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Fail of Your Day



  • Hot and intellectual. It really sucks that she's a lesbian. And have you seen the woman she's with? Yikes.
    I hope you said that with tongue firmly in cheek, because otherwise that was some seriously sexist, homophobic noise.
  • Every time I open up my browser, my Google News gives me another headline about how the newly-elected Republicans are planning to attack climate science, or deliberately create governmental gridlock, or "unwaveringly oppose the Obama White House."

    It's just... really, America? Did you just elect a bunch of self-satisfied fat old white men so they could not do a job?
  • It's just... really, America? Did you just elect a bunch of self-satisfied fat old white men so they couldnot doa job?
    I'm guessing you just moved here?
  • Hot and intellectual. It really sucks that she's a lesbian. And have you seen the woman she's with? Yikes.
    I hope you said that with tongue firmly in cheek, because otherwise that was some seriously sexist, homophobic noise.
    Not sexist. at all. I'm admiring her qualities. And certainly not homophobic.
  • Not sexist. at all. I'm admiring her qualities. And certainly not homophobic.
    I'm not saying you're not being genuinely complimentary. What I am saying is that it is possible to admire a woman's work without adding "...and therefore I'd like to fuck her," and also that "It really sucks that she's a lesbian" is perhaps not the most appropriate thing you could say in a culture that's in the midst of a raging culture war over homosexual rights and acceptance.

    Imagine hearing the following: "Man, that Sonic kid is pretty cute, and sharp, too. It really sucks that he's such a nerd, or I could fuck him. I mean, have you seen his hobbies? Yikes."

    Compliment intended. Offense given. I'm not calling you homophobic or sexist, or saying you meant to be. I'm saying you need to be aware of what you're actually saying.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm not saying you're not being genuinely complimentary. What I am saying is that it is possible to admire a woman's work without adding "...and therefore I'd like to fuck her," and also that "It really sucks that she's a lesbian" is perhaps not the most appropriate thing you could say in a culture that's in the midst of a raging culture war over homosexual rights and acceptance.
    There are plenty of women who I admire for their intelligence and beauty that I don't want to fuck; one of the secretaries in in the computer science department, for example. But I DO want to fuck Rachel Maddow, and there is nothing wrong with me feeling disappointed when I remember that she is not in the section life's venn diagram that includes people that would consider fucking me.

    And, seriously, have you seen her girlfriend? Good god is that woman ugly.

    I think you're just reading into things too much.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited November 2010
    I think you're just reading into things too much.
    Gotta Agree with Sonic on this one - He wants to fuck her. He said so. He expressed his disappointment that he cannot, and his distaste for her partner. He also noted some qualities of hers he finds admirable. That is what he's actually saying - Trust me, if Sonic wanted to say anything more on the issue, he would have. Sometimes, A Cigar is just a cigar, rather than an oppressive phallic symbol of the vile patriarchy.

    Seriously, What is up with you lately? You've been uptight as uptight gets.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2010

    This could be one of the worst songs I've ever heard. Seriously, a Bleeding Heart Teenage Band, Plus Auto-Tune. BRACE YOURSELF.

    Also, I learned that my cracked laptop screen could actually go between 105 to 135 dollars...this blows. >_>
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • Fail: iPhone alarm bug.
    Boo-yah: Woke up early enough for it not to matter.
  • edited November 2010
    I just found out that Hiromu "Nur Meister" Naruse, one of the most renowned people in the world of automotive testing, is dead. He died in June on the Nurburgring while in a session in a 2011 LFA after hitting a BMW head on in the oncoming lane. Police are still investigating the cause of the accident.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I just found out that Hiromu "Nur Meister" Naruse, one of the most renowned people in the world of automotive testing, is dead. He died in June on the Nurburgring while in a session in a 2011 LFA after hitting a BMW head on in the oncoming lane. Police are still investigating the cause of the accident.
    That was a long time ago dude, I remember the day that happened.
  • Seriously, What is up with you lately? You've been uptight as uptight gets.
    Just irritable, I guess. Stress at home. Making an issue out of things I'd probably ordinarily let slide.

    I still maintain you can mean well and still say something hurtful or tasteless. No matter how you intended it, "Your sexuality is wrong and your partner is ugly" is just not a cool thing to say.

    There's actually been a whole lot of discussion about this particular topic recently in the blogosphere - check it here for a summary - and I suppose I was just primed to notice it.

    Anyway, forget it. I know no harm was intended and it's not like Rachel Maddow is going to be reading this thread, so nobody's going to get hurt or anything. It ain't consequential.
  • I just found out that Hiromu "Nur Meister" Naruse, one of the most renowned people in the world of automotive testing, is dead. He died in June on the Nurburgring while in a session in a 2011 LFA after hitting a BMW head on in the oncoming lane. Police are still investigating the cause of the accident.
    That was a long time ago dude, I remember the day that happened.
    I know it was a while ago, that's why I said that I just found out.
  • edited November 2010
    Just irritable, I guess. Stress at home. Making an issue out of things I'd probably ordinarily let slide.
    Know how you feel, mate, It's been pretty shitty round this neck of the woods lately, too - I've kept my head, mostly, on the forums, but I've been a rather grumpier fucker than usual in person. But my sympathies.
    I still maintain you can mean well and still say something hurtful or tasteless. No matter how you intended it, "Your sexuality is wrong and your partner is ugly" is just not a cool thing to say.
    That's true, But I maintain this isn't the case with Sonic right now - Though, I've known the guy longer than you have, and I've got a pretty good read on him, so while I know that's not what he intended, I can see where he's coming from, and where you're coming from.
    There's actually been a whole lot of discussion about this particular topic recently in the blogosphere - check it here for a summary - and I suppose I was just primed to notice it.
    Oh, Cool. Thanks, I'll read up on that.

