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Fail of Your Day



  • edited January 2010
    Ah, the crushing low that follows a bout of mania. It's like being skullfucked with a breeze-block, though only metaphorical, rather than literal, however, at times you wish it was the other way round.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Wow, I feel for you. I admire your strength to work through all of this.
    What's sad is they weren't always like this. They were still irrational, but they were far from dysfunctional. I don't know what's gotten to them.

    Funny, I am beginning to look at my family as though I am an outsider. I hope I haven't become bitter.
  • Wow, I feel for you. I admire your strength to work through all of this.
    What's sad is they weren't always like this. They were still irrational, but they were far from dysfunctional. I don't know what's gotten to them.

    Funny, I am beginning to look at my family as though I am an outsider. I hope I haven't become bitter.
    I know the feeling, but never to that extent, I'll admit. I tend to fluctuate from moments of thinking I'm completely isolated in most ways from almost all of my family, to understanding that no other family would ever really accept me for what I am.
  • GAH. I can't believe this.

    I've been working on a split release with a UK label lately that I have been very excited about, but I feel like the dude is slowly bailing on me. I'll run the numbers on something and he'll be cool with them, but when presented to him a second time, like today when I was ready to send off the tracks to be mastered and plated, he'll totally back down, saying that we should downsize the print run or something. We've already downsized the print run twice, and any lower is going to lose us a lot of money. The initial cost is relatively large, but the marginal cost of pressing more is relatively very small, which means it's going to cost $5 to make every record instead of $2 or $3 at this rate.

    Today he said that he thinks he'll be able to get a better price if he just pressed his share of records himself, which is absurd because he'd be paying that large initial cost I talked about to make a very, very small number of records. I'm pretty damn sure that he had NO IDEA of the costs involved when he decided to take this project on.
  • Update: He totally, and completely, has bailed on me. Now I am going to have to tell a fantastic band that I can no longer be involved in their release. This sucks so hard.
  • So that's what the "GAHHH." was about. That sucks dude. Is this the Jailhouse Fuck record?
  • edited January 2010
    Yeah, man. The other label owner, Carl, has made it pretty clear that it's way more cost-effective for he do just do the entire release himself. I just sent a long email to the band explaining everything. I'm really worried about how they will react.

    What really annoys me is how selfish he is acting all of a sudden. Everything seemed cool, and then all of a sudden he is completely severing himself from me. Especially since the plan from the beginning has involved me doing the vast majority of the work, yet now he's holding over me the "$150 worth of free [read: shitty] masting work" he did on the tracks. The mastering that both I and the band HATED.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I didn't realize how soon my fail would have an update: My mother just tried to run away. >_<
  • edited January 2010
    I didn't realize how soon my fail would have an update: My mother just tried to run away. >_<</p>
    I'm so sorry about all the things happening with you ;_; Hang in there as best you can.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I didn't realize how soon my fail would have an update: My mother just tried to run away. >_<</p>
    How did she fail? Did she not wait till at least your dad was out of the house?
  • How did she fail? Did she not wait till at least your dad was out of the house?
    My father is offshore, working. If she left, I would be holding the bag, and I don't have time to deal with that sort of thing. Not to mention, she ignored me when I reached out to her. I had to call her three times and text her ten times before I got a word in edgewise.
  • I don't have time to deal with that sort of thing.
    This isn't something where you just can say, "Sorry, could you wait a minute? I'm a bit busy over here." If you don't have time to deal with it, don't deal with it. Or screw whatever wants your time and deal with it.

    Sounds more like she needs a doctor. It's not like you'll be able to stop her divorcing from your father if she really wants to.
  • edited January 2010
    I don't have time to deal with that sort of thing.
    This isn't something where you just can say, "Sorry, could you wait a minute? I'm a bit busy over here." If you don't have time to deal with it, don't deal with it. Or screw whatever wants your time and deal with it.

    Sounds more like she needs a doctor. It's not like you'll be able to stop her divorcing from your father if she really wants to.
    Nor should you. However, it's a bit strange if it was the father she was running away from when he was offshore anyway. Is it that he's coming back soon?

