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Fail of Your Day



  • After some searching, it turns out that video is from a 2005 film called Always. I can remember seeing posters for it.
  • Driver's ed. Blech. Today I was stuck in a room for six hours with a guy droning on about subjects tangentially related to driving a car. There was some valuable information in there, but for every nugget there were six anecdotes about how irresponsible and clueless my generation is. The highlight of the morning was when I called him on some thoughtless (though passionate) generalisation about drug addiction, argued about it, and got him to back down and change the subject. I would think that he was just trying to keep the class on track, but considering the fact that we discussed the business strategies of Snoop Dogg for twenty minutes, I'm pretty sure I won that argument.
  • No matter how old I get, I don't think I'll ever be able to get excited about receiving clothes for Christmas.
    I like getting clothes for Christmas because it frees up my cash for other things. I like having decent clothes, but I don't like spending money on them.
  • I like getting clothes for Christmas because it frees up my cash for other things. I like having decent clothes, but I don't like spending money on them.
    I second this, though for the reason that I have no taste whatsoever.
  • I was quarantined to my cabin for 24 hours after a good two hour session of vomiting and diarrhea. I actually shit my pants!
  • I actually shit my pants!
    Wow. I've always wondered what that'd be like. I've been really close, but never quite got there.
  • I was quarantined to my cabin for 24 hours after a good two hour session of vomiting and diarrhea. I actually shit my pants!
    Ugh. Hope you get better soon. You're not gonna miss a show because of this, are you?
  • Too much uploading got my torrents flagged last night by my ISP. I'm greatly annoyed they have this kind of power.
  • @ LB: I hope you feel better soon!
  • I didn't get the job...Oh well, back to the ads.
  • edited December 2009
    My office has a policy that we can wear jeans when there is inclement weather. Today it was snowing when I left for work and the forecast called for snow throughout the day, so I wore jeans. Apparently I am the only one and my boss (who isn't in the office, so someone must have gone out of their way to inform him) e-mailed me asking why I was wearing jeans in violation of the dress code.
    Fuck this job. Fuck it.
    EDIT: I just noticed that another co-worker wore jeans as well after hearing the same report. No e-mail was sent to her.
    Again, fuck this job.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Apparently I am the only one and my boss (who isn't in the office, so someone must have gone out of their way to inform him) e-mailed me asking why I was wearing jeans in violation of the dress code.
    Did you tell him that you wore jeans because of inclement weather?

    Also, it sounds like someone in your office needs a swift kick in the uterus.
  • Apparently I am the only one and my boss (who isn't in the office, so someone must have gone out of their way to inform him) e-mailed me asking why I was wearing jeans in violation of the dress code.
    Did you tell him that you wore jeans because of inclement weather?
    Also, it sounds like someone in your office needs a swift kick in the uterus.
    Oh, I responded by not only stating why I wore jeans, but included a link to the forecast.
  • Apparently I am the only one and my boss (who isn't in the office, so someone must have gone out of their way to inform him) e-mailed me asking why I was wearing jeans in violation of the dress code.
    Did you tell him that you wore jeans because of inclement weather?
    Also, it sounds like someone in your office needs a swift kick in the uterus.
    Oh, I responded by not only stating why I wore jeans, but included a link to the forecast.
    That's some bullshit. Point it out in the manual and they should comply. @_@;
  • Oh, I responded by not only stating why I wore jeans, but included a link to the forecast.
    LOL, stick it to him! ^_^
  • I'm feeling fine now. The sickness hits quick, but is over in a few hours. Now I'm just catching up on eating and sleeping. I won't miss a show. Thanks for your concern though.
  • I'm feeling fine now. The sickness hits quick, but is over in a few hours. Now I'm just catching up on eating and sleeping. I won't miss a show. Thanks for your concern though.
    I shudder to think what would happen if you were juggling and were dizzy and/or nauseous...glad to hear you're doing well though, Luke.
  • "Yo dawg, I heard you like TSA security restrictions, so I put some security restrictions on top of your security restrictions."

