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Fail of Your Day



  • Using the right kind of sharpener is key. You cannot use a regular sharpener for santoku knives. And don't you dare use a stone if you don't know how.
  • Using the right kind of sharpener is key. You cannot use a regular sharpener for santoku knives. And don't you dare use a stone if you don't know how.
    Agreed - I've got a set of 4 GBP knives - an eight inch chef's knife, and a thinner 11 inch - and when they're sharpened, I'd rate them against any 40 GBP knife you could buy. Just the same as a Blunt santoku knife is less useful than a sharp 2GBP knife.
  • I used to keep my knives sharp enough to shave with, but it's a hassle, and I don't actually want to be able to do THAT much damage to myself if I screw up. So I take it easier on the sharpening now -- if it can go through tomato skin with no pressure, just the weight of the knife, that's good enough for me.
    You wouldn't know that you'd been cut if not for the blood.
    In my high school art class, we were making rubber stamps out of Art Gum erasers with X-acto knives. I slipped and brushed the blade across the knuckle of my thumb, but it only left a little white mark so I thought it had just scratched me. As soon as I bent my thumb (thus pulling the two sides of the cut apart), blood just flooded out. I ran to the sink and tried to wash it off, but I kept bending it, and it kept pouring more blood. I wrapped it with a paper towel, went to the nurse for a bandage, and by the next day it was completely healed -- that's how clean a cut it was.
  • I just found out someone on this forum is an Amway distributor.
  • I slipped and brushed the blade across the knuckle of my thumb, but it only left a little white mark so I thought it had just scratched me. As soon as I bent my thumb (thus pulling the two sides of the cut apart), blood justfloodedout. I ran to the sink and tried to wash it off, but I kept bending it, and it kept pouring more blood. I wrapped it with a paper towel, went to the nurse for a bandage, and by the next day it was completely healed -- that's how clean a cut it was.
    Scalpels: serious business.
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2010
    I just found out someone on this forum is an Amway distributor.
    If you don't mind me asking, why is that a fail?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited January 2010
    It isn't, and that was posted by Churba.
    EDIT: Ah, you fixed it.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • It isn't, and that was posted by Churba.
    EDIT: Ah, you fixed it.
    I'm not gonna complain about it again, as I've done that already. I don't need to do it again.
  • Seem to have gotten sunburned going junkyarding today. :(
  • It isn't, and that was posted by Churba.
    EDIT: Ah, you fixed it.
    I'm not gonna complain about it again, as I've done that already. I don't need to do it again.
    I have no idea what you're talking about.
  • It isn't, and that was posted by Churba.
    EDIT: Ah, you fixed it.
    I'm not gonna complain about it again, as I've done that already. I don't need to do it again.
    I have no idea what you're talking about.
    Earier this week, I briefly complained about that stupid Vanilla quoting bug.
  • The Ravens lost to the Colts. The mutual histoy between the teams makes the loss even harder.
  • edited January 2010
    Sleeping for about twenty hours before realising the reason I've been feeling so tired is that I've barely eaten in two days. Mood swings sure are strange.

    On the upside: I've burned through whatever reserves of fat I had so I probably can't get any slimmer without exercising.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Omnutia: EAT.
  • I've barely eaten in two days
  • Avatar gets Best Motion Picture Drama? Alongside the Hurt Locker AND Inglourious Basterds?

    HFPA should eat a bag of dicks.
  • edited January 2010
    I saw this today and was puzzled, try and figure what is strange about this image. image
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • The pornography tag?
  • YOU WIN!
  • But really you just lost the game.
  • "Johnny" would probably flag up the pornography tag. Kinda a porn-starish name.
  • Earier this week, I briefly complained about that stupid Vanilla quoting bug.
    Stop being retarded. It puts whatever the fuck you select in the blockquote tags. This is even more evident with the "permalink" and "quote" buttons you quoted. Stop blaming unchanged code for your own retarded mistakes people.
  • Regardless of whether there is a bug or not, a simple reading of what you are about to post would solve the problem.
  • Regardless of whether there is a bug or not, a simple reading of what you are about to post would solve the problem.
    As a side note, I point out that this would solve a more than just quote problems for many people.
  • I'm still holding out hope, but I'm assuming it's going to be a big Fail for Democrats in Mass. today.
  • I can't seem to find a few little BS parts for my Camaro manual transmission swap. Very annoying.
  • The Poe Toaster did not appear this year. However, the day isn't over yet, so who knows.
  • I'm still holding out hope, but I'm assuming it's going to be a big Fail for Democrats in Mass. today.
    Yeah, it looks grim and the voter turn out is pretty low, from what I am reading (which sucks regardless of the outcome). How can people not have a say in something that will have a rather massive effects on both a local and national level?
  • Yeah, it looks grim and the voter turn out is pretty low, from what I am reading (which sucks regardless of the outcome). How can people not have a say in something that will have a rather massive effects on both a local and national level?
    What are you reading? They are reporting record turn out on all the Boston papers and such?
  • They are reporting record turn out on all the Boston papers and such?
    That's what I saw. Crazy lines at the polls, many first-time voters, and tons of interest.
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