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Fail of Your Day



  • Double posting for a new fail that's making me rage:

    Someone I know is claiming that she won't take anti-depressants due to the possibility of suicidal ideations, word salad, tardive dyskinesia, and other shit like that. Anyone who knows anything about anti-depressants knows that tardive dyskinesia is no longer a pertinent side effect, word salad is not seen in most SSRIs, and, using Lexapro as an example, only one case of suicidal ideations has ever been reported. The fact that someone will play doctor with wikipedia and continue their suffering in the face of logic is INFURIATING to me.
  • Double posting for a new fail that's making me rage:
    Great, and now I'm raging as well. GODDAMNIT WOMAN.
  • Double posting for a new fail that's making me rage:
    Great, and now I'm raging as well. GODDAMNIT WOMAN.
    She later said she confused tranquilizers with anti-depressants, but she has used this IDENTICAL argument against my advice to seek professional help before.
  • She later said she confused tranquilizers with anti-depressants, but she has used this IDENTICAL argument against my advice to seek professional help before.
    What the stuttering fuck. I assume you've pointed out to her that yes, while there are side effects, not everyone gets them, they can depend on both the person and the dosage, and there is no guarantee that she'll even get one side effect, let alone the whole word salad? And I assume that you've said she won't know without trying them, and that if she is monitored for an initial trial period, then she can make an informed decision on if they are right for her?
  • edited December 2010
    She later said she confused tranquilizers with anti-depressants, but she has used this IDENTICAL argument against my advice to seek professional help before.
    What the stuttering fuck. I assume you've pointed out to her that yes, while there are side effects, not everyone gets them, they can depend on both the person and the dosage, and there is no guarantee that she'll even get one side effect, let alone the whole word salad? And I assume that you've said she won't know without trying them, and that if she is monitored for an initial trial period, then she can make an informed decision on if they are right for her?
    Yes. I have also told her that being anti-pharmaceutical is, in my opinion, backwards and ridiculous, because I have spent the better part of the past six years on an anti-convulsant with far worse side-effects, with nothing to show for it but the complete absence of childhood seizures and maybe my ears ringing occasionally.

    I do not understand being anti-pharmaceutical. The testing and research that goes into 99% of pills on the market is more than anyone outside of a biological field could even begin to fathom. We work miracles with chemicals and strenuously test and observe them to make sure they're okay for human usage. I can understand not liking the fact that your well-being depends on oh-so-many tablets morning and night. I know depression is sometimes over-diagnosed. But it is downright stupid to self-mutilate and consider yourself helpless when one pill each morning can assuage you of your suffering.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I do not understand being anti-pharmaceutical. The testing and research that goes into 99% of pills on the market is more than anyone outside of a biological field could even begin to fathom. We work miracles with chemicals and strenuously test and observe them to make sure they're okay for human usage. I can understand not liking the fact that your well-being depends on oh-so-many tablets morning and night. I know depression is sometimes over-diagnosed. But it is downright stupid to self-mutilate and consider yourself helpless when one pill each morning can assuage you of your suffering.
    Yep. I remember one of my childhood friends was a "Christian Scientist" meaning they don't believe in ever taking medicine or having blood transfusions and pretty much anything that could ever help you. This always baffled me and is one of the dumbest things I can think of. Now that being said, I'm no fan of going to the doctor, but so many of these pills don't even need a routine checkup to get a script so thats not even an argument really.

    And the whole "Suicidal Thoughts" side effect always seemed kinda shady to me. I mean they are DEPRESSED after all, so maybe that's the cause and the pills just working very well in many of those cases. I mean there probably are some cases where the pill did cause if but if I see a headline saying a clinically depressed person killed themself, I don't think "oh it must be the pills," I think "That's really sad, they must have been really depressed to do something like that."

