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Fail of Your Day



  • Database is down again! How the hell are we supposed to deploy this weekend if shit keeps breaking? We need working tools damn it!
  • edited December 2009
    EDIT: Nevermind. I still can't see the darkness that comes before.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Dear Participant,

    I am sorry to tell you that we have encountered a problem with this proficiency test which means we will be unable to issue assessments for it in report 147. Unfortunately a question has arisen as to the stability of the organisms in the test material over the duration of the test.

    However, you will be sent replacement samples with dispatch FEPAS 149 due on the 8 February 2010 and will be able to submit new results for assessment.

    We apologise sincerely for the inconvenience caused to your laboratory. Please be assured that we always endeavour to provide test materials of the highest quality for our tests.

    With kind regards
    [name omitted]
    for FEPAS

    Fuck you, FEPAS. I don't want to re-do your stupid PT.
  • @ Pete: At least they are sorry.
  • So, how do you make sure the proficiency test is proficient to measure proficiency?
  • edited December 2009
    So, how do you make sure the proficiency test is proficient to measure proficiency?
    With science. Take a quantity of a known food product, and spike some of them with a known quantity of target organism. Test the samples and ensure that you find the target where it's supposed to be and don't find it where it's not supposed to be. The verification testing is done with reference methods, so that all results can be compared on the same basis.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • With science. Take a quantity of a known food product, and spike some of them with a known quantity of target organism. Test the samples and ensure that you find the target where it's supposed to be and don't find it where it's not supposed to be. The verification testing is done with reference methods, so that all results can be compared on the same basis.
    Ah, cool.
  • edited December 2009
    I'm losing hair. A significant amount. Not sure why. This is problematic, as I have always been renowned for my prodigious amounts of curly hair. I don't think it's Male Pattern Baldness, since my maternal grandfather still has a full head of hair. It could be due to the fact that the food here has led me straight into some serious deficiencies...

    EDIT: Well, according to Wikipedia, "It was previously believed that baldness was inherited from the maternal grandfather. While there is some basis for this belief, both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss. Most likely, inheritance is technically "autosomal dominant with mixed penetrance." Given my dad's present state of affairs, I might be fucked.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Cut it short. Trust me on this one. You won't miss your prodigious amounts of hair too badly.
  • edited December 2009
    Cut it short. Trust me on this one. You won't miss your prodigious amounts of hair too badly.
    I'm going to give it a bit to see if being properly fed and getting enough sleep changes things.

    Second, way bigger fail: My calc final tomorrow is worth 300 points. I'm not really sure how to be totally prepared for it. However, I just got this email from my professor:

    "The current version of the exam has 23 problems: 1 true/false, 13 multiple choice, and 9 free response. I point this out as the percentage of multiple choice problems is higher than the midterms, and indeed, higher than I initially anticipated."

    Since on the exams the multiple choice questions are often weighted the same as our free response, this basically means that even little screw ups could leave me with a terrible grade. I wish there were appropriate English obscenities to describe my rage, but there aren't. Nor are there any Spanish ones, so I am forced to just simmer with anger.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I finally got a response back from Southern Lord about the Sunn O))) CD and shirt I ordered from them in July, after months of emails and inquiries. Apparently, this sort of thing happens so often with them that they have a whole separate response system on their website dedicated to lost orders.

    Never order anything directly from a label that is built on a style of music that puts merit in doing things very slowly.
  • Someone has been emailing people child porn randomly on my university's network. A classmate of mine had to go to the university police to get her account cleaned.
  • The Australian Internet Filter - AKA, The Great Firewall of Australia - has been given the green light. At it's head, a mad evangelical christian, who, thanks to the leak of the blacklist to wikileaks, has a proven track record of abusing his power in this matter, and as a bonus, He has no oversight, and the act that brought the filter into place makes it a crime to know what's on the blacklist without authorization.

