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Fail of Your Day



  • JUST REMOVE THE PLUG FROM THE OUTLET AND FLIP IT DERPHERP! (sorry, just felt like a silly thought)
    Just reverse the polarity!
  • But they could have still let everyone choose what load-out they wanted from the very beginning and kept the ranking separate. Is it so bad of me to want to get better at a game by working things out rather than just putting hours in?
    Because it's not essential - it's a side-note. All of the unlocks are balanced to play against regular weapons, and you can play without ever using an unlock and still be equally competitive. On top of that, you already had a good selection of weapons to chose from. It's not a fucking grind, unless it's necessary to advance, and the only thing you advance in that really alters the way you play is the ranking, because if you get a higher ranking, you are, on average, playing against more skilled players - and if that's grinding, then every game with a skill based matchmaking system is grinding, and you render the term meaningless.

    Also, There's nothing to work out. You have a few guns. The other guys who want to kill you have guns. You should probably kill them before they kill you. They're over there, GO GO GO. This isn't exactly genius level gameplay, here. It's a skill game - you get better at it by putting the hours and practice in.

    It's just a ranking based version of what every FPS since forever has been doing. Level advances, baddies get harder, bigger guns get handed to you on a silver plate. Or is HL2 a grind, too?
  • I was so angry over something that happened today that I punched a metal door. It was so weird. I remember thinking, "Don't do that. It would be stupid.", but then my hand just sort of drew back and punched.

    The knuckle of my pinkie finger was broken in three places. I"m typing this with my left hand. I might need to have a pin surgically installed. I don't know yet. I have a referral to a hand surgeon. I guess I'll find out in a couple of days when I actually see the surgeon dude.

    They gave me my x-rays on CD. Whenever I can type moderately well again, I'll post them.
  • @HungryJoe
    From someone who knows about self-inflicted anger pain, slightly personally (not to that extent, of course) and second-hand from my brother, I know how much that sucks. I hope your hand gets better.
  • edited January 2010
    Thanks Axel. I just feel so stupid. I mean - surgery? Really? Jesus.

    Fortunately, my wife understands because the thing made her super angry too. I would 'splain further, but left handed typing is no fun, and we just got back from hospital, and the Vicodin is kicking in.

    Are you supposed to drink alcohol with Vicodin? I guess we'll find out, because I have some Scotch that's wailin' for me like a Banshee.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Just open your hand next time. Palm-striking a metal door can still sting like a motherfucker, but you probably won't break anything.
  • Are you supposed to drink alcohol with Vicodin? I guess we'll find out, because I have some Scotch that's wailin' for me like a Banshee.
    A very bad idea.
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2010
    Thanks Axel. I just feel so stupid. I mean - surgery? Really? Jesus.

    Fortunately, my wife understands because the thing made her super angry too. I would 'splain further, but left handed typing is no fun, and we just got back from hospital, and the Vicodin is kicking in.

    Are you supposed to drink alcohol with Vicodin? I guess we'll find out, because I have some Scotch that's wailin' for me like a Banshee.
    Hey I got surgery on my pinky finger after a basketball hit it, so don't mock that. I needed three surgeries to get it corrected because it was all the way around at the bottom of the finger.
    Medical procedures thread
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited January 2010
    Because all commercially available hydrocodone compounds prescribed in the United States contain secondary analgesics, there are serious health risks posed by concurrently consuming any amount of alcohol with hydrocodone compounds.
    The most common medication compounded with hydrocodone is APAP (acetaminophen), which is metabolized solely by the liver. Therefore the risk of fatal overdose due to hepatotoxicity can occur with significantly lower levels of APAP when mixed with ethanol. Also the mixture can potentially cause serious damage to the liver, kidneys, and stomach wall. Acetaminophen may increase the potential for coma, respiratory problems, and can damage the CNS.
    EDIT: Also, HungryJoe is already a lot like Gregory House, M.D. I must admit it would be perversely funny if he became addicted to Vicodin.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited January 2010
    Things I've so far found difficult to do with right hnd in emergency cast and a bellyfull of Vicodin:



    Mix martini

    Open Scotch (wife won't help with either of these)

    Things that CAN be done with right hnd in emergency cast and a bellyfull of Vicodin:

    Open Heineken Dark bottles. YAY!

    Note to beer snobs: Heineken is all I have right now, okay? I can"t drive anywhere to get anything better.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Open Heineken Dark bottles. YAY!
    +10 bonus points if you open the bottle WITH your cast. Minus several million for drinking with Opioids in your system.
  • edited January 2010
    Open Heineken Dark bottles. YAY!
    +10 bonus points if you open the bottle WITH your cast. Minus several million for drinking with Opioids in your system.
    Maybe I should have asked for a prescription for Absinthe + Opium instead. I actually remember when that was the thing you were supposed to do with Absinthe - take it with Opium, that is. Sigh.

