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Fail of Your Day



  • I just did a rough calculation and discovered that gasoline, in terms of energy consumed, costs 20 times what electricity costs.
  • It is 78 F in my office right now.
  • I just did a rough calculation and discovered that gasoline, in terms of energy consumed, costs 20 times what electricity costs.
    Tesla Roadsters and fusion plants for all!
  • I've determined that my non-stop sciatica pain is caused by a slipped or herniated disc.
  • I've determined that my non-stop sciatica pain is caused by a slipped or herniated disc.
    You have a MRI in your guest room do you?

    I feel your pain though

    ...seriously, I have a similar condition.
  • I've determined that my non-stop sciatica pain is caused by a slipped or herniated disc.
    You have a MRI in your guest room do you?
    I feel your pain though
    ...seriously, I have a similar condition.
    It's more along the lines of "I did a bunch of reading and the symptoms described are exactly what I'm experiencing." The intarwebs' doctor sites said I should have gone to the doctor weeks ago, but, seeing as my health insurance has not kicked in yet and I am averse to bankruptcy, I've had to wait and suffer.
    Yup. American healthcare system is the best there is.
  • We have the best healthcare in the world! Glenn Beck told me so!
  • What..
  • Not satisfied with being mildly racist, Arizona decides that we should only learn about white people history, because teaching history that involves anyone else makes them hate white people.
  • More like fail of the month, I'm broke till next month, lack of budgeting abilities also.
  • edited May 2010
    More like fail of the month, I'm broke till next month, lack of budgeting abilities also.
    We can be broke buddies! *high five*

    EDIT: Fail of my day, while fruits and veggies are better for you, calories they hath not.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Update for Counterstrike: Source

    "Among that 'host of new features and functionality' you'll find the following:
    144 achievements added"
  • edited May 2010
    I'm feeling very depressed and scared at the moment...

    I was at IHOP, chilling and eating, when a worker there goes up to me and we start talking about computers. It's cool, until we switch to talking about college. I try to stay cool, but he starts to get more bitter as he talks more and more about the government, debt/credit and capitalism as a whole. And while I try to talk cool about staying hopeful and liking JMU, I'm sounding more and more pretentious and dumb as I'm talking about it. So we talk for about an hour, he tells me about his own problems such as student loans, how he still owes money with everything in his life and tells me to watch Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story.

    Here's the fail we leave, he talks about getting in touch since he's new in town. And he tells me, to give him his phone number. Which I do! >_< STUPID ME. So as I'm leaving, I feel more and more paranoid about the guy. I understand that I'm alone and I've had a depressing day thinking about college and how the increasing divide of Rich and Poor does exist. I'm getting the fear that he isn't being friendly and just wants something from me. I just felt like he talked to me too seriously and brought up too much personal stuff to start a true friendship.

    I'm frightened and feel like a fucking idiot for giving him my phone number...should I do anything? Or am I just going mad...
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • Don't sweat it. It's only a phone number. If he calls, it's easier to say "Actually, I'm not looking for a new friend right now, but thanks for the call." Two outcomes:

    1. He hates you. Fuck it, it's his problem. You owe him nothing. I'm a really nice guy, but I have no problem just walking away from someone I never want to talk to again. Your stress-free life is worth a lot.

    2. He's cool. You're cool. Stress-free life resumes.
  • Back pain and consequentially little sleep.

    I need to ease up next time I decide to kick my own ass.
  • Walked into work and every inch of my desk is covered in files and work... it was mostly clean when I left last night. So much for one of the lawyers being out of the office equating to some catch-up time. I love my new job, really I do, but the level of work is a little crazy.
    Well, back to it!
  • edited May 2010
    Been having such a sad time recently that it's begun seeping into my dreams. It's not been this bad for a long time.

