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Fail of Your Day



  • edited March 2010
    I just had to deal with basically kicking someone off a panel I'm doing at AB because she was not doing the smart thing and saving the drama for her mama.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • I'm pretty sure I just had a panic attack. Chills, lightheadedness, feeling like I was going to have a nervous breakdown, capped with a momentary contemplation of my own name and face leading to a horrifically introspective period of intense depersonalization. Now, they might have been unrelated to each other, but I am unnerved. Sleep now.
    Gah, I hate it when that happens. Thankfully the leftover jitters are usually completely cured by a good night's sleep (assuming you can get one).
  • Chills, lightheadedness, feeling like I was going to have a nervous breakdown, capped with a momentary contemplation of my own name and face leading to a horrifically introspective period of intense depersonalization.
    Jesus, that sounds like a bad trip.
  • edited March 2010
    So, the UK is giving tax breaks to game companies. So far, I've only heard one person complaining about this, and his reason for complaining? Because they're not giving Webapp and Iphone App makers tax breaks, because he thinks it's a better growth industry that gaming.

    Edit - Also, he thinks that it makes more money than the gaming industry because there are "Over 100,000 apps on the iphone alone, you do the math" - err, yeah, name one iPhone app that pulled in a billion dollars and climbing, like MW2 did, and I'm pretty sure there is more than 100,000 games that have been created and published.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I am not eating pecan pie right now. On the other hand, PAX is awesome.
  • 24 is canceled.

    I am not upset because of the show ending, but because there will be no more hilarious Fast Karate recaps. Shit just got real.
  • I'm sick and I'm unable to sleep for the second night in a row.
  • I got hit in the mean bean machine by a fast moving racquetball. You know what the worst part about getting hit in the balls is? For the most part, it doesn't hurt until afterwards!
  • You know what the worst part about getting hit in the balls is?
    I find the worst part is that stunning moment of realization of exactly what just happened right before you start to feel it.
  • Those pills reduce your stomach's production of acid. Ibuprofen doesn't have a problem mixing with them. They aren't like TUMS, which is actually horrible for chronic heartburn; it just neutralizes the acid that's already there, which prompts higher acid production. It's definitely worth at least asking a doctor, if you are concerned about the effect of the combined drugs. You shouldn't let heartburn go without treatment for too long. It can be very corrosive to your esophageal system.
    I swear by Pepcid chewable tables or Brioschi. Both work quickly for me and are effective for a long time.
  • I'm sick and I'm unable to sleep for the second night in a row.
    Though I don't know exactly what you're sick with, my advice is to get nutrients and liquid in your body. Vitamin water works, and simple grains like rice should help. And try and get a good night's sleep as soon as you can.
  • edited March 2010
    You know what the worst part about getting hit in the balls is? For the most part, it doesn't hurt until afterwards!
    For me, it's always been that sickening, brutal diaphragm/lower torso hurt immediately afterwards. I once asked a doctor why that happens, and he said it was primarily referred pain. That's right, a kick to the balls is so hurtful that the pain "bleeds" to other parts of the body.

    My fail: I think I need to order a new motherboard. I don't have the pin protector to RMA this one, so unless I find it, I'm up the creek and out $180. I also need to RMA the RAM that it killed the week before last.

    Yay, learning.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I came back from PAX to find my computer won't post. :(
  • I came back from PAX to find my computer won't post. :(
    Aww, dang man, that sucks.
  • edited March 2010
    Oklahoma attempts to remove hate crime protection for homosexuals, cites the wrong section of the US Code, and accidentally removes protection for Religious and Racial hate crime instead.
    The bill stripped rights under Title 18 U.S. Code Section 245, but protections for sexual orientation and gender identity is actually under Section 249. - removed quote from the bill here - Section 245 of the Code refers to race and religious protections. Therefore, Oklahoma actually passed a statute allowing state law enforcement officials to keep information about crimes motivated by race or religion out of the hands of federal authorities.
    The intent of the bill was originally to bypass the Matthew shepard act, as they thought it restricted the free speech rights of preachers to speak out on the issue - against the victims.
    The most appropriate commentary I can think of to this, oddly enough, is a biblical quote - "Judge not, Lest ye be Judged."
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited March 2010
    Adblock is blocking all of the HTML buttons and pictures on the forum for me, and after fiddling with the settings for a while I haven't been able to figure out how to get those back without just turning off the Adblock while on this site. Help? I don't want to look at ads!
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Adblock is blocking all of the HTML buttons
    You don't need those buttons anyway.
  • edited March 2010
    they thought it restricted the free speech rights of preachers to speak out on the issue - against the victims.
    That is retarded. They still have the right under the 1st Amendment to speak out against homosexuality. They simply cannot incite imminent violence. If they say, "Hey, let's go kill some gays right now!" while knowing the crowd is armed and angry, then they are probably in trouble. If they don't advocate violence and simply express that homosexuality is wrong, they have nothing to worry about. I guess logic failed when they didn't apply the same test to religious speech. The preacher can still speak out against other religions, so why would this law treat speech about homosexuals any differently?
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Texas - Textbooks.
    Utah - Miscarriage law.
    Oklahoma - Hate crimes law.

    I'm going to run out of states that I consider part of the union of this keeps up.
  • edited March 2010
    Well, since you asked, I'm bummed to be going back to work after PAX Enforcing. Plus, my job has settled into what Scott had a few years ago. Basically, the "oh woe is me I'm being paid so much and have no real work to do," except for the fact that I'm waiting for my first paycheck. So, basically, boring work with people who I'm discovering are almost technologically illiterate (it's a Microsoft shop. I don't mean to stereotype, but they're true). I'm working 12 hour days and trying to move to a new apartment before Thursday. Oh, also the girlfriend and I are going through a bit of a rough patch and we might break up.


    EDIT: But on the other hand, I didn't get Norovirus!
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited March 2010

    .. or is it just me who always thinks of this.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited March 2010
    Ouch. 12 hours of boredom every day.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • they thought it restricted the free speech rights of preachers to speak out on the issue - against the victims.
    That is retarded. They still have the right under the 1st Amendment to speak out against homosexuality. They simply cannot incite imminent violence. If they say, "Hey, let's go kill some gays right now!" while knowing the crowd is armed and angry, then they are probably in trouble. If they don't advocate violence and simply express that homosexuality is wrong, they have nothing to worry about. I guess logic failed when they didn't apply the same test to religious speech. The preacher can still speak out against other religions, so why would this law treat speech about homosexuals any differently?
    It wasn't the sole motivation, but it's the only one they've publicly stated - that it restricts the free speech rights of preachers. They intended to remove any part of discrimination law referring to homosexuals, or to be specific, the part of the discrimination laws that extended it's protections to homosexuals, not just the hate speech and hate crime laws.
  • Yeah, well...there was a state or city (I don't remember which) that tried to do that a few decades ago. A case about it made it to the Supreme Court, and it was found to be unconstitutional. So we'll see how long that shit lasts.
  • Why did it take me this long to use Skype? @_@
  • My lunch apple is mushy. I hate mushy apples. :(
  • edited March 2010
    My lunch apple is mushy. I hate mushy apples. :(
    What type of apple is it?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited March 2010


    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Gala

    People always try and tell me that Galas are the best, but I'm hip to their game. Fujis, Pink Ladies, and Honeycrisps are the greatest.

    Red Delicious apples are barely fit for livestock feed.
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