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Fail of Your Day



  • Networking professor just recommended Monster Cables and referred to other cables as "cheap" (derogatorily).
  • Networking professor just recommended Monster Cables and referred to other cables as "cheap" (derogatorily).
    You should have argued that point. There is no excuse for a teacher to be wrong and not be told as much.
  • Networking professor just recommended Monster Cables and referred to other cables as "cheap" (derogatorily).
    RIT fail.
  • Networking professor just recommended Monster Cables and referred to other cables as "cheap" (derogatorily).
    Which professor?
  • No where in the world is there a better IT department than RIT.
  • Sorry to put it to you, but you don't really have a say in any of this. People who do not want to help themselves cannot be helped.
    Yup. It fucking sucks.
    That just makes the whole situation all the more frustrating. I-- along with practically all of her other friends-- tried to get her to assert herself and not go to PCC when we first found out about it, and it almost seemed like she was going to actually stand up for herself but she didn't and as far as I can tell she's going to continue to just be completely helpless and not even try because it's all part of God's plan for her. Because God's plan is for her to be completely miserable.

  • edited December 2010

    If you want to see Local politics at it's finest. (Bonus you get to see me barely able to put two words together in rage at 14:58 and 22:32 of the video I appear angry but controlled and generally unable to put words together, so I guess pretty normal)
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • People are loosing their shit because Kathy Griffin called Bristol Palin fat. Really? Getting pissed off because a comic who's schtick it is to make fun of people...made fun of you? The Fox News talking heads were particularly offended, and Elizabeth Hasseltard on The View said it was bullying.
    All I know is Kathy Griffin is laughing all the way to the bank on this one. Everyone who hated her already still hates her, and everyone who loves her loves her more now.
  • Regardless, Kathy Griffin is a really crappy comedian.
  • If you want to see Local politics at it's finest. (Bonus you get to see me barely able to put two words together in rage at 14:58 and 22:32 of the video I appear angry but controlled and generally unable to put words together, so I guess pretty normal)
    You weren't super inarticulate. This is so lame, though. Over the weekend, you were so happy at your town, and now they are being stupid.
    Also, I really doubt the town counsel guy has been super discriminated against.
  • Regardless, Kathy Griffin is a really crappy comedian.
    Agreed. Also, Bristol isn't fat. She's got amazing legs, and she's actually pretty attractive. Just because people hate her mom and she's not a supermodel, she's getting a lot of unjustified shit from people.
  • edited December 2010
    Agreed. Also, Bristol isn't fat. She's got amazing legs, and she's actually pretty attractive. Just because people hate her mom and she's not a supermodel, she's getting a lot of unjustified shit from people.
    She also pushes crazy abstinence only sex education while previously being on record as saying abstinence is "not realistic at all". Of course, that was before she realized she could make bank from speaking engagements...
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Agreed. Also, Bristol isn't fat. She's got amazing legs, and she's actually pretty attractive. Just because people hate her mom and she's not a supermodel, she's getting a lot of unjustified shit from people.
    She also pushes crazy abstinence only sex education while previously being on record as saying abstinence is "not realistic at all". Of course, that was before she realized she could make bank from speaking engagements...
    I don't pretend to espouse her beliefs. I think it's awesome how easy it is to say "Yeah, abstinence is totally an option!" when she couldn't even do it herself. But the fact that she advocates something I disagree with isn't a reason to call her fat or shoot my TV or send her death threats. If people want to insult her for things she advocates, I'm cool with that. The schoolyard bully shit is what pisses me off.
  • edited December 2010
    I don't pretend to espouse her beliefs. I think it'sawesomehow easy it is to say "Yeah, abstinence is totally an option!" when she couldn't even do it herself. But the fact that she advocates something I disagree with isn't a reason to call her fat or shoot my TV or send her death threats. If people want to insult her for things she advocates, I'm cool with that. The schoolyard bully shit is what pisses me off.
    First off, Kathy Griffin is a comedian. Her job by definition is to shit on people in an unjustified manner. However, I think the majority of the issues people have are valid. Besides, this is the first time I heard anyone call her fat. Most of what I've seen argued with is about her social commentary.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Dammit, everybody got to this topic already and posted all the truth I had to give! Well, here's a picture of a puppy...
  • Kathy Griffin is a comedian. Her job by definition is to shit on people in an unjustified manner.
    I think you and I have a fundamental difference of opinion on what makes comedy. I'm not a fan of insult comedians. People can make jokes without making baseless insults. That's why Kathy Griffin isn't funny.
  • Received my ticket in the mail today for my car accident. Reason of violation: Failure to control vehicle speed to avoid collision. $175