    Though, I will say, from reading the comic, She's as much of a sexist as the people she's decrying - she just has enough tact that she doesn't seem to try to use sex as a compliment she's directing to someone's face. Doubtless, she's done the same thing sonic did here, as have most of us - You express that you feel sexual attraction to someone, and often it's done in a pretty crass manner when you're not speaking directly to that person's face. I'm not saying that's right or wrong - that would be an issue of semantics, varying from situation to situation - but really, if you think about it, it's pretty fucking weird.
    Anyway, forget it. I know no harm was intended and it's not like Rachel Maddow is going to be reading this thread, so nobody's going to get hurt or anything. It ain't consequential.
    Truth - as much as you've got the good of all in your sights, you gotta pick your battles.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • You're a right decent fella, Churba.
  • edited November 2010
    After weeks of near-nightly crime reports about mugging, assaults, and batteries on campus, U of I's criminal element has finally reached a new low. Someone walked into a girl's bathroom in on of the dorms at 11AM and raped a girl in a shower.

    Fuck this shit, man. I hope they find and crucify that motherfucker.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2010
    After WindupBird mentioned (in the nutrition thread) the muay thai instructor at the gym he's checking out, I googled my old muay thai instructor just for the hell of it, and found out that he died a couple months ago. :(
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Attempting to sign onto the WiFi at school, saw "access denied" multiple times. So I figure I'd slipped up and left uTorrent running on the school network or something - head down 3 floors and over 2 buildings to IT.

    On the way I wonder if I'd just screwed up my password, thinking that it should say "Invalid password" instead of "Access denied" if that was the case.

    Bust open my laptop on the Help Desk, check for capslock, facepalm.
  • edited November 2010
    Because of the complete and utter incompetence of one of my Professors it is now impossible for me to finish my Bachelor until the end of the semester. That also means that I now have to pay 400€ in tuition despite not being enrolled in a single course this semester since I intended to finish my Bachelor's degree and then go and work. Absolute fucking garbage! I could explode with hatred!
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • The past week, I've been working from home, and spending most of my forum time in forums other than this one. This is the only one not blocked at work, and I am now faced with a mountain of 300+ post threads.
  • Backstory: This past Sunday my girlfriend and I were cleaning the kitchen. We moved the fridge out to clean behind it and noticed a weird mark on the linoleum. Apparently the fridge has been generating enough heat to scorch the flooring. We notified the landlord immediately, who noted that the fridge was due to be changed out anyway as it was over 20 years old, and said that he'd be getting a new one sent over, probably on Monday.

    The Fail: Girlfriend spends a good chunk of Monday morning cleaning out the fridge and packing everything into coolers so the fridge will be ready to move out when the delivery gets there. We figured the landlord would go to a local appliance store and get the new fridge, fridge would be delivered same day, and everything would be said and done. Girlfriend gets a call from the landlord about 11:30 saying that we should be getting a call from Sears re: scheduling delivery of the new fridge on TUESDAY. Girlfriend rants about this to me and puts the majority of the stuff that absolutely HAS to be kept cold back in the fridge.

    Semi-win (?): We get the auto-call from Sears late Monday evening letting us know that the fridge would be delivered sometime between 11 and 1 on Tuesday. No problem, we figure. Not too long after that we get a call from the landlord's wife letting us know that they fridge won't be delivered on Tuesday as expected because she found out how much the delivery was going to cost and canceled the order for that unit. Instead we're going to be getting a slightly better model that is going to be delivered for free.

    Double-fail: The slightly better model wasn't going to be able to be delivered until THURSDAY according to the landlord's wife.

    ULTRA FAIL: The delivery guys from Sears showed up today with the original model of fridge that had been ordered and then upon finding out that the order had been canceled had to load it back up to take it back to the warehouse. Apparently the delivery guys are the last to know if an order has been canceled. We also found out from the delivery guys that they wouldn't be able to deliver anything on Thursday because that's the day they get their shipments in and there are never any deliveries scheduled for Thursdays. New projected delivery date is Monday. Girlfriend is now worried about leaving the old fridge plugged in for fear that it might catch the flooring on fire. We may be without a fridge or freezer for the next five days. *headdesk*
  • Sharpie on the old fridge "Fire and Ice".
  • Girlfriend is now worried about leaving the old fridge plugged in for fear that it might catch the flooring on fire.
    The fridge ran for >20 years without catching the floor on fire. It is not even remotely likely that it will up and decide to in the last seven days.
  • edited November 2010
    Girlfriend is now worried about leaving the old fridge plugged in for fear that it might catch the flooring on fire.
    The fridge ran for >20 years without catching the floor on fire. It is not even remotely likely that it will up and decide to in the last seven days.
    You know that, and I know that, but try convincing my girlfriend of that.
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • You know that, and I know that, but try convincing my paranoid girlfriend of that.
    Having just disturbed it by moving it, I would probably not continue to run it either.
  • Girlfriend is now worried about leaving the old fridge plugged in for fear that it might catch the flooring on fire.
    The fridge ran for >20 years without catching the floor on fire. It is not even remotely likely that it will up and decide to in the last seven days.
    You know that, and I know that, but try convincing my girlfriend of that.
    That logic is fallacious. Just saying.
  • That logic is fallacious. Just saying.
  • edited November 2010
    My fridge makes a loud banging noise every couple of hours when the compressor ends the cool cycle. I should probably call that in.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • That logic is fallacious. Just saying.
    Past observations have no impact on the probability of future events. Basic probability. Also machines tend to get more likely to fail with time, so the fact it has run for 20+ years pretty much means it's more likely to fail now. Not that worrying about it particularly reasonable.
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