    Oh and all the alternative medicine people saying the "chemicals" are bad for you don't realize that all their crap is just chemicals too and we just happen to know the side effects of ours.
  • Oh and all the alternative medicine people saying the "chemicals" are bad for you don't realize that all their crap is just chemicals too and we just happen to know the side effects of ours.
    Yep. People who self-medicate for depression with St. John's Wort are among the most baffling. It's an extremely strong MAOI, and we only use those as last-ditch efforts at treating depression, when all SSRIs have failed. They also have a massive list of contraindications; best hope you know everything that contains tyramine.
  • edited December 2010
    Our "Democratic" Mayor, just vetoed our anti-discrimination ordinance. Mainly for personal vendetta reasons. To get back at a anti-gun rights vote that the democrats voted down earlier this year. I AM DISAPPOINTED
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Fail - There was a segment on Oprah which is a paid advertisment, which people took seriously, Essentially outright saying that Australians only drink McCafe Coffee to the exclusion of, well, better than just "decent enough, I guess" coffee.

    Double fail - I know that damn near every Oprah Viewer will take it seriously, as fact, since the advertisement was presented that way.

    The Hat trick of fail - The response, midway through the day, shifted from "That's bullshit! We actually have a decent coffee culture, not Starbucks on every corner!" and "Bickmore(The woman who presented the advertisement, and who is known as a journalist/presenter here) is a hack! She Knew what she was doing, and she intentionally misrepresented an advertisement as factual reporting paycheck!" over to the shrill feminist response of "It's perfect acceptable for her to do what she did, and anyone who disagrees is a Male Chauvinist pig! The industry is ruled by the Patriarchy! GO SISTER GO!" - for the best example of what I'm speaking of, See @Cathrinedeveny on twitter.
  • To get back at a anti-gun rights vote that the democrats voted down earlier this year. I
    Wait. DEMOCRATS shot down a gun law? Where the hell do you live?
  • it feels as if some one is slowly dragging a knife through my gut.
  • Today, I was late for work because my bus was prevented from proceeding by a hostage negotiation with a woman who was threatening to kill her boyfriend.

    While I was diverting traffic so the bus driver could back up and turn the bus around (No, there's no reason it should have been me. He just asked for help and nobody else offered.), my coffee spilled in my bag and soaked my bag and my gym clothes, and seeped through on to my pants.
  • Wait. DEMOCRATS shot down a gun law? Where the hell do you live?
    Anywhere? Democrats aren't particularly anti-gun, especially on the local level.
  • Wait. DEMOCRATS shot down a gun law? Where the hell do you live?
    Yea, PA democrats outside of Philadelphia are very pro-gun, pro-hunting. When your state is mostly forest with a deer over-population problem well you know.
  • Woke up at 4 am with abdominal pain that passed just after the time I normally get up. So not only did I lose sleep, but I'm still well enough for work.
  • Woke up at 4 am with abdominal pain that passed just after the time I normally get up.
    Sounds like someone needs to take a huge poop.
  • Woke up at 4 am with abdominal pain that passed just after the time I normally get up.
    Sounds like someone needs to take a huge poop.
    Or it could be that time of the month.
  • Woke up at 4 am with abdominal pain that passed just after the time I normally get up.
    Sounds like someone needs to take a huge poop.
    The poop wasn't nearly epic enough for the pain it caused. Something I ate yesterday did not agree with my insides. I had a pretty sharp pain right after I finished eating lunch and it came back for revenge this morning.
  • When you eat meat on a sword, you're supposed to just eat the meat.
  • When you eat meat on a sword, you're supposed to just eat the meat.
  • Our "Democratic" Mayor, just vetoed our anti-discrimination ordinance. Mainly for personal vendetta reasons. To get back at a anti-gun rights vote that the democrats voted down earlier this year. I AM DISAPPOINTED
    Very bad! That sucks!
  • I am breaking down and buying a new computer. Not because my laptop has any problem with its speed or functionality, but purely because critical software is no longer being made to support pre-Intel Macs. Open Office and now Microsoft Office have both stopped doing versions for PowerPC Macs. Many other programs, including the ones my school uses to administer exams, have the same problem. Fuck these people for making my hardware obsolete before its performance is unacceptable.
  • Fuck these people for making my hardware obsolete before its performance is unacceptable.
    It was really Apple's fault for using a nonstandard processor in the first place.
  • I am breaking down and buying a new computer. Not because my laptop has any problem with its speed or functionality, but purely because critical software is no longer being made to support pre-Intel Macs. Open Office and now Microsoft Office have both stopped doing versions for PowerPC Macs. Many other programs, including the ones my school uses to administer exams, have the same problem. Fuck these people for making my hardware obsolete before its performance is unacceptable.
    Buy the cheapest laptop you can, a student copy of windows 7, and immediately format said computer.
  • What the fuck? I put a 5 in my pocket, but it apparently is in The Slip. I really didn't wanna be hungry during bowling. Oh well.
  • I am breaking down and buying a new computer. Not because my laptop has any problem with its speed or functionality, but purely because critical software is no longer being made to support pre-Intel Macs. Open Office and now Microsoft Office have both stopped doing versions for PowerPC Macs. Many other programs, including the ones my school uses to administer exams, have the same problem. Fuck these people for making my hardware obsolete before its performance is unacceptable.
    Buy the cheapest laptop you can, a student copy of windows 7, and immediately format said computer.
    No, I just bought a copy of Office 2008 for Mac. I'm getting another Mac so I can use the software (including other programs) I already paid for on it. Also, I like the OS and I get a student discount. I was supposed to be able to buy a new laptop when I started school, but it cost me so much to move that I wasn't able to. With the money I was paid for working this semester and the continued pay I will get next semester, I have enough to be able to get one. I'll finally have a backlit keyboard. I'll finally stop having problems with new software. That annoying inability to watch certain internet videos without skippy visuals will go away. I won't have to deal with the shittiness of Windows or learn a new OS. I've already made the decision.