    Edit: Watching Fantastic Planet now. The colors!
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited January 2010
    Don't let this get to you, Joe. This kind of stuff could happen to anyone.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited January 2010
    WatchingFantastic Planetnow. The colors!
    Don't let this get to you, Joe. This kind of stuff could happen to anyone.
    An opiate addiction or a boxer's fracture?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I think I may have once broken my toe kicking a wall. I never got it checked out, but I was limping for days and it hurt for weeks. Ever since then I've really listened to that voice when it says, "that's a stupid idea."
  • The key is to have plasterboard walls. That way, the wall breaks rather than an appendage.
  • Edit: WatchingFantastic Planetnow. The colors!
    Try the muppets. It's ace when you've got opiods in your system, and ditto that for booze, so it must be really good with both.
  • My roommates are going to adopt an abused dog just to make the stoner roommate happy and they are going to do it as soon as possible. Despite the fact that I warned them they should not do it and that we have not prepped the apartment for a puppy AND it's going to be a huge responsibility since the stoner roommate has a job AND college. It's a shame my other roommate who was shaky against getting the dog left to go snowboarding this weekend. And even if they can't get the dog (If it isn't spayed, they can't get it because he doesn't have 700 dollars) they IMMEDIATELY want to go to the SPCA just to get another dog because they are in such a fervor.

    This is so annoying because this reminds me of how my stoner uncle randomly got a dog because he was bored. And a second one not too long ago! He takes care of it, but every time we see him he's like "You wanna buy this dog? 500 dollars."

    Fucking potheads and their god damn pot brownies.
  • Fucking potheads and their god damn pot brownies.

    Seriously though, that's aggravating as hell. Animals are not toys to be cast aside by bored children.
  • Fucking potheads and their god damn pot brownies.

    Seriously though, that's aggravating as hell. Animals are not toys to be cast aside by bored children.
    My roommates are just aggravating me with this shit just because they don't see what they are doing to themselves. In fact, the one smart roommate who I started to feel sympathy for, I'm really angry at him to because of what Jeff (The stoner roommate) is doing. He has Lyme Disease, and it has advanced to the point where he is on a diabetic diet, no sugar, no Vitamin D, no bread, no red meat, NO SMOKING AT ALL, and no drinking.

    Oddly enough, the only two things he seems to follow is the no red meat and no Vitamin D. He had a horrible panic attack yesterday and has been awake straight for about 36 hours. I WONDER WHY.
  • @HungryJoe -- sorry, man, that sucks. I hope it gets better without surgery. I have a friend who used to break his hand in fights all the time. His knuckles were like glass eventually. Once he fought three guys at once and won, but his hand was "shattered", and he had to have pins put in it and everything.
  • edited January 2010
    @Andrew & @Churba: Kinda busy at the moment but I'd like to get my thoughts together and start a thread proper to talk about the BC2 thing. If you'd just bear with me.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • One of the best friends of my parents, also someone I knew personally pretty well, committed suicide. :(
  • One of the best friends of my parents, also someone I knew personally pretty well, committed suicide. :(
    That is never fun. My condolences. :(

    My fail of waking up with a huge knot behind my shoulder blade pales in comparison.
  • One of the best friends of my parents, also someone I knew personally pretty well, committed suicide. :(
    We went through the same thing years back. My father told us the story (which was really really unpleasant) once, and it was the only time I'd ever seen him cry.

    My condolences.
  • edited January 2010
    So I bought an Xbox 360 controller for Psychonauts, which I bought on Steam. I bought a wireless one, with the "charge and play" kit. I should've done more research, but I assumed that the kit served as a wireless receiver for the gamepad. It doesn't. Also, it apparently only feeds power to the controller, so you can't even play with it plugged in. Turns out I need to buy a receiver, which seems to be out of stock everywhere that hasn't jacked the price from $17 up to $50. Fuck this.

    I just ordered a plain old wired controller. Anyone wanna buy a wireless 360 controller with a charge-and-play kit?

    EDIT: Apparently, they sell a wireless controller with the receiver included. I canceled the order for the wired controller and ordered another wireless. I guess I have two now.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • My older brother has Bi-Polar disorder, which we've known about for some time. Much of his High School life was ruined by this, and he missed out on so many chances. Now he's going from one major that he's not that good at to another at a Community College, working as a custodian. He hates his life, and understandably so. He tries so, so hard to do good, but he just can't all the time. Girls aren't interested in him, and none of his friends really respect him in the way he wants. Both of our parents baby him, especially our mom, who doesn't believe that he can really do anything. He doesn't believe in himself, and so he never accomplishes anything. He wants to just leave town and find his own lot in life, but he doesn't have enough skills to make it there. He knows he'll never follow through on this, and it drives him crazy.

    All my life, I've tried to help him fix his problems, but my solutions are never worth anything. It hurts knowing that I can in no way solve any of my brother's problems, and they will go on for the rest of his life. All I can do is be his brother, and that isn't worth as much as I wish it could be, 'cause I'm a pretty crappy brother...
  • All I can do is be his brother, and that isn't worth as much as I wish it could be, 'cause I'm a pretty crappy brother...
    What makes you say that?
  • All I can do is be his brother, and that isn't worth as much as I wish it could be, 'cause I'm a pretty crappy brother...
    What makes you say that?
    The fact that he says so. I know I'm not always nice, because I try to be realistic, rather than be an optimist. I'm difficult to deal with, I'm often uncompromising with the things I'm difficult about...Not only that, but my life is finally starting to look up, so while I'm still the only one he's met who understands what he's going through, it still sucks for him to have to compare himself to my success all the time.
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