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Fail of Your Day



  • "You wasted our time so we're gonna drink your beer."
  • Times Square evacuated. Again.
    CNN, you dopey fuckers, while there were "Explosives" in the SUV, there was nothing more serious than some small fireworks. It's more likely that your genitals will explode than that cobbled together pile of stupidity on wheels that the SUV bomb was.
  • Times Square evacuated. Again.
    Suspicious water cooler filled with - wait for it - water bottles. EVERYBODY PANIC!
  • Catholic church blames teens for abuse. That spontaneous gayness will get you every time.
    Well, looks like I might never go to church ever, ever again, nor deposit a single dime in their coffers.
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2010
    Times Square evacuated. Again.
    Suspicious water cooler filled with - wait for it - water bottles. EVERYBODY PANIC!
    This made me lol in exactly the same way that I laughed when Boston lost their shit when either the creators of Aqua Team Hunger Force or people connected to Adult Swim hid those Ignignokt and Err devices around and thought they were bombs.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • You can only sync the phone to one music library at a time. It makes sense, given how the gadget relies on total syncing, and not a simpler file management system where you can add files at will. It's kind of a fundamental feature of the iPod in general, and the iPhone didn't change that. Enabling it as a hard drive won't let him listen to the songs; it will simply let him transport the files from one computer to another. I hate to say it, but if you didn't find out about that before you got your phone, then you didn't do much research into the iPod functionality of the phone. An iPod is not a generic MP3 player, and hasn't been for a long time.

    I understand why they do it - most people have one primary computer with their music and shit, and letting them sync to multiple computers would probably result in epic fuckups 90% of the time. It does place shitty restrictions on functionality for the other 10% of us, but it probably saves Apple a bunch of bad PR headaches when people disown the company for letting them fuck up their own iPods.
    I knew it beforehand, but I NEVER set my iPhone to sync to libraries, and I manually manage all the content. I'm baffled as to why it picks now to act up, instead of when I started using it with a second computer.
  • So it worked before, but now the same process is not working? That is weird. My Mini stopped transferring data at some point, but that's a hardware problem. Doesn't sound quite like what you've got going on.
  • Winamp has full iPod/iPhone support now. If you use Winamp, everything will work.
  • I got a sweet electric toothbrush only to discover that the plug won't fit in any plug in the house.
  • Now, I made the Jayne hat too large. At least I didn't waste too much time on it. *sigh*
  • edited May 2010
    The MPAA now has the legal authority to commandeer your TV. Also, your computer hardware.

    The MPAA: Speaking softly and carrying a big stick.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2010
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • The FDA is here.
  • The FDA is here.
    Translation for the people not completely knowledgeable of the personal circumstances of every member of the inner circle of the FRC?
  • The FDA is here.
    Ooh, ooh, who is it? Maybe I know them!
  • edited May 2010
    There's no translation needed, the FDA is a pain if you have the privilege of being regulated by them.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • There's no translation needed, if the FDA is a pain if you have the privilege of being regulated by them.
    They're a pain even when you work with them as colleagues.
  • I'm just wondering what "here" is supposed to mean.
  • "here" at my lab.
  • edited May 2010
    "here" at my lab.

    OK, now very slowly so you might understand the question: What the fuck do you do at work or wherever that requires to be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration?
    "The FDA is here" doesn't really explain, the situation now, does it?

    Another fail:
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • What the fuck do you do at work or wherever that requires to be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration?
    Well, obviously, it's related to food or drugs. :P
  • edited May 2010
    What the fuck do you do at work or wherever that requires to be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration?
    Well, obviously, it's related to food or drugs. :P
    OR he works at a steakhouse and they're having lunch on the way to ruining someone else's day!
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • One of my students smashed the artwork of another while I was in meetings yesterday.
    There will be a reckoning for the young fool.
  • One of my students smashed the artwork of another while I was in meetings yesterday.
    There's a joke there about how you're actually secretly teaching at Professor Xaviar's School, and that one of your students is a young hulk.

    /Pulling a Luke
  • Sadly, the students involved in the smashing: one should really know better than to encourage the second, whom is one of the few people I've met in my life who is truly full of malice for everybody and whom I have trouble considering more person than animal, to destroy things. I've been dwelling on how to address non-stop.
  • Sadly, the students involved in the smashing: one should really know better than to encourage the second, whom is one of the few people I've met in my life who is truly full of malice for everybody and whom I have trouble considering more person than animal, to destroy things. I've been dwelling on how to address non-stop.
    Tasers... You know you want to be on the news!
  • I'm really bad at sticking to a budget. :(
  • I just hit myself with a piece of wood. On my ear. That fucking HURT!
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