    This theater is ridiculous. Doesn't reading a book count as a civil liberty? What danger is a paperback!?
  • This theater is ridiculous. Doesn't reading a book count as a civil liberty? What danger is a paperback!?
    The stupid thing is that you could wear hammer-pants stuffed with C-4 with detcord seams, and walk right onto a plane unless by chance you got picked up by a sniffer dog.
  • This theater is ridiculous. Doesn't reading a book count as a civil liberty? What danger is a paperback!?
    The stupid thing is that you could wear hammer-pants stuffed with C-4 with detcord seams, and walk right onto a plane unless by chance you got picked up by a sniffer dog.
    Obviously this is true. However, "no books for the last hour" doesn't mean security. I would GLADLY accept being sniffed before boarding if it meant that we weren't scrambling for absurd "solutions."
  • Obviously this is true. However, "no books for the last hour" doesn't mean security. I would GLADLY accept being sniffed before boarding if it meant that we weren't scrambling for absurd "solutions."
    America needs to take a lesson in airport security from Israeli if they want to get serious about security. I'm tired of this bullshit, make everyone feel safe, non-security. I just makes it take longer and does jack all.
  • Obviously this is true. However, "no books for the last hour" doesn't mean security. I would GLADLY accept being sniffed before boarding if it meant that we weren't scrambling for absurd "solutions."
    America needs to take a lesson in airport security from Israeli if they want to get serious about security. I'm tired of this bullshit, make everyone feel safe, non-security. I just makes it take longer and does jack all.
    As many call it, Security Theater. Looks good, but it's not really that useful for anything much beyond that.
  • America needs to take a lesson in airport security from Israeli if they want to get serious about security. I'm tired of this bullshit, make everyone feel safe, non-security. I just makes it take longer and does jack all.
    Heard this from someone earlier. I feel like we should do this, minus all of Israel's more shadowy practices. I am in full favor of bomb dogs everywhere and scanner tunnels for all sorts of stuff.

    And EHF radar. I don't care if some anonymous screener gets a green topographical map of my junk, as long as the one in several million who think that they can get a block of semtex through the gates get their ass handed to them by the nation's finest.
  • I received the following e-mail from a friend in my Atheist and Agnostic Meet-up Group
    Did anyone else see this jewel? Apparently with the wars and the economy still looking pretty sickly,Henry Brown (SC) and about 74 other Representatives felt this was a real important issue that needs to be on the law books. He's one of those loons who gets all pissed off if you say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas,even though he's used the term quite a bit himself in mailings and what not.
    Anyways,here it is:

    111th CONGRESS
    1st Session
    H. RES. 951
    Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the symbols and traditions of Christmas should be protected for use by those who celebrate Christmas.

    December 8, 2009
    Mr. BROWN of South Carolina (for himself, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. KINGSTON, Mr. CARTER, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina, Mr. INGLIS, Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky, Mr. BACHUS, Mr. JONES, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. SCALISE, Mr. MORAN of Kansas, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, and Mr. SOUDER) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

    Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the symbols and traditions of Christmas should be protected for use by those who celebrate Christmas.
    Whereas Christmas is a national holiday celebrated on December 25; and
    Whereas the Framers intended that the First Amendment of the Constitution, in prohibiting the establishment of religion, would not prohibit any mention of religion or reference to God in civic dialog: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
    (1) recognizes the importance of the symbols and traditions of Christmas;
    (2) strongly disapproves of attempts to ban references to Christmas; and
    (3) expresses support for the use of these symbols and traditions by those who celebrate Christmas.
  • Back at my grocery store job many years ago I said merry christmas on purpose. I hated that job, but I've never done a job poorly in my life, so that was my meager attempt to get fired. Didn't work, no one was offended.
  • Back at my grocery store job many years ago I said merry christmas on purpose. I hated that job, but I've never done a job poorly in my life, so that was my meager attempt to get fired. Didn't work, no one was offended.
    No one should be offended by a wish for joy, but being thoughtful enough not to presume is also cool. Either way, getting offended about this shit is stupid.
  • The thing is, if someone said Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus, or Happy Diwali to me, it's not like I would get pissed off. I would be happy!
    Same deal, I think, for most people who are not Christians. They recognize the intent is good and you are just being nice.

    So our government is spending time passing laws that say Christmas is important? Good Lord, don't you have anything better to do, House?
  • edited December 2009
    Either way, getting offended about this shit is stupid.
    Yeah. One of my biggest beefs with many vocal atheists has been the "attack" on Christmas. While it can certainly be annoying to have a bunch of Jesus shoved in your face, and you can certainly make a case for that being offensive, Christmas is pretty much a secular tradition at this point. I've always found it ridiculous that anyone gets up in arms about anyone's holiday celebrations.

    EDIT: Which is not to say that the pro-Christmas response is good either. The House shouldn't be wasting its time passing these resolutions. Everyone should just leave it the fuck alone.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I don't get offended if someone says, "bless you," after I sneeze, which is the same kind of thing. It's not like saying that to someone is the same as trying to force them to follow your beliefs. If a Christian friend wants to pray for me, they can go right ahead. I celebrate just has a different significance to me than to people who give it a religious significance. That's what you get when you commercialize a holiday and base your society's schedule around it. People who are offended by other people celebrating their own holidays and traditions, including the wishing of a merry time or a happy time, need serious help.
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