    I really wish I got the license plate of that van that almost hit me as he tried to merge that took my attention away from the truck in front of me. Ugh. Sigh.
  • edited December 2010
    Kathy Griffin is a comedian. Her job by definition is to shit on people in an unjustified manner.
    I think you and I have a fundamental difference of opinion on what makes comedy. I'm not a fan of insult comedians. People can make jokes without making baseless insults. That's why Kathy Griffin isn't funny.
    Says you. :P I really enjoy Kathy Griffin's humor. She makes fun of people that are incredibly rich/beautiful/famous and there is something perversely fun about a bunch of poor/middle class people laughing at the upper crust. This sort of humor has been around for ages. Kathy Griffin says crap about everyone whose name has ever appeared in a tabloid. She has an overweight assistant that she says is beautiful all the time, but her act is about picking apart people in a ruthless and silly manner. It isn't for everyone, but it has its place. Also, anyone giving a crap about what Kathy Griffin says in her act is just silly. It is an act.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Yeah, I just don't watch her because she doesn't appeal to me, and no harm done. My problem is much more with the people sending out threats and such. If you are going to make fun of someone, fine... but when it starts to become a danger to them or harassment, it's gone too far. I just wish that there were more clever comics out there that were adept at situational comedy instead of relying on insult comedy. My problem with her is not that she says things I dislike, but that when insult comedians as a genre are successful it reduces the market for thoughtful comedy. Maybe I am in the minority, and the general public likes insult comedy better. I think that says something about the sophistication of the general public.

    Also Kate, it's a little funny to hear you say that about insult comedy when you take such offense at sexist jokes, which are just jokes. ;) (However, I agree - it's an act by an insult comedian. I mean, come on, people.)
  • This issue is more of that, Sarah Palin is like, the Reality Star of Politics, and news stations won't shut the hell up about her and her family.
  • *sigh* Been at work for 9 hours already and probably going to be a few more to rewrite a lot of code because the original functionality is garbage and it's a wonder to me how it worked at all. Oh yeah, and this is the 9th day in a row of working, several of which have gone 9 hours or more already. Gotta love crunch time.
  • Fail: I have completely forgotten my steam login. Can any of you guys tell me what my screen name was? >_<
  • My iPod is fucked.
  • Not My Fail, but funny:
    One of the departments is looking to hire a female staff member for overnight supervision. The email's subject?
    "Overnight Female Opening"
  • Hahaha. These posts here are hilarious. My personal fail of the day was when I was going to work yesterday and I tripped and flew face first into this lady. My face went right into her chest. She just gave me this horrible annoyed look and ran off. It was hilarious though. Her chest caught my fall!!! I should have thanked her, but I had no time. Actually wait, this is not a fail at all, what am I saying here! :-DDD
  • edited December 2010
    Hahaha. These posts here are hilarious. My personal fail of the day was when I was going to work yesterday and I tripped and flew face first into this lady. My face went right into her chest. She just gave me this horrible annoyed look and ran off. It was hilarious though. Her chest caught my fall!!! I should have thanked her, but I had no time. Actually wait, this is not a fail at all, what am I saying here! :-DDD
    You sure you are not Tenchi? and this is not a fail.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I'm not quite sure anyone in this company actually respects me, and it's possible that my coworkers (the dev team) are blocking / filtering / ignoring my emails about the bugs in our software.
  • this is not a fail.
    Unless she now think's you're a lecherous pervert with excellent comic timing.
  • without a reason.
    No, their reason is people dying is God's punishment to America to embracing homosexuals. Their reason makes no god damn sense, but they have one.
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