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Fail of Your Day



  • I forgot how damned expensive comics were. It's been a while since I've had to pay full price for them since my friend gets massive discounts.
  • I forgot how damned expensive comics were. It's been a while since I've had to pay full price for them since my friend gets massive discounts.
    If you're referring to the Firefly comics, I can send them your way to read. I actually have a spare Better Days. I accidentally bought both the trade paper back and hard cover without realizing it before it was too late. Let me know. :P
  • edited February 2010
    No, I bought them, just begrudgingly :p I skipped the first Firefly comic and only grabbed Better Days, along with Lost At Sea and the first trade of 100 Bullets.

    Thanks, though :)
    Post edited by Sail on
  • the first trade of 100 Bullets.
    100 Bullets is amazing. truly amazing.

    My fail: I forgot there was a calc quiz today. It was on trigonometric substitution and integration. I sat down, stared blankly at the paper, wrote a few (incorrect) substitions, and just let my eyes glaze over for 15 minutes as I tried to paw for the key to solving the problems I was presented with. Probably got something like a 3/15. Luckily, the quiz will be dropped, but I'm going to have to exert tons of effort to get to where I need to be.

    Next week's quiz is on partial fractions.

  • This isn't a major deal, really, but what kind of person refuses to help someone that has limited mobility to complete a quick and simple task? WTF?
    My advice on this situation - Don't lock your elbows, and make sure you don't choke up on the crutch as you swing, you lose power that way.
  • "Friend" on Facebook claiming "math = pointless," and that you don't need much or any for bio or chem, in my status. She's a PoliSci major.

    My rage...It is uncontrollable.
  • "Friend" on Facebook claiming "math = pointless," and that you don't need much or any for bio or chem, in my status. She's a PoliSci major.

    My rage...It is uncontrollable.
    I have nothing to say to this that isn't obscene, insulting, or anatomically unlikely.
  • What, you mean to say that you think math isn't pointless?
  • "Friend" on Facebook claiming "math = pointless," and that you don't need much or any for bio or chem, in my status. She's a PoliSci major.

    My rage...It is uncontrollable.
    I have nothing to say to this that isn't obscene, insulting, or anatomically unlikely.
    I'm probably majoring in MCB and possibly doing a second major in BiochemE...

    I am fuming.
  • I am fuming.
  • "Friend" on Facebook claiming "math = pointless," and that you don't need much or any for bio or chem, in my status. She's a PoliSci major.

    My rage...It is uncontrollable.
    10/10, would rage again.
  • edited February 2010
    I am fuming.
    Well, she has this thing where she decides to trivialize everything about my life that she doesn't find personally relevant or interesting. It's been happening for a while, so I'm more than a little irked. Plus, c'mon, one must be a fool to deny the importance of mathematics.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2010
    I think the fact that you're letting her bother you so much is more of a fail than some silly comment she made.

    Edit: To simplify: Successful troll is successful.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • I think the fact that you're letting her bother you so much is more of a fail than some silly comment she made.

    Edit: To simplify: Successful troll is successful.
    This is what I was driving at...
  • "Friend" on Facebook claiming "math = pointless," and that you don't need much or any for bio or chem, in my status. She's a PoliSci major.

    My rage...It is uncontrollable.
    I have nothing to say to this that isn't obscene, insulting, or anatomically unlikely.
    The proof is in the pudding. If she ever tries to go into any kind of science, she is fucked without math. You know this, and you have the advantage over her by being smart. And um...someone that trivializes everything in your life that they don't find personally cool is not a good person to hang out with. Your friends should be able to appreciate you.
  • Yeah, personally I always get a kick out of people who go into the Humanities and think that they can cruise along without math. Artists are maybe the exception, but in any other field you eventually end up one way or the other in the analysis of human activities and unless you want to do qualitative work for the rest of your life you'll have to learn statistics to make any progress. Even if you don't intend to do any science at all, I can not think of any career where you will never have to assess the validity of such studies.

