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Fail of Your Day



  • All I can do is be his brother, and that isn't worth as much as I wish it could be, 'cause I'm a pretty crappy brother...
    What makes you say that?
    The fact that he says so.
    How is he supposed to know what a crappy brother is or isn't?
    I know I'm not always nice, because I try to be realistic, rather than be an optimist. I'm difficult to deal with, I'm often uncompromising with the things I'm difficult about...Not only that, but my life is finally starting to look up, so while I'm still the only one he's met who understands what he's going through, it still sucks for him to have to compare himself to my success all the time.
    So, you're a bad brother because you're realistic and have had some success with your life?
  • You can't necessarily solve people's problems, Axel. I mean, sometimes, someone has a simple problem and you can solve it with some application of skill, time, or money. Bi-polar disorder is not one of those things. It takes a willingness on the part of the person with the disorder, years of therapy, and often medication.

    Also, wanting to solve people's problems can be arrogant. It implies that the person in question is incapable of solving their own problems and requires outside assistance.
    Both of our parents baby him, especially our mom, who doesn't believe that he can really do anything. He doesn't believe in himself, and so he never accomplishes anything.
    He doesn't believe in himself because he gets babied. Your mom really doesn't believe he can do anything? That's terrible. He's bi-polar, not retarded.
  • Both of our parents baby him, especially our mom, who doesn't believe that he can really do anything. He doesn't believe in himself, and so he never accomplishes anything.
    He doesn't believe in himself because he gets babied. Your mom really doesn't believe he can do anything? That's terrible. He's bi-polar, not retarded.
    She doesn't think he can get organized, and it's based on experience. All his life, she's pushed him in the right direction, held him up so that he could get going, and then let go, not unlike teaching someone to ride a bike. However, when she lets go, things always fall apart. She's not holding on right now, and his life is going nowhere, and he can barely hold together his classes at a community college. Any "real" class that he takes, Physics, Biology, anything that's hard, he fails or comes close to it. He can barely pass "easy" classes, things that he knows are easy that take no effort from him at all.

    Also,wantingto solve people's problems can be arrogant. It implies that the person in question is incapable of solving their own problems andrequiresoutside assistance.
    You're right, that's a part of why I hate this. I don't want to feel like I have to solve his problems, but he does seem incapable of fixing his life. But no one's ever really let go of him, so who's to know. He always comes to me, so I do what I can. It's just never enough.
    So, you're a bad brother because you're realistic and have had some success with your life?
    I know, it's irrational. But it does just amplify the difficulty of his problems.
  • So, there's this stack of huge mug-bowl things (mowls?) in my dorm. I haven't used them since early November;last I used them, they got stacked and ferreted away instead of being properly washed. They were used for tea and cereal. Today, I rediscovered the mowls, after wanting to make some egg drop ramen to keep myself from passing out with hunger. I unstacked them, only to discover that lawns and colonies of...something white...had taken refuge all over their inside. Gwahh. They're filled with Dawn soap and water, waiting to be scrubbed clean. Hopefully I won't need to buy steel wool or Brillos to purge these invaders from my beloved mowls.

    I love microbio, but lawns of unknown organisms freak me right the FUCK out.
  • What was me stripping for my boyfriend turned into me accidentally injuring him. I rather not explain the specs on that.
  • Maybe he likes that kind of thing ^_~
  • ......
    edited January 2010
    Reading comments on the internet about Nia's end being a plothole in the Lagann-hen movie, then getting banned by the butthurt. facepalm.jpg
    Post edited by ... on
  • My fail of waking up with a huge knot behind my shoulder blade pales in comparison.
    Well that'll teach you to leave your phone on loud while you sleep.
  • What was me stripping for my boyfriend turned into me accidentally injuring him. I rather not explain the specs on that.
    Like the time I was flirting with these girls and slipped on ice, giving myself a concussion. It was rather nice that they brought me to a hospital.
  • It was rather nice that they brought me to a hospital.
    Obviously, your flirting didn't go down too badly.
  • I went to the journalism department to change my major, only to find that they wouldn't let me switch because I got a C- in Journalism 110, not a C or better. NOW I HAVE TO TAKE 110 AGAIN!!! Dammit!
  • edited February 2010
    I went to the journalism department to change my major, only to find that they wouldn't let me switch because I got a C- in Journalism 110, not a C or better. NOW I HAVE TO TAKE 110 AGAIN!!! Dammit!
    Look at it this way: You have an opportunity to improve your GPA and get a better grasp on concepts that are likely fundamental to your chosen major/profession. That is a good thing, not a bad thing.

    My fail: My knee hurts more and more as the day goes on and I still have an hour and a half of work and a 20 minute drive home before I can elevate it. Knee injuries suck, man.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I went to the journalism department to change my major, only to find that they wouldn't let me switch because I got a C- in Journalism 110, not a C or better. NOW I HAVE TO TAKE 110 AGAIN!!! Dammit!
    Look at it this way: You have an opportunity to improve your GPA and get a better grasp on concepts that are likely fundamental to your chosen major/profession. That is a good thing, not a bad thing.
    For my major: Yes. For my career? Not a chance. I'm aiming to be a radio personality, not a newspaper journalist, which is what this course covers. It's a waste of time for me, but I can't change majors without it.

