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Fail of Your Day



  • Booooooze! Well, for me anyway.
    Booze, food, cars, guns, computer parts...pretty much anything else.
    Pish posh. You need to spend your money on blow and hookers.
  • Kinect fails.
  • Kinect fails.
  • Kinect is actually fucking awesome. However, I only want one for robotic applications.
  • Kinect is actually fucking awesome. However, I only want one for robotic applications.
    Yep. Proof:

  • (@_@) Mr. Rodgers to Hitler? Okkkaaaaayyy...?(So crazy.)
    Hitler is well known for his Colourful sweater collection.
    You'd think that, but a good number people in my family are horribly racist. Not all are, thankfully. Most of my dad's side are pretty cool people, but my mom's side is fucking crazy.
    Truth - One of my favourite Non-Omnutia involving England memories is sitting about doing impersonations with your old man for that Ad.
  • You'd think that, but a good number people in my family are horribly racist. Not all are, thankfully. Most of my dad's side are pretty cool people, but my mom's side is fucking crazy.
    Truth - One of my favourite Non-Omnutia involving England memories is sitting about doing impersonations with your old man for that Ad.
    Haha, yeah. Shame that job didn't work out, you were a great talent!
  • Haha, yeah. Shame that job didn't work out, you were a great talent!
    Eh, I'm okay. Been working on my Michael Caine - After all, he's gotta die sometime, so I might as well be poised to leap into the gap when it arrives.
  • I found out I'm not graduating college this semester. All my thesis work has been for naught. At least I'll only have to do one more semester. I'm just utterly depressed right now, as this is the first time I've ever failed a class.

    This also means all my plans have been postponed, not to mention I haven't talked to my dad yet. That will be fun.
  • edited November 2010
    Fail: Malcolm was having trouble standing and walking with a limp yesterday.
    Failer: I gave him a dog aspirin, which only made him vomit for hours, and because Adam is sick, I was up all night with the little guy.
    Failest: He is still having some trouble moving around and I feel terrible that I gave him something that made the whole thing worse for the puppy. At least Adam could take off the day to get him to the vet and look after him.
    Failest-est: The aspirin was a red herring. Malcolm's leg is fine and he was moving strangely because his stomach was upset. Ha has the puppy flu (or some equivalent infection, since the dog flu is actually pretty rare according to the vet). The vomiting continues, as does my lack of sleep.
    Epic-Fail: A sweet puppy is sick.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited November 2010
    Feel better Malcolm.

    Damn you Mazda for using conventional oil in your gearbox, making it difficult to operate when cold.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Hitlermom
    It is a good thing I do not come into contact with your mother. A very good thing.
  • I hope everything becomes shiny again, Kate. May your poor pup get better.
  • I was just awoken to my roommate pounding on my door screaming,"We have a problem!". The problem turned out to be that a copper tube (what I suspect to be the intake tube) for our hot water heater had sprung a pinhead sized hole in it and was slowly flooding the house. I took care of that by covering the offending pipe in a towel, turning off water to the house and promptly called the landlord. FML. I didn't want a warm shower today anyway.

    On the uptick, I just applied for a facilities coordinator spot at work so this is the exact shit I'd be paid to do. Maybe this is a good portent of things to come?
  • Malcolm might have a blockage or obstruction in his bowels. Two doctor's visits so far, another one coming, x-rays, barium, medicine...shit's getting expensive. Still, nothing I wouldn't spend on our little guy.
    Hopefully this will confirm it's not a blockage and it is just a puppy-stumach-bug.
  • Malcolm is scheduled for surgery tomorrow, but there is a slight chance that he may not need it, if his x-ray in the morning shows improvement.