    I would like to rant, rave and rage, but frankly, I can't. All I can do is shake my head in sadness. And start working on collating and creating some resources to help people get around the filter.
  • edited December 2009
    I hadn't heard. Fuck.
    Meh, I'll just have to find somewhere better to live once I'm done with university.

    Incidentally, here's the Australian Government's discussion paper on "Should the Australian national classification scheme include an R18+ classification category for computer games?"
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Eurodance from the 90's:
  • Play n Trade, the only franchise near me that bought old games and systems (and I mean Nintendo old, not just used old) is gone from both locations anywhere within 100 miles of me.

    And fuck GameStop.
  • Really? So you can't trade in that Gamecube?
  • I got locked out of my room in nothing but a towel after I took my shower this morning. I ended up sitting on the floor for an hour before someone lent me some pants so I could go get the spare key for my room.
  • edited December 2009
    Really? So you can't trade in that Gamecube?
    No, we can, but at another store that isn't quite as neat.
    I got locked out of my room in nothing but a towel after I took my shower this morning. I ended up sitting on the floor for an hour before someone lent me some pants so I could go get the spare key for my room.
    Oh, poor Li!
    Also, mini-lol.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Play n Trade, the only franchise near me that bought old games and systems (and I mean Nintendo old, not just used old) is gone from both locations anywhere within 100 miles of me.

    And fuck GameStop.
    Man, I just found out that there is a store near my job. I will go check it out today. I hope it doesn't close just before I get there :(
  • Also, mini-lol.
    Yeah, I can probably weave it into a funny story, but it was definitely a fail.
  • Day 3 of fubarred dev environment. Seriously, WTF?
  • So I just took my calc final. I can only think of one experience in my life that was more unpleasant; it involved neuralgia and hospitalization with a morphine drip.
  • I got locked out of my room in nothing but a towel after I took my shower this morning. I ended up sitting on the floor for an hour before someone lent me some pants so I could go get the spare key for my room.
    Because you don't know enough people in the building to ask SOMEONE you know to borrow clothes? Or even better, you could take your keys with you when you go to shower. I imagine you would look mighty silly going to the NSO in just pants.
    (On a weird side-note, since when did your roommate actually start remembering to lock the door when he leaves?)
  • Continuing from my previous fail, my father is having trouble dealing with his friend's death. Aside from grief, his friend's family and friends, most of whom my father does not know as they are from England, are arguing over arrangements and the like, and putting my dad in the middle of it. This has him severely distraught. Additionally, he missed the first night of Chanukah with us last week, and now will miss tonight because I chose to give him the night to himself. This has made him feel extremely guilty for missing more than he usually does with us. All in all, sucky...
  • Continuing from my previous fail, my father is having trouble dealing with his friend's death.
    Yesterday the same thing happened to my mother. Apparently a pipe came loose from an eighteen-wheeler and hit her friend in the back of her head (she didn't duck low enough, apparently). Your father has my condolences.
  • Continuing from my previous fail, my father is having trouble dealing with his friend's death.
    Yesterday the same thing happened to my mother. Apparently a pipe came loose from an eighteen-wheeler and hit her friend in the back of her head (she didn't duck low enough, apparently). Your father has my condolences.
    Thank you, and your mother has mine.
  • Spent two hours making gnocchi dough with potatoes. God, if the gnocchi is bad, I'm gonna be turned off potatoes for a while. :( And my fingertips feel like they are burning. Might be from the sieve, but oh man does it suck.
  • edited December 2009
    I had three essays due this thursday. One of them was for a psychology project, the other two were the final exam for psychology.

    Except they weren't due thursday. They were due today. 45 minutes ago. I may have just failed psychology.

    Fuck my life.

    Actually, no. You know what? This is what I get for procrastinating. I had two weeks to do this, so I brought this on myself. I deserve whatever comes out of this.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Actually, no. You know what? This is what I get for procrastinating. I had two weeks to do this, so I brought this on myself. I deserve whatever comes out of this.
    Nah, that's what you get for not finding out the correct due date. Procrastinating, on the other hand, is easy to get away with.
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