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Fail of Your Day



  • My grandmother is probably going to die in the next few weeks. I have no other details, but it's probably going to happen. Or to look at it in the other way: Death is not the reality of the situation. Everything is dead; that's the neutral state. Life is thing that distinguishes humans and other animals from the rest of the cosmos. Within a few weeks my grandmother will no longer be a part of life, and her matter will return its natural state.
  • edited January 2010
    You have my sympathies, Luke. I hope she passes without pain.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • My grandmother is probably going to die in the next few weeks. I have no other details, but it's probably going to happen. Or to look at it in the other way: Death is not the reality of the situation. Everything is dead; that's the neutral state. Life is thing that distinguishes humans and other animals from the rest of the cosmos. Within a few weeks my grandmother will no longer be a part of life, and her matter will return its natural state.
    Neutral, perhaps, but talking about the "natural" state of matter is a little silly. A better approach is to say that she will no longer maintain internal order by absorbing free energy from her environment, and will increase severely in entropy.
  • Everything is dead; that's the neutral state.
    I'd say lifeless is the neutral state. Neither lives, nor dies.

    Anyways, sad to hear. Good luck.
  • I just spent two and a half hours in the company of the most insane conspiracy theorist you've ever heard of. I'm talking thing like how he doesn't belive that Lizard people run the government, because, and I quote ""Oh, they exist, the government trades with them - how do you think we got microwaves and the internet? - but there is no way that a 7 foot tall lizard would disguise itself as a human, and anyway, the military-industrial complex fascists would never let some lizard men take away their power.""
    Why do you think he's so worried about global warming? It's because he's ectothermic.
    Well, He does kinda look like one...

    I swear, the point where he said "Science is All bullshit, it's concerned with keeping things unknown to keep themselves in power rather than knowlege, it's all just secrets and lies from the illuminati scientists." Is the point where I can say with confidence and honesty that never in my life have I come so close to beating someone to death with a fireplace poker.
  • I swear, the point where he said "Science is All bullshit, it's concerned with keeping things unknown to keep themselves in power rather than knowlege, it's all just secrets and lies from the illuminati scientists." Is the point where I can say with confidence and honesty that never in my life have I come so close to beating someone to death with a fireplace poker.
    That would be the point where - had I a penis - I would whip it out and pee on his leg as I looked him square in the eye.
  • That would be the point where - had I a penis - I would whip it out and pee on his leg as I looked him square in the eye.
  • That would be the point where - had I a penis - I would whip it out and pee on his leg as I looked him square in the eye.
    I think that if you attempted the same with your lack of penis, the message would be delivered ten times more effectively.
  • Heh. Kate and her Urine of Justice!
  • Heh. Kate and her Urine of Justice!
    When even kate is compelled to piss on you: that's when you know urine trouble.I'm so sorry.
  • Last Tonight Show with Conan. ;_;
  • I just spent two and a half hours in the company of the most insane conspiracy theorist you've ever heard of. I'm talking thing like how he doesn't belive that Lizard people run the government, because, and I quote ""Oh, they exist, the government trades with them - how do you think we got microwaves and the internet? - but there is no way that a 7 foot tall lizard would disguise itself as a human, and anyway, the military-industrial complex fascists would never let some lizard men take away their power.""
    Yea, a friend of my Aunt and Uncle is one of these people as well... I don't think he believes in lizard people but he believes in all of the big conspiracy theories. I remember having a long arguement with him about contrails that airplanes cause in the sky and how he thought pushed out mind control drugs. My last conversation with him I pretty much told him maybe if he got better hygeine and only talked about ONE conspiracy theory at a time people might listen a bit more. (Why do conspiracy people always believe ALL of the conspiracies, I know they are crazy)
  • Yea, a friend of my Aunt and Uncle is one of these people as well... I don't think he believes in lizard people but he believes in all of the big conspiracy theories. I remember having a long arguement with him about contrails that airplanes cause in the sky and how he thought pushed out mind control drugs. My last conversation with him I pretty much told him maybe if he got better hygeine and only talked about ONE conspiracy theory at a time people might listen a bit more. (Why do conspiracy people always believe ALL of the conspiracies, I know they are crazy)
    See, I used to work with a bloke like this before I came to england - he was a great old bloke, chilled out, nice guy, but a mad conspiracy theorist. The difference between him and most of them is that he's entirely reasonable about it - Essentially, he was a bit too gullible, but if you simply show him the truth of matters(mostly the scientific truth) or explain why these things are likely sounding but false, in a rational fashion, he would go "Hey, yeah, that does make sense. You're right, I think these guys I heard from must have got it wrong."
  • he would go "Hey, yeah, that does make sense. You're right, I think these guys I heard from must have got it wrong."
    And what he thought was, "HE'S ONE OF THEM!!!"
  • How could...why is...who would...IS HULU INSANE!?
    They are the most dangerous video player!
    They're not qualified to be gods.
  • Why the hell isn't this in the TOTD thread?
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2010
    Why the hell isn't this in the TOTD thread?
    While I would normally agree with that. This is too much of a fail.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Why the hell isn't this in the TOTD thread?
    While I would normally agree with that. This is too much of a fail.
    Free anime on Hulu is a fail? Especially allowing people to watch the most dangerous anime of all?
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2010
    Why the hell isn't this in the TOTD thread?
    While I would normally agree with that. This is too much of a fail.
    Free anime on Hulu is a fail? Especially allowing people to watch the most dangerous anime of all?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that Hulu is hosting anime for free on their site. The problem I have is just that I think they could have gotten something better than that. It's also quite dangerous that they have Now and Then, Here and There on the site as well.]
    EDIT: I wonder if they'll host Odin on the site.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited January 2010
    Now and Then, here and There is not dangerous, its one of the greatest anime ever created (it's in my top 25). I highly recommend people watch it when they need a pick me up.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • The problem I have is just that I think they could have gotten something better than that
    Listen, Hulu put up He-Man too. Free content is free content. I doubt they passed up a good anime to put up MD Geist.
  • My family seems to be falling apart. My mother won't talk to my father, my father is angry all the time for no good reason and my brother is beginning to disrespect my mother because she doesn't like my father's new attitude. In addition, the young man who rooms with us is being besieged by my brother because he thinks that mother likes the roomie more than him. And all the while, I am still waiting to hear if I have a job (and can't leave just yet) and stuck having to deal with all of this mess. Meanwhile, I'm still in college, working towards graduating this December. I feel like a fucking wreck!
  • @Diagoras of Thebes-
    Wow, I feel for you. I admire your strength to work through all of this.
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