    Now I'm just pissed at the financial aid department because today is the third time I've been back to see them about the dispersal of my Plus loans, and they tell me there is yet another thing I have to fill out before they can disperse. WTF didn't they tell me that one of the last two times I asked if there was anything else I needed to do? Our financial aid department couldn't be less effective if it was outsourced to India!
  • edited December 2010
    My friend who is currently attending an Awful Awful College because she is an extreme doormat and is unwilling to disobey her (emotionally and potentially physically) abusive parents has just found out that because she was a transfer student she might have to keep attending there until 2013 because she doesn't have the prerequisites needed to graduate.

    This is absolute bullshit. I have been putting up with her going there just because I thought she would be getting out this year but I am NOT going to let her keep going there for two more years. I am tired of watching her suffer and then having her rationalize it away as "God's plan for her" because she's too much of a doormat to actually assert herself and do what SHE wants instead of fearfully obeying her crazy fundie parents. She deserves better than that, and if leaving PCC means that she'll have to spend four years at a new college retaking classes she's already done, so be it. It'll be much better for her to go to a REAL college than that unaccredited piece of shit excuse for a school.
    Post edited by Diddgery on
  • No, I just bought a copy of Office 2008 for Mac. I'm getting another Mac so I can use the software (including other programs) I already paid for on it. Also, I like the OS and I get a student discount.
    Ok cool. I wasn't sure whether you wanted another mac or just wanted the cheapest functioning computer you could get a hold of.
  • This is absolute bullshit. I have been putting up with her going there just because I thought she would be getting out this year but I am NOT going to let her keep going there for two more years. I am tired of watching her suffer and then having her rationalize it away as "God's plan for her" because she's too much of a doormat to actually assert herself and do what SHE wants instead of fearfully obeying her crazy fundie parents. She deserves better than that, and if leaving PCC means that she'll have to spend four years at a new college retaking classes she's already done, so be it. It'll be much better for her to go to a REAL college than that unaccredited piece of shit excuse for a school.
    Sorry to put it to you, but you don't really have a say in any of this. People who do not want to help themselves cannot be helped.
  • Sorry to put it to you, but you don't really have a say in any of this. People who do not want to help themselves cannot be helped.
    Yup. It fucking sucks.
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