    Also, this situation has made me think of the musical "Next to Normal". It's a great musical, but it will fuck you up.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Clumsy Woman Ruins Picasso Painting Why the hell were you so close to the painting in the first place?!
  • More political stuff from my country, now they are going to interview all candidates while strapped onto a polygraph, how can the media be so irresponsible?
  • how can the media be so irresponsible?
    ??? I don't see how that's irresponsible. Unnecessary maybe.
  • edited January 2010
    how can the media be so irresponsible?
    ??? I don't see how that's irresponsible. Unnecessary maybe.
    Polygraph is bullshit, they just want to discredit whoever they are against, you also know that they are going for the personal dirt with it. Its irresponsible because they can use the time to try and educate people on who to vote for and the government plans of each candidate, not make a circus out of it.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • Me thinks you expect far too much of the media.
  • The fail of my day doesn't relate to me personally, but is something I came across when reading Google News this morning. Below is an image that accompanied a news article I read today (the link to the article is beneath the image). Not only is the subject of the article a fail, but who thought this was a good graphic choice?
    Salami Recalled Over Fear of Salmonella Bacteria
  • edited January 2010
    I lol'ed. For a salmonella article that is indeed ridiculous. Why not a picture of the bacteria, or Salami, or something that is not pooping a 3rd grader drew?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited January 2010
    My issue with that drawing is that it doesn't depict vomiting, one of the most prominent symptoms of salmonellosis.

    EDIT: My personal fail of the day: I am completely incapable of focusing today. I'm on an energy low. Low productivity ftl. :(
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I suggest coffee and podcasts. It is helping me get some work done! ^_~ (Other than checking the forums every 20 minutes or so...)
  • I suggest coffee and podcasts. It is helping me get some work done! ^_~ (Other than checking the forums every 20 minutes or so...)
    I'm on 2 cups of coffee plus caffeinated soft drinks. They're succeeding in that I am not asleep at my desk. The forums are an incredible detriment to my productivity.

    I think it's mostly because the main thing I have to do today is incredibly tedious. I have an extensive method to audit, and I have to generate a list of audit questions. It's not fun at all.
  • EDIT: My personal fail of the day: I am completely incapable of focusing today. I'm on an energy low. Low productivity ftl. :(
    Might I suggest FIRE!!! I hear it's nature's motivator. Don't believe me??? Ask California... O:D
  • Polygraph is bullshit, they just want to discredit whoever they are against, you also know that they are going for the personal dirt with it. Its irresponsible because they can use the time to try and educate people on who to vote for and the government plans of each candidate, not make a circus out of it.
    Well, not true. A polygraph does quite well for what it's meant for, which is measuring pulse, breathing, galvanic skin response, etc. The Bullshit part is when you start thinking it's a miracle truth machine that can sniff out a lie at 100 Paces.
    Might I suggest FIRE!!! I hear it's nature's motivator. Don't believe me??? Ask California... O:D
    Fuck California. 8/10 ths of Australia's native flora and Fauna have evolved to have massive, massive fires as part of their life-cycle. If you grow Banksias in your garden, you pretty much have to set fire to them occasionally, or else they die.
  • Polygraph is bullshit, they just want to discredit whoever they are against, you also know that they are going for the personal dirt with it. Its irresponsible because they can use the time to try and educate people on who to vote for and the government plans of each candidate, not make a circus out of it.
    Well, not true. A polygraph does quite well for what it's meant for, which is measuring pulse, breathing, galvanic skin response, etc. The Bullshit part is when you start thinking it's a miracle truth machine that can sniff out a lie at 100 Paces.
    The most powerful part of a Polygraph machine is the illusion that it actually works. If you can convince the subject that the machine works, you can use some very powerful psychological tricks in order to get a confession (which is really what polygraph machines are used for).
  • We lost the baby.
  • edited January 2010
    We lost the baby.
    Jesus. I'm so sorry. If you need someone to talk to, drop me a line.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • We lost the baby.
    Jason, I am so sorry. I didn't believe it the first time I read this. I am at a complete loss for words other than that you and your wife will be in my thoughts, and I'm certain in the thoughts of everyone else here as well. You are a great guy and no doubt would be an amazing father. You don't deserve to have something like this happen to you.
  • We lost the baby.
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