    I think another trip to the doctor is in order.
    Post edited by Omnutia on

  • I'm frightened and feel like a fucking idiot for giving him my phone number...should I do anything? Or am I just going mad...
    You should have given Scott's phone number, he doesn't mind. Here is my latest fail, I can't sleep because I just saw this thing beside my bed, even though I captured it, I got too much adrenaline left over to sleep.
    aranha 2 aranha 1
  • Apparently the previous art teacher left all his thumbtacks loose in the back of his top drawer, and I just got one underneath my humbnaIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  • Apparently the previous art teacher left all his thumbtacks loose in the back of his top drawer, and I just got one underneath my humbnaIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
    Oh, honey! You okay? I will kiss it and make it better when I get home!! ^_~
  • Apparently the previous art teacher left all his thumbtacks loose in the back of his top drawer, and I just got one underneath my humbnaIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
    Jesus. Having done that in recent memory in my own damn desk (with noone to blame but myself), I share surprising sympathy pain.
  • Visiting parents for the weekend, forgot laptops power cable home. I can use my parents computers, but I'd rather had my own, even writing this post is painful because oversensitive touch-pad. Not to talk about no access to my games or programs.
  • d. Not to talk about no access to my games or programs.
    This is why I use steam!
  • d. Not to talk about no access to my games or programs.
    This is why I use steam!
    I use Steam too, but the effort of downloading steam and installing a game, that might or might not work is too much for me. At least our secondary computer has nice mouse and keyboard, too bad that the computer itself is crap.
  • Apparently being in the music club means that you have to be a live backing track to the shittyist R'n'B diva in the world, who spends no time practising and insists on making a 4 man jazz band play their 10 second loop backing track.

    I practice bass all the time. I spend about an hour a night playing, because I want to learn and get better at my art. My band also practice and learn to play well through hard work. It is not unusual for us to practice for about 3 hours straight. So that we could use the music room at school we made our band into a club; thinking that none of the musically illiterate fools whom we despise so much would join and we would have the schools well equipped (and soundproofed) music room to ourselves.

    But we ran out of luck.

    To keep use of the room, we have to help the aspiring singers of the school. Meaning we have to indulge the ego's of talentless fools, who spend no time practising how to sing and who fall out of tempo to a 4/4 song. They also storm out of the room when you say in an entirely constructive manner that manner that they should listen to the drums more to help with time keeping.

  • To keep use of the room, we have to help the aspiring singers of the school. Meaning we have to indulge the ego's of talentless fools, who spend no time practising how to sing and who fall out of tempo to a 4/4 song. They also storm out of the room when you say in an entirely constructive manner that manner that they should listen to the drums more to help with time keeping.
    Home soundproofing isn't all that hard, do you just not have gear or an empty room?
  • To keep use of the room, we have to help the aspiring singers of the school. Meaning we have to indulge the ego's of talentless fools, who spend no time practising how to sing and who fall out of tempo to a 4/4 song. They also storm out of the room when you say in an entirely constructive manner that manner that they should listen to the drums more to help with time keeping.
    Home soundproofing isn't all that hard, do you just not have gear or an empty room?
    I live in a Victorian terrace in London, so space is rather sparse and I can't get a drum kit and piano into my room (My room is about 8M^2). I have soundproofed my room.
  • I live in a Victorian terrace in London, so space is rather sparse and I can't get a drum kit and piano into my room (My room is about 8M^2). I have soundproofed my room.
    I figured as much. Shame, then. We had similar problems with the improv club at my high school, and when I was on the exec board we tried to make it a cut group (improv is really hard with 30-60 kids) but the administration wouldn't let us. Hence, kids who thought they were "trained actors" trying to tell us how to teach concepts that aren't even remotely considered in traditional acting.
  • To keep use of the room, we have to help the aspiring singers of the school. Meaning we have to indulge the ego's of talentless fools, who spend no time practising how to sing and who fall out of tempo to a 4/4 song.
    Do you guys have a president or any hierarchy of any sort? Because you guys should still have the power of discretion. You can give these people their fair shake, but it should be the person in charge's prerogative to say, "Thanks, but we're going to spend some more time supporting someone who is actually putting effort in. If you can stick around and observe and try to learn, you'll get more chances."
  • To keep use of the room, we have to help the aspiring singers of the school. Meaning we have to indulge the ego's of talentless fools, who spend no time practising how to sing and who fall out of tempo to a 4/4 song.
    Do you guys have a president or any hierarchy of any sort? Because you guys should still have the power of discretion. You can give these people their fair shake, but it should be the person in charge's prerogative to say, "Thanks, but we're going to spend some more time supporting someone who is actually putting effort in. If you can stick around and observe and try to learn, you'll get more chances."
    I think that is what we are going to have to do. I think we can easily win an election when our main opposition is one person.
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