    Take your PolSci "friend", if she wants to get into politics then she better learn how to figure out whether a poll is correctly made, what the standard deviations are (in her case what they mean), whether predictive weighing was performed and in which way using what data, how any trends were extrapolated, etc, etc.
  • Artists are maybe the exception
    Proportions, ratios, geometry. You can't escape math.
  • Artists are maybe the exception
    Proportions, ratios, geometry. You can't escape math.
    I still have to take a math class art student or not.
  • You can't escape math.
    People really have no idea how much math they do in a given day because they do most of it subconsciously. Let's take crossing the street as an example. When you look and see a car coming you estimate it's speed and distance and then calculate whether it will be where you would be should you enter the street.

    OK, maybe that isn't math...
  • You can't escape math.
    I will try my hardest, though.
  • OK, maybe that isn't math...
    That is physics, so it's math as well.
  • Yeah, personally I always get a kick out of people who go into the Humanities and think that they can cruise along without math. Artists are maybe the exception, but in any other field you eventually end up one way or the other in the analysis of human activities and unless you want to do qualitative work for the rest of your life you'll have to learn statistics to make any progress. Even if you don't intend to do any science at all, I can not think of any career where you will never have to assess the validity of such studies.
    I have to do so much math every day it isn't even funny. Sure, it may not be high level calculus, but I know my way around a sine curve. People who think that 3D is all about making pretty stuff are a little bit wrong. It is about making pretty stuff with MATH.
  • Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA), on the proposed repeal of "don't ask, don't tell."
    BLOCK: You are not in favor of a repeal of dont ask, dont tell. Why not?

    Rep. HUNTER: No, because I think that its bad for the cohesiveness and the unity of the military units, especially those that are in close combat, that are in close quarters in country right now. Its not the time to do it. I think its - the military is not civilian life. And I think the folks who have been in the military that have been in these very close situations with each other, there has to be a special bond there. And I think that bond is broken if you open up the military to transgenders, to hermaphrodites, to gays and lesbians.

    BLOCK: Transgenders and hermaphrodites.

    Rep. HUNTER: Yeah, thats going to be part of this whole thing. Its not just gays and lesbians. Its a whole gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual community. If you're going to let anybody no matter what preference - what sexual preference they have that means the military is going to probably let everybody in. Its going to be like civilian life and the I think that that would be detrimental for the military.
    Oh noes! The hermies are going to make the soldiers feel uncomfortable!
  • edited February 2010
    I have to do so much math every day it isn't even funny. Sure, it may not be high level calculus, but I know my way around a sine curve. People who think that 3D is all about making pretty stuff are a little bit wrong. It is about making pretty stuff with MATH.
    Yes, I realize that. I should have emphasized the "maybe" more, as well as clarified that I have, e.g., musician friends who are doing very, very well without needing to know math for their work. Sure there is math in music, frequencies, harmonics, and rhythms etc., but you don't necessarily need to think about it when you are a performing artist.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • edited February 2010
    Also, one of my pet peeves; the interplay of science and the media reporting on it. This is almost exactly the same what happened with high voltage power lines and cancer and why we now have people who are "allergic to electricity".
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • I think someone who was in my class while I was in Japan has been going to the university in my city until very recently and I only found out today. Uberfail.
  • edited February 2010
    Also, one of mypet peeves; the interplay of science and the media reporting on it. This is almost exactly the same what happened with high voltage power lines and cancer and why we now have people who are "allergic to electricity".
    It's about time. The Lancet should be fucking ashamed, like a geology journal publishing a paper on 4000-year theory. I mean, this isn't the first controversy around that journal (they called for Blair to ban tobacco in Britain), but its by far the one with the farthest reaching effects. Children may have (and likely have) died due to the ludicrous claims in that paper.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2010
    He's pretty likely directly responsible for several deaths as the current deaths that could have been prevented by vaccination stands at 483 (02/02/10).

    What also gets me about that is hearing reporters on the radio talk about how "the media" (Themselves obviously excluded.) popularized the report. It's annoying to see the media always stepping out of the situation and not taking responsibility.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited February 2010
    Jenny McCarthy is scum. Also, I agree about the whole "cover up our culpability, thing." Those very news channels likely helped draw attention to the report.

    But hey, now the "link" is literally without ANY published and credible scientific backing. No argument can stand up to that.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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