    Also, I love my vet. If Jeebus walks among us, he is in the form of that semi-hobbit with a barrel chest, wide palms, blond-gray hair, and blue eyes.
  • My fail today is having so much empathy I feel sad over a sick puppy! Damn, my soft side for animals! Damn! :P
  • My fail today is having so much empathy I feel sad over a sick puppy! Damn, my soft side for animals! Damn! :P
    Oh, Viga, I know that in his little puppy brain he appreciates your sympathy in his own way. If not him, then at least Adam and I appreciate it. You are a sweetheart.
  • I'd started to suspect I wasn't paying boiling oil enough suspect. Now I've got blisters on my fingers.
  • Creeeeeeeepy.
  • ...?
    That's Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia. His picture's been at the top of Wikipedia for a few weeks now because of their fundraising drive.
  • ...?
    That's Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia. His picture's been at the top of Wikipedia for a few weeks now because of their fundraising drive.
    The picture I see isn't nearly that creepy.
  • The picture I see isn'tnearlythat creepy.
    It rotates. They vary widely in creepiness. Well, not THAT widely -- Jimmy Wales is kinda creepy-looking by default.
  • Now I've got blisters on my fingers.
  • edited November 2010
    This Fail could vary on it's seriousness, but has left me concerned.

    We are getting a lawyer involved with this situation with the apartment complex that has tried to take money away from me, despite the druggie roommates who nearly blew up the building and the fact that they never found me a place to live, kept pulling the rug out from under me, and etc. They actually sent us a letter saying that they will get a collection agency involved to get my November Rent, which I did not pay for, instead of evicting me. They haven't even spoken to me, about updating me with the situation about the police or the roommates who left. It's a total clusterfuck at the front office over who knows what and who actually cares. I've only been called twice in a month, over rent. No situation on how to end the lease respectfully, they actually want me to SUBLEASE my damn apartment, which has a legitimate crack maker.

    So, we are hiring a lawyer, talking with him tomorrow with a large, 7-Page Letter over everything that went wrong with the roommates and how to the apartment complex is still demanding money from me. My only concerns is that, I'm wondering if the legal fees are going to make up with this, since my mom is stressing not to worry about anything and she will handle it all. I suspect they'd have to cover some of my rent, my gas from commuting, and hopefully some legal fines, but I'm really curious how much it'll cost in the long run and if it'll be worth it.

    Any advice?

    The one positive I can spin from us doing are research, is that nearly everyone is giving the apartment complex a bad review. It's mostly due to a terrible management staff, long waits on maintenance, a 11.5 Month Lease, instead of 12 Months, and their thin-as-paper walls.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • This Fail could vary on it's seriousness, but has left me concerned.

    We are getting a lawyer involved with this situation with the apartment complex that has tried to take money away from me, despite the druggie roommates who nearly blew up the building and the fact that they never found me a place to live, kept pulling the rug out from under me, and etc. They actually sent us a letter saying that they will get a collection agency involved to get my November Rent, which I did not pay for, instead of evicting me. They haven't even spoken to me, about updating me with the situation about the police or the roommates who left. It's a total clusterfuck at the front office over who knows what and who actually cares. I've only been called twice in a month, over rent. No situation on how to end the lease respectfully, they actually want me to SUBLEASE my damn apartment, which has a legitimate crack maker.

    So, we are hiring a lawyer, talking with him tomorrow with a large, 7-Page Letter over everything that went wrong with the roommates and how to the apartment complex is still demanding money from me. My only concerns is that, I'm wondering if the legal fees are going to make up with this, since my mom is stressing not to worry about anything and she will handle it all. I suspect they'd have to cover some of my rent, my gas from commuting, and hopefully some legal fines, but I'm really curious how much it'll cost in the long run and if it'll be worth it.

    Any advice?
    Sue the crap out of them. So you're on the right track.
  • Don't get me wrong. I want to sue the ever-loving crap out of them from what happened. I'm concerned about legal fees, as the apartment complex is apart of a bigger company called Ambling Management Company
  • In the suit, include the apartment manager's pants as part of the reparation. then you can say you sued the pants off someone.
  • Ambling Management Company
    A surprisingly appropriate name.
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