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Fail of Your Day



  • Our school uses a file hosting server with the subdomain "myfiles."
    It's flash based, wouldn't work in firefox or chrome at first, has no ability to bookmark a certain path, our files are hosted about 19 folders in, and you can't search or quick-browse to a certain folder - every folder is a separate page load.

    I've taken to calling it "MyFails" and even made a firefox keyword so I can type "myfails" in the address bar instead of clicking a bookmark.

    Today, my prof slipped and called it MyFails.
  • The water does make a difference. Some out-of-state pizza makers import New York water to make theirs more "authentic". There was a TV show on the Food Network a while back that had a famous New York pizza maker use New York water and out-of-state water to make two pizzas and they told us they could taste the difference (yes, it was a double-blind test, and yes, I know this doesn't necessarily prove anything, but do you really expect a peer-reviewed study in a scientific journal about pizza water?).
    I wonder if it is just silly. However, city water does taste really good. It is more pure than most bottled water, and it doesn't have a strong chemical aftertaste.
  • Lake Michigan water tastes fantastic. I'm pretty sure its all the delicious mineral deposits in the lakebed. Also, the ammonia and sludge from Whiting, IN's BP refinery.
  • However, city water does taste really good.
    That's something I never thought I'd hear someone say.

    Lake Michigan water tastes fantastic. I'm pretty sure its all the delicious mineral deposits in the lakebed.
    The minerals really do make it taste better. Where I live our water has a lot of lime and other minerals in it that make the water taste slightly sweet. I remember the first time having bottled water and thinking it tasted like shit.
  • Where I live our water has a lot of lime and other minerals in it that make the water taste slightly sweet.
    Lead salts will also do that. ^_~
  • Where I live our water has a lot of lime and other minerals in it that make the water taste slightly sweet.
    Lead salts will also do that. ^_~
    Delicious, Delicious lead salts.
  • Tech support fail.
    "I got an error message saying there are too many corrupt files and I need to reinstall the program. What can I do to address this?"

    "Uninstall and reinstall?"

    A for effort (he read what was on the screen); F for follow through.
  • I remember the first time having bottled water and thinking it tasted like shit.
    Yeah. I can only palate Ice Mountain, Poland Spring, and Evian; Dasani and Aquafina taste like plastic and hospital. Fiji directly supports a dictatorship. Basically, if it doesn't come from the ground or from a filtered but mineral-rich lake source, I don't want to drink it.

    Every reason that people give for drinking for drinking bottled water ("No chemicals! No dirty natural minerals! No fluorine to mess with your teeth!") is a reason that whenever I go back home, the first thing I do is have two or three big glasses of delicious Lake Michigan water. Gotta love the Great Lakes.
  • I'll just say that this is a good reason to live in the NW. The tap water here is freaking awesome. The only bottled water I have ever actively hated is Arrowhead. I don't know where they get that crap from but it tastes like Clorox.
  • Lake Michigan water tastes fantastic. I'm pretty sure its all the delicious mineral deposits in the lakebed. Also, the ammonia and sludge from Whiting, IN's BP refinery.
    Or Gary. I love Gary, IN.

    Chicago sludge > NY lead.
  • So I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas, and it's periodically been slowing down to a slideshow. I chalked it up to the well-known buggy nature of the game. It's been getting worse and worse, happening more and more frequently -- at this point, I can play for about 2 minutes before it goes comatose. On a hunch, I downloaded a program to check the temp of my video card. 113°C. My fan died.

