.
  • I hope that is fake.
    Don't we all?

    Anyway, if it's real I'd be interested if she enjoyed "abstinence only education".
  • edited December 2009
    I also hope it's fake.
    That said, I was listening to the non-prophets and apparently only one school book approved by the school board in Texas mentions the word condom.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • ROFLMAO, that picture is just too hilarious. Thanks for turning this fail into an epic lol for me. ^_^
  • edited December 2009
    Stephen Conroy, minister of internets, abuses his power if not illegally, then absolutely unethically, to censor an anti-filter website - Becasuse, as the minister for internets, he wasn't smart enough or knowegable enough as a public figure to register his own name as a domain, when he even has his own personal website.

    Edit - The auDA, to fill you in, are the Self-regulatory body for Australian domain registrations, which is formally government endorsed, and acts as the administrator for the government's reserve powers in relation to Domain names, as given under the Telecommunications Act of 1997 - The practical upshot of which is that they're an independent government-endorsed admin, with powers given to them by the government, and who while largely self-sufficient in their day to day running, still answer to Stephen Conroy.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Every place in Albany that offers massages also offers Randi bullshit. While this is not entirely unexpected, I would really rather not support an establishment that touts reflexology as a legitimate science. I understand how those things get conflated (as happens with local produce and homeopathic bullshit), but that doesn't make it any less annoying.
  • edited December 2009
    That said, I was listening to the non-prophets and apparently only one school book approved by the school board in Texas mentions the word condom.
    High five for listening to Non-Prophets.

    Fail to the Texas State Board of "Education". Which reminds me:
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I, too, need to seriously get working again on my Secret Santa gift. Also, the party I had at my house destroyed my bookshelf.

    It seems that, nowadays, what people consider to be a "bookshelf" is a two-foot-high particle-board enclosure that is for decorative purposes only. Goddamn people don't actually read anymore.
  • Stupid question that makes you worry about the future of the human race.
    That's a pretty intelligent and well written question, for yahoo answers.
    Corollary parent fail:


    Also, politicians consider bills for cancer warnings on cell phones, proving yet again that politicians can't analyze data.
  • Arguing with a Glenn Beck-ian via facebook. God these people grate against the fiber of my being. Yes, let's get rid of the federal government entirely, that'll be brilliant!
  • Garrison Keillor of A Prairie Home Companion, a radio presenter I previously found delightful, is apparently not quite so delightful.
  • Garrison Keillor
    My list of "people who make Christianity look bad" gets longer every day. Sad, really.
  • edited December 2009
    I remember Twisty saying that she hopes Garrison Keillor goes to special folksy hell, where he is incessantly fed lutefisk by old Lutheran church ladies. He hates the gays and the atheists, despite putting on a good radio show.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Garrison Keillor of A Prairie Home Companion, a radio presenter I previously found delightful, is apparentlynotquite so delightful.
    Damn it, I can still like the work the A Prairie Home Companion does as a show right?
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