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Fail of Your Day



  • We'll be needing your Man License.
    I never actually renewed mine, it's been expired for years.
  • edited November 2010
    Many animals are capable of giving consent in a limited fashion. Have you never been able to tell when your dog wants something? They can express wishes, and I have definitely seen animals attempt to initiate sexual behavior with humans.

    And frankly I think a lot of 'em would rather be fucked than eaten. Just sayin'.

    I don't think we need laws specifically against bestiality. Animal cruelty laws should already cover the territory adequately. If you want to have non-hurtful, basically consensual sex with animals, well, I don't need to know about it. I don't need to know about it from seeing it, or hearing about it... or from reading about it on the police blotter.

    There are a lot of awful things people do to animals. If you want to protect animals from abuse, look to industrial agriculture first. Bestiality is just not a major concern.
    Post edited by balderdash on
  • I just spent all of Halloween weekend helping my girlfriend move and get the house clean at the last minute. Bleh.

    We attended a Halloween party briefly on Saturday night but even that was a mistake since it meant I spent all day Sunday moving on far too little sleep.

    Also, her now-former landlord's wife reminds me strongly of Gollum.
  • There are a lot of awful things people do to animals. If you want to protect animals from abuse, look to industrial agriculture first. Bestiality is just not a major concern.
  • I agree with that too.
    If, as Fark says, some guy has "peanut butter nights" with his dog, not really my problem.
  • FAIL: Teefury's checkout page has unencrypted items on page. I'm not sure if I can order their awesome shirt!
  • FAIL: Teefury's checkout page has unencrypted items on page. I'm not sure if I can order their awesome shirt!
    I've bought shirts from them before, no problems to report.
  • edited November 2010
    Awesome shirt get. Domo Arigato, MrRoboto.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2010
    Had An argument on the phone with my Father, about doing things for Halloween. He went on a long rant, about how I'm "Unaustralian" for celebrating an "American Commercial holiday they made up in the eighties" and that "Celebrating foreign holidays is killing our Australian culture."

    1)UnAustralian? You're a tit.

    2)It's an Irish Holiday. Which is based on a pre-Christian harvest festival, and at the very least, was around in the popular culture in 1556.

    3)If I remember right, our culture includes bits of foreign cultures, and we celebrate our cultural diversity and accepting nature. If "Our Australian Culture" means being jingoistic, insular, and xenophobic like the English, then our Australian culture is a culture that needs to die.

    4)You celebrate St Patrick's day, an explicitly and inherently foreign holiday, you fucking GitWizard.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • "American Commercial holiday they made up in the eighties"
    It's the Great Pumpkin, Carlie Brown was made in 1966. :/
  • I was very VERY late this morning. Lateness is like taking "the walk" at my school.
  • My lips are chapped to the point of cracking an bleeding slightly.
  • Dear Florida drivers,
    When you have to turn on your windshield wipers, you have to turn on your lights too.
  • When you have to turn on your windshield wipers, you have to turn on your lights too.
    And at dusk and dawn!!!! God damn it no one does that and it drives me crazy!
  • When you have to turn on your windshield wipers, you have to turn on your lights too.
    And at dusk and dawn!!!! God damn it no one does that and it drives me crazy!
    Tell that to Washington drivers in the rainy season too.

    I keep my headlights on all the time whenever I drive.
  • I keep my headlights on all the time whenever I drive.
    I wish more states would mandate daytime running lights.
  • I keep my headlights on all the time whenever I drive.
    I wish more states would mandate daytime running lights.
    Another thing that bothers me is the people who don't know how to operate their headlights. Most of the newer card models have daytime running lights on whenever the car is motion. But when it's night, they don't put on their actual night time headlights/parking lights so the lights on the rear side of the car are never on.

    WTF people? Lrn2operateyourcar.
  • WTF people? Lrn2operateyourcar.
    Google robot cars will replace human drivers long before humans will consistently operate cars correctly.
  • Another thing that bothers me is the people who don't know how to operate their headlights. Most of the newer card models have daytime running lights on whenever the car is motion. But when it's night, they don't put on their actual night time headlights/parking lights so the lights on the rear side of the car are never on.
    This is why SAAB and Volvo just wire the regular headlights to be on all the time. There's really no reason to not do that. Volvo tried to figure out how much extra fuel it used once and determined it to be too small to actually calculate. I mean you could argue that the wear and tear on the lights is bad, but I change headlights every couple years, turn signals and brake lights much longer than that.
  • Toyotas have had automatic lights with light-level sensors for years. I haven't had to manually operate my headlights in more than a decade. Why don't all cars have that by now?
  • Forgot that Devin Townsend was playing a concert near me this Friday and made other plans.

    Also I always drive with my headlights on and don't understand why not everyone does it.
  • Illinois might elect Bill Brady for governor. This is a man who wants Intelligent Design legislated into curriculum, would make abortion illegal even in cases of rape and incest, wants prayer time in public schools, and wants to make pharmacists able to refuse sale of Plan B at will. He also voted in favor of mass euthanasia of kittens and puppies in shelters. That last part was not a joke.

    This man is a fucking monster.
  • It's like the DRM on the PC version of Assassin's Creed, you'd only ever expect that to be used as a poor example of what your opposition would do given the chance; You never expect it to actually happen.
  • edited November 2010
    If he is elected, it's all the more reason for me to leave the state for California or New York.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2010
    I laughed super hard, since David Blaine was how that originally was thought up.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2010,,6185185,00.html

    Has anyone read about this? Greece is having so many problems, it doesn't help that domestic terrorism is on the list...
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • I have so much stuff that I'm going to have to rearrange my new place to fit all the stuff from my old place.

    I'm such a capitalist pig. :(
  • I'm such a capitalist pig. :(
    You work hard for your money. Nothing wrong with getting your dues.
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