    This was actually my fail of the other day, though, and the replacement I ordered just got here.
  • Okay, all that article says is that if you have an older home, you might have more lead in your water, so you should run the tap for a moment to get rid of the standing water. This is not a surprise. We still have some of the best, cleanest water in the country, according to EPA surveys, and it does make dang good bagels.
    I know, it was more a joke about the article than the lead content of the water. Frankly, in my opinon, I'd brave the led, NY Pizza and Bagels are fucking delicious.
    (yes, it was a double-blind test, and yes, I know this doesn't necessarily prove anything, but do you really expect a peer-reviewed study in a scientific journal about pizza water?).
    Actually, yes I do. It'd hardly be alone in the list of odd studies. For example, just from the last five years - electrically monitoring the activity of a brain cell in a locust while that locust was watching selected highlights from the movie Star Wars, showing that the female malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae is attracted equally to the smell of limburger cheese and to the smell of human feet, "Ultrasonic Velocity in Cheddar Cheese as Affected by Temperature", analysis that explains why uncooked spaghetti breaks into several pieces when it is bent, discovering that hamsters recover from jetlag more quickly when given Viagra, determining that rats sometimes can't distinguish between recordings of Japanese and Dutch played backward, proving that heaps of string or hair will inevitably tangle, creating diamond film from tequila, analytically determining why pregnant women do not tip over, showing that cows with names give more milk than cows that are nameless, just for a small sample.
    For a much more exhaustive list culled by experts in the field of seemingly useless research, I present the full list of Ig Nobel Prizewinners.
  • discovering that hamsters recover from jetlag more quickly when given Viagra
    This actually came up in one of my classes. The hamsters only recover quicker going in one direction (pretty sure it's east) and not the other.
  • discovering that hamsters recover from jetlag more quickly when given Viagra
    This actually came up in one of my classes. The hamsters only recover quicker going in one direction (pretty sure it's east) and not the other.
    That has to do with how Circadian rhythms work. You can also get the same effect using melatonin tablets.
  • Slept for 13 hours today...DAMN.
  • I think my record is 16 without medication or illness.
  • Slept for 11 today. My record is about 26. All in all, at least I'm rested.
  • 48, bitches. Chickenpox at age 16.
  • I guess sleeping that long isn't that bad, but it does put me behind schedule with a couple of things.
  • 48, bitches. Chickenpox at age 16.
    Weird thing to brag about.
  • edited November 2010
    48, bitches. Chickenpox at age 16.
    Weird thing to brag about.
    Yep. I also had neuralgia so bad on my scalp that I had to be brought to the hospital and given morphine. Also, it might have been more like 36 hours of sleep, but those two weeks are just a blur.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Surviving adult chickenpox is totally bragging rights. Shit's no joke.
  • Surviving adult chickenpox is totally bragging rights. Shit's no joke.
    It's the truth. I was sedated almost constantly, and there were three-day stretches where I didn't eat anything, due to exhaustion or non-stop vomiting. I wasn't out of bed for more than 10 minutes at a time for the first week; the general consensus of the medical community is that if you get it at 18, it might kill you. I dodged a bullet.

    I still have a few gouge-like scars on my forehead (hidden by my bangs) where the first pox appeared. They ended up necrotizing and forming craters of white scar tissue.
  • Keith Olberman is suspended indefinitely without pay.
  • Keith Olberman is suspended indefinitely without pay.
    Did he say something wrong or is he just not drawing ratings anymore?
  • Keith Olberman is suspended indefinitely without pay.
    Did he say something wrong or is he just not drawing ratings anymore?
    He donated money to Democratic candidates without NBC's permission. The rule makes sense... for journalists, but Olbermann's not a journalist, he's a commentator and host.
  • Keith Olberman is suspended indefinitely without pay.
    Did he say something wrong or is he just not drawing ratings anymore?
    He donated money to Democratic candidates without NBC's permission. The rule makes sense... forjournalists, but Olbermann's not a journalist, he's a commentator and host.
    Well, with any luck he'll use some of the money he's no doubt socked away and start a Video podcast.
  • Well, with any luck he'll use some of the money he's no doubt socked away and start a Video podcast.
    Meh, I bet NBC will give him a little slap on the wrist and give him his show back. Many people (including Rachel Maddow, who airs right after Olbermann) are not particularly amused by this. This was brought up in some other thread as well; I just don't remember which.
  • Rachel Maddow,
    Ahh Rachel Maddow. Hot and intellectual. It really sucks that she's a lesbian. And have you seen the woman she's with? Yikes.
  • Okay, realistic Fail of the Day.

    The LCD on my laptop cracked. Have to get it replaced...replacing an LCD isn't like getting a new computer, and I'll only have to spend 40-70 dollars.
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