    Sorry about your knee, though. I hope it feels better soon.
  • For my major: Yes. For my career? Not a chance. I'm aiming to be a radio personality, not a newspaper journalist, which is what this course covers. It's a waste of time for me, but I can't change majors without it.
    Can you take that course independently? I might give it a go.
  • My fail of waking up with a huge knot behind my shoulder blade pales in comparison.
    Well that'll teach you to leave your phone on loud while you sleep.
    I was awake when you text messaged me. I woke up shortly beforehand because of the pain. It's cool though...Pete and my Roommate tag-team fixed it. For now.
  • edited February 2010
    and slipped on ice, giving myself a concussion
    Holy crap, how bad was it? I had a concussion once, it was a pretty weird experience.
    My fail: My knee hurts more and more as the day goes
    What happened to it?

    Apparently, I'm always really interested in people's injuries. :)
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Ice caused Kate to do a half-gainer off our front porch and she landed on her knee. Really bad strain, and I've been nursing her back to health.
    And boy are my nipples sore.
  • Feeling depressed, alienated, stupid, uneducated, untalented, and unsocialized again. You'd think someone was fucking with me, the way fall into this rut on a regular schedule without expecting it. Maybe God does exist, and he's a complete dick.
  • Feeling depressed, alienated, stupid, uneducated, untalented, and unsocializedagain.You'd think someone was fucking with me, the way fall into this rut on a regular schedule without expecting it. Maybe God does exist, and he's a complete dick.
    Can you do Calculus?
  • edited February 2010
    Feeling depressed, alienated, stupid, uneducated, untalented, and unsocializedagain.You'd think someone was fucking with me, the way fall into this rut on a regular schedule without expecting it. Maybe God does exist, and he's a complete dick.
    It happens to a lot of us at some point. Try to find someone to tell near you, it helps you get some perspective on things and take your mind off it.
    Oh, and do something that breaks your routine, like walking or doing some chores around the house. Try to keep it small. Avoid entertainment media as how you're feeling will mean you won't enjoy it as much. Active enjoyment is what you need, not passive.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Feeling depressed, alienated, stupid, uneducated, untalented, and unsocialized again.
    What is this shit? Where do you get the time from for that? How's the screenplay going?
  • Feeling depressed, alienated, stupid, uneducated, untalented, and unsocializedagain.
    What is this shit? Where do you get the time from for that? How's the screenplay going?
    What screenplay?
  • So, because I misread the schedule, I thought my drawing class was just on Tuesday. It's actually Tuesday AND Thursday! TR = Tues and Thurs. I feel so stupid! At least the Prof. understood. It happened to at least 2 others. I still used up one of my two alloted absences, but at least I made up the assignment in time.
  • Prepare to be offended.
    Yes truly. Those colors simply don't work at all!
  • edited February 2010
    Prepare to be offended.
    What the heck? That is hilarious.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Ahaha. I just saw that on Twitter.
  • I am using a crutch to get around because I sprained my knee last week. Today, the mail was delivered and a co-worker came over to inform me (part of my job is processing the mail). Anyway, I asked her to take the mail into my boss for his initial review. Normally I take it, but, as I said before I am using a crutch and have a sprained knee. My co-worker said "I am on lunch, so I will just leave it here and someone will get it," and dropped the mail on the floor near another cubicle 10 feet away from my desk. First of all, our office is only two suites large. To walk completely around it would take a minute max. My co-worker could have taken the mail two my boss and not taken up more than a moment of her time. Second, the mail is incredibly important, because I work at a legal firm and we receive many original documents, time sensitive materials, short notice of appearances, etc., so just dropping the mail in a hallway and hoping people notice it and avoid trodding on it is simply irresponsible. Third, I go out of my way to help out my coworkers, and can remember several occasions recently when I helped out this particular person. Fourth, since she refused to take it herself she could have easily set it on my desk or handed it to me, but instead she dropped it on the which forced me to get down and get it (not easy with a bad knee and a crutch) as well as take it across the office to my boss.

    This isn't a major deal, really, but what kind of person refuses to help someone that has limited mobility to complete a quick and simple task? WTF?
  • This isn't a major deal, really, but what kind of person refuses to help someone that has limited mobility to complete a quick and simple task? WTF?
    An asshole.

    No really...this is one of the more assholish things I've ever heard of someone doing.
  • It happens to a lot of us at some point. Try to find someone to tell near you, it helps you get some perspective on things and take your mind off it.
    Oh, and do something that breaks your routine, like walking or doing some chores around the house. Try to keep it small. Avoid entertainment media as how you're feeling will mean you won't enjoy it as much. Active enjoyment is what you need, not passive.

    Thanks for the advice. There aren't a lot of people near me and I'm not emotionally close to any of them, so when I let this sort of thing out around here I usually end up feeling worse for it. You're definitely right about active entertainment, though; making that image of your face stamped onto Pikachu took my mind off things for a bit. :P
    What is this shit? Where do you get the time from for that? How's the screenplay going?
    What screenplay?
    I still haven't started the one he's thinking of. Maybe I'll make it during Script Frenzy.
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